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Abron’s mind was working overtime during his drive back to the apartment. Copycat? So many similarities. Had to be the same persons involved. Knowing his job was forensic evidence, Abron couldn’t help but wonder about the cases in their entirety. Arriving home, his thoughts wandered pleasantly to the sassy little blond that he wanted to call Izzy. Maybe someday she would allow him to use her nickname. She was beautiful to him in many ways—looks, charm, wit, and “in-charge” attitude. In Abron’s personal life files, Isabel was his number 1 priority. His next move would be to wrangle her phone number and find out more about her availability, likes, and dislikes. How could something so easy be so complicated for him? I’ll see her soon, he thought, looking forward to their next encounter. His thoughts slipped back to Christian and Rose Lake. The job was growing more interesting day by day. Before turning out the night-light, Kelsey summed up his many experiences over his short lifetime. Patience was the word he was searching for. His ability to wait and observe would serve him well.

Abron was up early. From his apartment complex, it was a short walk to the little café.

“Good morning,” Joan said as Abron took in his favorite aromas. Joan talked to Abron almost daily. “Corn beef and hash, sourdough toast, coffee, and lots of honey?” Joan had been serving Abron breakfast since he moved into the neighborhood. She knew he was a cop of some type, but Kelsey never wore a uniform. He was a good tipper, and his conversation was educated. He led with “Did you watch Magnum last night?” already knowing the answer.

“I love that man. Not the original but still a hunk” was Joan’s smiling reply. She poured him some coffee. Officer Kelsey was stalling by reading the paper, doing the crossword, and checking out how the Spokane Flyers had skated the night before. He didn’t want to be too far ahead of Christian. The overnight snowfall had left several inches on the street. He could already visualize I-90. The snowplows would have it cleared by now, all the way to the St. Maries cutoff. Paying his bill and usual tip, Abron began to make his move toward the door.

Joan asked, “Busy day?”

The deputy replied, “First stop CDA.”

She then, for the first time, acknowledged his job. “Be safe, keep your head down. See you on Monday.” She smiled.

Triple Double

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