Читать книгу Planificación regional: paisaje y patrimonio - José Castro Serrano - Страница 17

V. Discussion and conclusions


The European Union’s climate change policies, presented in the first part of this work, document how this problem has become increasingly important on the international level over the past years. Unfortunately, implementation of EU policies on the level of member states and regions has not been so smooth and, worse yet, has been subject to numerous transformations. Using the example of the Silesian Province, it was documented how general the strategic documents on environmental protection are at present and to what small extent they can be used as a basis for planning specific adaptation measures in cities.

The example of good practice provided herein illustrates the involvement of local stakeholders in preparation of climate change adaptation plans that are tailored to their needs and possibilities. The documents were created with the involvement of stakeholders and with them in mind, as the process of adaptation to climate change requires multifaceted action and cooperation. The documents were prepared in a clear and uniform manner, using understandable, non-specialist language. As a result, the people involved in their preparation identify with their content, which also supports implementation of the measures provided for in the plans. The survey conducted within the framework of the project titled “Development of climate change adaptation plans in cities with more than 100,000 residents” among residents of 44 cities demonstrated that:

1. Most residents already associate the heat waves with the effects of climate change in the form of various atmospheric phenomena (e.g. rainfall and storms - 56%, droughts - 49%, strong winds - 35%, etc.).

2. The respondents include many processes taking place in cities (including dry lawns - 74%, flooding of streets - 63%, poor thermal conditions - 59%, etc.) among the adverse effects of climate change.

3. The respondents associate the effects of climate change with financial consequences (e.g. damage to property - 61%, investment in air conditioning and thermo-modernization - 54%, reduced living comfort - 51%, increased mortality - 35%, increased incidence of climate-dependent diseases - 29%, and increased cost of living - 45%);

The same survey among residents of cities involved in developing climate change adaptation plans showed a high level of public awareness concerning inevitability of such processes and the need to prepare well for them. The respondents recognize the importance of public awareness, education, and involvement of residents in adaptation efforts and wanted to be involved in the process expecting:

- financial resources (68%);

- increased public awareness of the effects of climate change (61%);

- public-private cooperation (33%);

- educational activities (24%); and

- access to technology (23%).

They believe that an important role in the preparation and implementation of adaptation measures is played by:

- local governments (865);

- residents (49%);

- media (34%);

- municipal companies (28%);

- non-governmental organizations (25%);

- scientists (25%);

- urban planners, architects (25%); and

- local businesses (155).

During the project, the regional general objectives concerning climate change were transformed into local documents, in a way that allows for preparation of concrete solutions that will address the needs of e.g. cities. The study confirmed that local communities are increasingly aware of the climate change taking place, which they can associate with specific weather and meteorological phenomena and their consequences. The residents are also determined to get involved in adaptation efforts, also pointing out other important elements that they feel should be considered when planning for adaptation to climate change.

Future Work:

For the upcoming years it will be essential to identify climate change adaptation triggers in the Silesian Province due. Thus the effectivity of the taken actions will be increased and the benefits will be holistic.

Planificación regional: paisaje y patrimonio

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