Читать книгу A Little Wisdom for Growing Up, Second and Expanded Edition - John C. Morgan - Страница 19

Pigeon Control


The humans were at it again, trying to find a way to rid themselves of pigeons who often dropped their you-know-what on anyone below them.

The humans tried loud noises with high frequency waves, but still the pigeons stayed.

The leaders were embarrassed; the people were angry and wanted action.

At one night meeting, they leaders were about ready to appoint a team to shoot the pigeons from their perches, until one person stood up and suggested a better way. Someone in the back said it made sense to try something different before resorting to violence.

The next day the human found a pigeon on his window sill and said to him: “We will train you to go out to sea to find people who are lost, if you will agree to find perches outside the city.”

The pigeon went back to his group and said this was a good deal for everywhere, far better than other deals. All this pigeons flapped their wings of approval, and the agreement has lasted to this very day.

Moral: You don’t have to resort to violence to resolve most disagreements; sometimes, all you need do is talk.

A Little Wisdom for Growing Up, Second and Expanded Edition

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