Читать книгу Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life - Jason Vale, Jason Vale - Страница 11



And at what point do we ever feel free from this mental battle? I use the term ‘free’ to describe not having to worry about the food we eat or having to exercise discipline and control over our intake; I mean truly free to eat what we want, whenever we want, free from guilt and restriction. So, when are we free? The minute the diet is over? I would say no. Because, when the diet is over we then start to eat the same crap which made us miserable in the first place and in no time at all the battle starts all over again. And every time we diet we end up with a bigger battle on our hands. When you have been knocked down just once it’s easy to pick yourself up. If you keep getting knocked down you end up thinking ‘what’s the point in getting back up?’

The answer is to remove the very thing that is knocking you down – this is not simply the type of food itself, but more the conditioning, brainwashing, and misinformation that is the cause of why we put this crap in our mouths. All these factors, as well as the diets themselves, combine to create the belief that life would not be as enjoyable without junk and drug-like foods. That life would be ‘dull’ and ‘boring’ if we ate healthily and did exercise; that people who do this are boring, no-hope health freaks who have forgotten how to really live; that it is a ‘constant battle’ to be healthy and maintain your ideal weight. I used to believe this rubbish too.

Two of the main weight loss clubs in the world also perpetuate the belief that it’s a lifetime battle – so much so that you have to attend their meetings every week just to make sure you are still on track, that you haven’t ‘fallen off the food wagon’. Yes I am talking about Weight Watchers and Slimming World. Now, before I go on, I must say that I am fully aware that both of these organizations have helped many, many people throughout the world and if you get a good ‘leader’ at your meeting place, they can be extremely effective. However, I also know that however admirable their motives might be, they are often instilling in the person with a ‘food problem’ the notion that they will have to try and ‘control’ their weight forever. They usually imply that almost no matter what they do, for them, it will be a constant lifelong battle.

Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

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