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Terry and Christian were the first to arrive at the hospital on day 7 of Abron’s hospitalization. His head was immobilized with a cage, pins anchoring it to his skull. He could, however, finally move his arms and legs slightly. Kelsey had asked a nurse for a mirror to see how extensive the cage was surrounding his head. All he could do was try to whistle when he saw the metal anchor screws. Terry spoke first. “How does it feel to be incarcerated?” Terry and Christian were grinning.

Abron tried to smile, murmuring “How long?”

“This is your seventh day, my friend,” replied Terry.

“A lot has taken place since your ambush. New connections have opened-up, too, for all four killings our department is involved with,” said Christian.

A third voice spoke. “No more questions. Dr. Marsh just instructed me to limit everyone’s time spent with Abron. Right now, I need some time alone with Deputy Kelsey,” bellowed their captain. Terry and Christian were outgunned. They quickly said their goodbyes, vowing to return later that evening.

“Christian already filled me in on why you two visited the Rose Lake crime scene. When he notified me of your meeting, I cleared it with Captain Croop and Lieutenant Bara at CDASD. My question, before your attack, would have been, what was to be gained? Obviously, the result was brilliant police work that almost got you killed. The two of you tipped somebody’s hand. At the same time, you gave our department greater autonomy at Rose Lake. You guys seem to have stirred up the proverbial hornet’s nest.”

“Captain,” whispered Abron, “traces of opiate and hidden room.”

“Are you sure about the presents of opiates?” asked Saunders. Kelsey blinked assent. “I’m calling in Terry and Ron to debrief you tomorrow morning. Should Christian be present?”

“Yes” came Abron’s slur.

“Rest while you can. Take your meds, and pay close attention to Scott, your rehab guy. He’s the best in the business. You’re probably a couple of weeks out from Scott. Listen to him when you start. He can work wonders with his knowledge and methods. As I said, the boys will be in to start a report on your crime scene and attackers.

The next morning, Terry, Ron, and Christian entered Abron’s room. He was just finishing up his liquid diet and cut fruit. “Good morning, are you ready for us?” Ron questioned. Kelsey blinked assent. The officers kept it short, realizing again just how badly Abron had been injured. “They came in via a dirt road that runs along the river. The tire tracks had the same studded tires on the rear drivers as the prints over at Neuman Lake.” Terry was trying to give Abron some positive information. Abron’s head was beginning the early stages of a massive migraine. Kelsey began to convulse. The officers wasted no time bringing assistance. Less than thirty seconds later, Kelsey was lost to the world thanks to the cocktail the nurse shot him full of.

“I hope he can get over these episodes,” commented Ron. The deputies were shaking their heads as they departed his room.

Triple Double

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