Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 54

Axiom: Politics placate the biological fears of the deficient symbols brain of the binary man. Fear is his bio-truth removed. Insanity is setting in.


Is there any political mouth-piece that advocates the unconditional freedoms of the individual? Certainly not. Why? Because his job is to placate the biological stasis fears society builds into its people. Does this sound far fetched? Our institutions thrive on anger, fear and hatred for commercial gain. A county judge would be hard pressed to argue this as a case in a court of law, let alone preside over it judgmentally. Imagine how much the precious words: truth, intent and freedom are worth, to the clever little word apes selling ice to Eskimos. When enough people step forward, the symbols head game will cease to exist as an ersatz momentum. Waiting for our binary symbols Hell to freeze over is like waiting for Godot. Staring dumbfounded into the empty cosmos of symbols space will not help you. Feel it, that’s all. Feel it. The folded hands and closed eyes of hypocrisy will not help you; they not a substitute for the living truth.

A feeling human being is an impassioned creature that is instinctual. “Pet me and I will wag my tail,” the dog says to the human being. If you want to know how I am feeling, watch my tail. If you ignore my tail, I will tell you how I am feeling with the sound of my voice. If my voice and lowered tail fails to tell you how I am feeling, I will show you with my teeth. What are humans doing to communicate how they are feeling? What is the next level of communication? What is the final warning. You have only to look into people’s eyes to see the symbols glaze. Listen to their voices and you will hear the hollow ringing of learned response. Lips move and nothingness comes out. Are we trained to nothingness? Is it possible that 1,500 years after the Dark Age of the first bio-fear Inquisition, fear still plays hard upon the human head of our genetics?

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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