Читать книгу A Little Wisdom for Growing Up, Second and Expanded Edition - John C. Morgan - Страница 21

The Grand Ant


The ants were meeting to select their new leader, but no one wanted the job.

Though many ants knew it would be an honor to lead, most of them were used to working together and didn’t want the job which mainly required the leader to take criticism, eat, and grow fat.

The meeting had gone on for hours until one small ant said he would tackle the job if others would lead with him. The other ants had never heard of such an arrangement, but after a vote of many legs, the decision was made with everyone voting in favor. No ant decision is ever made without everyone approving. The other ants said they would help, but also that they would call the leader “The Grand Ant.”

Many ant generations have passed since this decision was made. The ants now change leaders every year so everyone gets a chance at the job, realizing that other than a title (like the King or Queen of England), the job doesn’t require much work but does wonders for the colony.

Moral: “Go to the ants . . . , consider her ways and be wise” (Proverbs 6:6).

A Little Wisdom for Growing Up, Second and Expanded Edition

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