Читать книгу Planificación regional: paisaje y patrimonio - José Castro Serrano - Страница 18

VI. Bibliography


Adaptation to climate change, European Commission, 2019. https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/adaptation_en, accessed on 9 May 2019.

ARKADIS Sp. z o.o. (www.arcadis.com/pl/polska) accessed on 9 January 2021.

Ayers, J; Dodman D; 2010. Climate change adaptation and development I: the state of the debate Progress in Development Studies 10.2, pp. 161-168.

Delbeke, J; Vis, P.; 2015. EU Climate Policy Explained Routeledge. London. UK.

Delreux,T; Ohler,F.; 2019. Climate Policy in European Union Politics. The Oxford Encyclopedia of European Union Politics. Publisher: Oxford University Press.

The Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas (www.ietu.pl) accessed on 9 January 2021.

The Institute of Environmental Protection-National Research Institute (www.ios.edu.pl) accessed on 9 January 2021.

Laukkonen, J., Blanco, P. K., Lenhart, J., Keiner, M., Cavric, B., Kinuthia-Njenga, C.; 2009; Combining climate change adaptation and mitigation measures at the local level Habitat international, 33(3), 287-292.

Linnenluecke, M. K., Han, J., Pan, Z., Smith, T.; 2019; How markets will drive the transition to a low carbon economy Economic Modelling, 77, 42-54.

The National Institute of Meteorology and Water Management-National Research Institute (www.imgw.pl) accessed on 9 January 2021.

Oikonomou, Vlasios. 2016. Mobilizing and transferring knowledge onpost-2012 climate policy implications. Climate Change policy project results report. Project Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under Grant Agreement Number 603847. Stichting joint implementation network. Netherland.

Project titled: Development of climate change adaptation plans in cities with more than 100,000 residents www.44mpa.pl accessed on 9 January 2021.

Rodríguez, R.S., Ürge-Vorsatz, D.; Barau, A.S.; 2018; Sustainable Development Goals and climate change adaptation in cities Nature Climate Change, 8.3: 181-183.

Strategic adaptation plan for sectors and areas vulnerable to climate change by 2020, Ministry of Environment, Warsaw, October 2013, https://bip.mos.gov.pl/fileadmin/user_upload/bip/strategie_plany_programy/Strategiczny_plan_adaptacji_2020.pdf, accessed on 9 May 2019.

Zrozumieć politykę Unii Europejskiej – Działania w dziedzinie klimatu (European Union Policy explained-Measures in the field of climate), European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication, Brussels, 2015.

Planificación regional: paisaje y patrimonio

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