Читать книгу Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life - Jason Vale, Jason Vale - Страница 17



When the ‘diet’ is over (which normally happens either when you say ‘sod the diet’ or you somehow manage to reach your physical goal) your metabolism is still working much slower than before you started the diet. It will increase again, but gradually – which is why it is important to build food up again slowly and not overeat. However, as most people are chomping at the bit for the diet to end so they can ‘live normally’ again, any chances of a gradual increase in food is pretty slim. In fact, any ‘end of diet’ period is usually followed by a massive meal – either to celebrate the achievement, or to illustrate the fact that ‘life is too short so sod you all …’ etc.

Having acquired a slower metabolism, you now go back to eating exactly the same amount of food you ate before you started the diet. What happens? You put on more weight than before you started the diet – and, it seems, a lot faster than it took to shift it. This is not simply your perception either. A study carried out on a group of rats in 1986 showed that by the time they did their second diet, the weight loss was half of what it was the first time and, wait for it, the weight was put back on THREE TIMES AS FAST. This is happening to millions of people around the world as we speak. The problem is it’s a cause and effect chain reaction, for when you see the weight rapidly piling on again you once again think that it’s time to do something about it – what? Yep the latest DIET.

Now I understand why dieting, as well as the addiction to certain foods and drinks, makes people fat. They often contribute to the problem people are trying to solve. It is only in fairly recent times that people have reached over 500 lb (227 kg) in weight. One family in the US – The Woods family – weighed in at 1 tonne – yes ONE TONNE. And if you think we are talking about a large family (so to speak), we are talking a combined weight of just four women. One girl, Terriny Woods, was 41 stone 12lb(over 260 kg) and she was just 15 years old at the time. Yes 15 years old.

If you keep going on a diet and then binge directly afterwards, your body will produce more fat cells, your metabolism will not know what the hell it’s doing and your system will store more fat in case you starve it again. This is the cycle people repeat again and again. Physically and mentally diets can be a nightmare. You never break free from the constant mental battle of trying to control your intake of certain foods or certain amounts of food. Nor do you break free from the many physical problems they create – all that happens is you become totally obsessed with food. You’re not happy when you feel you can’t eat and you feel like crap after you do it. It’s time to stop this madness. It’s time to fix the leaking roof once and for all and stop replacing the tiles.

Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

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