Читать книгу A Little Wisdom for Growing Up, Second and Expanded Edition - John C. Morgan - Страница 12

Big Fish, Small Fowl


One day a great whale was sunning herself not far off shore. Along came a seagull, flying lowly overhead.

“My, my,” said the seagull, what a great creature this whale is. How marvelous to be so large and command such respect, while I, small and weak, seem but a speck against the sky.”

The whale looked up and spotted the seagull. “Oh, oh, how wonderful it must be to be free to fly wherever you want and not be imprisoned by water. I would give anything to be a seagull.”

The seagull flew off into the clouds. The whale turned and headed back out to sea.

Moral: Never compare yourself to others; you’ll either feel inferior or superior, and neither attitude will win you friends.

A Little Wisdom for Growing Up, Second and Expanded Edition

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