Читать книгу Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage - James Bèyor - Страница 56

Axiom: What we take for granted the most, is our self.


Words are a sight/sound filler to an active deductive human mind. Word meanings are forms of pretend real that have no substance. Who decided we needed a substitute for the real that is in full view of everyone at all times? We buy and sell this ersatz real, but the biological living truth that governs the subjective real is closing in fast. The deductive mind wants its Genesis back. No more bio-sabotage.

Words depend on agreed use for their existence. How they are used, uses them. If words are used for you they are considered favorable, containing a directives impetus of and for doing. If they are used against you, then they have a counter-accusative mode, an anti-personification sting, something like an inversion of personal reason. The feeling of being right does not go with the feeling of being wrong. The brain is confused, because it is in a stasis withdrawal, a symbols bio-stigma. Wrong that is right by agreement is a binary forgery. War depends on this single act alone.

To fully use symbols without the hope of empowerment is a pointless venture. The pure of heart will understand this statement. Clarity of Being, being strong in itself, is a feeling, knowing act and requires no symbolic empowerment. It is already fully empowered. Binary linear-tomorrow is based on intended conformity to an absolute symbols based doing. No questions about the process are allowed. If you are trying to use symbols/words to benefit you as having authority you must become the symbol itself. You must sabotage your biology or be a hypocrite that will misuse both realities.

Guarded Hearts: Genesis Sabotage

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