Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 50

Axiom: Occupy symbols and you will never be offended at the truth of Genesis feeling energy flowing in your veins.


If the very prodigious Christ could have been paid off, would religion as we know it today be any different? Would it still have its tail-wagging beliefs stuck between its shaky hunkered down legs? To say that politics is a shady deal is absolute and very correct, but in agreed sanction it is a God of pretend, all its own. When using man-made fear to intimidate beliefs set in the hollow desperation using a word like freedom and yet, question not; what have we become? There is no such thing as a personal or even societal freedom if any human being is backed against a biological wall which expects self-infidelity, at the behest of empowered symbols mongers.

This exclusive right given to our scientific and political symbols accreditation, is the key to our binary empowered truth. Intent is a linear adaptation. Intent becomes the reason for sanction and sanction is agreed to be the truth of the matter. That the fact of the matter can be agreed to be pretend fact, makes it a derogatory factor, not a biological living real fact set in a seamless truth, which we have repeatedly violated.

Our innate ability to see through this compromising all or nothing binary agreement could very well save humanity from the great Biblical Apocalypse. The right to be right, to be seen as good, kills. How many people, throughout the reason failed history of the many symbols provocateurs, were close to figuring out what was actually going on in the world? To kill to prevent the truth from being exposed is a huge business today. Symbols fail-safe is the largest legal business going, it is planned extinction.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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