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Shoshone County deputies from Wallace and Kellogg were first on the scene after the “Officer down” call. The local deputies were ten minutes ahead of the Coeur d’Alene responders who had to navigate the icy Fourth of July pass. Holding on to the stomach compression, Christian gave as much information to the first responders as he could, including a good description of the white getaway Ford pickup. Less than a minute later, the next patrol car arrived. The first patrol car took chase down the dirt road headed south toward St. Maries. While in pursuit, an APB was sent out to all Idaho, Montana, and Washington jurisdictions. Both officers giving chase knew it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Lost time and eroding winter road conditions would make it close to impossible. Sleet falling turned to heavy snow and blizzard-like conditions. As the officers headed south on the paved highway, they realized it was too late for tracks. Snowfall had taken its toll, blanketing the highway in the last fifteen minutes.

As Abron was being taken from the scene unconscious, Christian had no idea whether Kelsey would live long enough to make it to the hospital by ambulance. The snow and low ceiling wouldn’t allow helicopter transport. Detectives Ron Rowe and Terry Hollander pulled in and went straight to the barn area where the shooting occurred. The detectives found the north-facing side door ajar with just a skiff of snow on the ground, in the area shaded by the north-facing overhang. Two sets of footprints were entrenched. Four feet away from the outside wall, the tracks quickly disappeared. The POIs wore the same type of boot, leaving deep tread marks embedded in the mud, snow, and ice. The escape route was easy to follow. Disappearing prints led to where the pickup had been parked before the attack. “Do you think Abron heard that pickup arrive?” asked Ron.

It was Christian who answered. “No way. He was hit on the back of the neck and head while crouched down, then they shot him. Another few seconds, and they would have finished him on the spot. I think my arrival made them bolt.”

“From a stone-cold crime scene to red-hot. We now have persons of interest,” stated Terry. “And they’re both wearing the same brand of boots. Call the chief. Let him know all three of us are here and on it. Maybe he can buy us more time in Idaho to find out the reasoning for the attack.” Ron made the call.

Triple Double

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