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Foods to Enjoy


Fruit: pears – the royal fruit, lots of calcium; pineapples – for digestion; apples; peaches; nectarines; plums; avocado; apricots (high in iron)

Caution: have only three fruit portions a day. If you are eating dried fruits, try to choose unsulphured ones and count it as part of your fresh fruit quota. In addition to whole fruit, you may have 1/3 of a glass (150ml) of pressed or squeezed fruit juice a day.

Carbohydrates: rice (preferably brown), corn pasta, oats, barley, lentils

Vegetables: cooked greens, marrows, cucumber, carrots, parsnips and, as a general rule, any local vegetables that are in season (as long as they are not on the ‘avoid’ list)

Meat: chicken and occasionally lamb

Fish: with the exception of tuna, all types of fish are good. Oily fish like mackerel and salmon (preferably organic) are particularly important because they contain omega-3 oils (see box below).

The Gentle Birth Method: The Month-by-Month Jeyarani Way Programme

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