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Dear Jonathan,

I know you don’t like it when I give you advice, but I believe you also realize that I care about you and want to save you from the same mistakes I made growing up, which is, of course, silly, because you will make your own mistakes no matter what I write. I’m not sure I can remember a single word of advice my father gave me, which doesn’t mean he didn’t offer any, but only that I had to learn myself by living. I probably thought he knew as little as you think I do now.

Nonetheless, I have learned some wisdom from having lived so long, even if it took me falling down a few times. These short stories, or fables, drawn from the natural world, are simply ways of sharing a few things I have learned after over sixty years on this fragile planet, both from my own life and the teachings of the world’s great philosophers. Maybe they will help you grow up wiser than I was. On the other hand, you may make the same mistakes, but at least you won’t be able to say I didn’t warn you.

Always remember that I loved you. Grow in wisdom and take care of yourself. It’s a dangerous but beautiful world, full of illusions and wonders, but mostly a stage upon which you must find your part to play in the unfolding drama. How you decide your role and how you play it will go a long way toward being wise, and wisdom is what we all hope to have one day.



A Little Wisdom for Growing Up, Second and Expanded Edition

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