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Later that day, sheriff’s deputies Rice and Monroe were filling there captain in on the shooting of both wounded lawmen and the deceased. “No identification on the perp. The officer is going to survive. He took a bullet to the midsection. Policeman Waltz was seriously lucky. The surgeon’s report said the bullet missed his spine and caused no life-threatening injuries to his stomach and intestines. When we interviewed Abron, he acted like the event was all in a day’s work. Kelsey also took a bullet that went through his hand, changing the path of the bullet away from him toward the wall. The hand has a hole in it but, miraculously, missed bone. Fortunately for Isabel and two nurses, they all had just departed his room before the shooting started.

“Apparently, Abron was stepping out of the bathroom when the first shot gave warning, sending him into attack mode. He was crouched behind the door, partially hidden. Kelsey said the gun hand came through the door first. That’s when he grabbed it, as the weapon was discharging. What happened next is almost superhuman. Abron crushed the attacker’s skull with a heavy metal-based IV stand. The follow-through sent both to the ground as Isabel Davis entered the room.”

“Abron’s jolt, when he hit the floor, opened the wounds on his head where the cage is attached. The blood from his hand wound added to the mess he made of the attacker. We stayed until Abron was patched up and the results of his MRI became available. Dr. Marsh said Abron was lucky. Again. No new damage to his vertebra. He should still have the same range of motion after the soreness abates. Time will tell with his total healing.”

Captain Saunders replied, “I never saw this coming. Apparently, the Rose Lake killings are hiding something much larger than anyone thought. Isabel, is she okay?”

Deputy Monroe answered, “In shock. Her parents were downstairs and took her home. We thought it best to get her away from there. Pat and I set up a meeting with her tomorrow morning. We posted a deputy at the door and added a second Spokane police officer by the elevator door on his level. The deceased attacker will take time to identify. No ID found. His face is all but gone.”

Triple Double

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