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Sergeant Mike Gwen was a little taken aback at the size of the county abutting Los Angeles. His new territory ran all the way east to the Colorado River at Needles and down the river south to Parker Dam. Detectives Rowe and Hollander had sent information on the double homicides, coupling it with a report on Deputy Kelsey’s attack and injuries, to all agencies in the Great Northwest and to Gwen personally. They received a dozen hits for more information from Salt Lake to Portland, Seattle, and even from Shelby, Montana. This morning it was Sergeant Gwen’s email that stood out. Gwen mainly wanted to know if his friend was going to survive. Kelsey’s and Gwen’s personalities had bonded immediately when they first met. Mike had been trying to get up to speed with the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department when the news arrived about Abron’s brush with death. The news would have to wait until the end of the day. Important training overruled his questions for the immediate now.

Sergeant Gwen had not dealt with the harshness of gang activity as found in his new county of work. Today he was being schooled along with several other deputies. Every day he was gaining in knowledge and confidence. There were drugs, drive-by shootings, prostitution, even a terrorist attack by a man and women claiming to be aligned with ISIS. The two had senselessly murdered over a dozen American patriots busy doing their everyday jobs. Mike appreciated the highly organized sheriff’s department. They were adept and armed with information and special training programs to help combat city, county and inland empire crime. Every day Mike looked forward to briefings and assignments. It was a busy world of law enforcement at his new position.

Late that afternoon, sitting in front of the computer, the reply took less than two minutes after his inquiry. “Officer Gwen, Abron out of danger, full recover expected. When can we have a beer?” It was emailed by Terry Hollander.

Triple Double

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