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Axiom: We toy with human life and think it must be okay because we get away with it.


Our brains are chock full of symbols poison. The historic Christ had to deal with the stasis spell which was overtaking the mind of humanity as the advent of symbols agreement became an ersatz momentum. What was becoming the stacked deck we call linear time, is the symbols progression, and it is a killer. It killed the Christ. There was no available pretense to man’s power then, but the power of sanction, the over-drive of the written word. The acceptable level of social brutality was raised during the time of the Biblical Jesus. As long as it is only a business it was okay? His death was just a halfhearted attempt to fulfill a man occupied prophesy. The world has experienced three apocalypses so far. How many more do we need to prove our binary bio-stasis stigma is a major problem that we must all confront as a world society?

The agreed “they” believe symbols will save them. These afraid believers make up the Omega positive voters, the word trapped supplicants of the political word promise state of the binary symbolic legal mind. We can agree with these pretend symbols and go anywhere we want to go and do whatever we want to do. Isn’t that what we believe?

Those who are most likely to succeed receive the greatest pay and position and the greatest ability to command symbols blame. We all know this, yet it continues as a strident hypocrisy. Better to be an idiot with money than a fool without it? Right? We made this world to run on emptiness so the word “full” is always tomorrow’s promise, a pat we give each other on the back, all in passing.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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