Читать книгу Maria's Window - Karen Tatro - Страница 2

Chapter One


Maria sat at the end of the boat, lost in thought of the Legend’s tale of the Island that contained a Crystal Core.

She has had this burning desire to find the Island, which was never actually discovered, so the legend says. It was not just that the Island was intriguing and would be exciting to step foot on its shores, but also that she actually finally convinced Sam to take her there.

When she suggested this Island for their vacation, well, he thought of many different places to go. They could go anywhere, why would she want to go to some Island that there was a possibility that it did not exist. It took some major persuading to get him to commit to it.

Now, here she was sailing through the Indian Ocean, trying desperately to convince Sam and Sumshi, his right-hand man, who brought her here, that the Island does indeed exist, and they cannot turn back now.

They have been sailing for several weeks now and the tension on the boat was intensely growing. Her friends completely thinking she had lost her mind. Maybe she had. Maybe this whole thing was just too good to be true. But she had to give it every effort that she could. Her destiny was waiting for her. She knew it was there, even if no-one else did.

As she sat there, glaring at the water, she reminisced of how this all came to be. She first read about the Crystal Core from a bookstore in her hometown of Hancock, NH. She often visited the old bookstore, a rustic and rundown barn that had a very cozy atmosphere. She never saw this book, until one day she had this strong feeling to go to the back of the store. It was full of books stacked high along the walls and in every cubbyhole possible. It was easy to overlook a book of substance here, however, this day, she pulled the book from the hidden shelf and instantly wanted to read it. She took the book and sat on a nearby stool, flipping through the pages, overwhelmed by the colorful pictures, maps and charts of an Island that was breathtaking with beauty.

She was totally lost in thought, something just stirred in her. She and Sam had been talking about taking a vacation together and he wanted to do something special with her. She had the feeling that he was possibly going to propose to her. But she had hidden desires, feelings that she was not totally sure Sam could fulfill. They had been dating for a while and things seem to be getting more intense from his point of view. He was continually talking about taking a vacation together and how they could get away and plan their future. Sam was a little romantic and always wanted to impress her. Her mind just went crazy thinking of this Island and the possibilities that could arise from it. Maybe this was the chance to get away and really plan her future.

To her surprise, a tap on her shoulder abruptly stopped her daydreaming, forcing her to realize she had been in the store for two hours and the polite woman behind the counter was asking her to pay so she could close for the day.

Maria took the book home and read it nonstop for hours. This book opened doors to Maria’s hidden desires. It made her re-evaluate how she felt about a lot of things. At first, she thought about the Island and the descriptions sounded so beautiful. Maria thought about nature and the existence of our world and all the places she had never seen before. It always amazed her that people did not seem to question their existence. The fact that we lived on Earth, which was floating in the middle of air, and all these other planets floating as well, in the middle of some mysterious dark emptiness, amazed her. And the fact that there are no boundaries, no top or button, or some enclosed shell. There is just a galaxy.

She appreciated the fact that we are like a snowflake in the sky, completely engulfed in its immense surroundings. And that there were places out there that she would never see, or touch, but she could dream about them, she could imagine them and imagine herself there.

Maria was a natural soul seeker, she thought about how all this came to be, for instance, where did we really start? Which planet came first? And where do we really go? She wondered why our life on Earth seems too short in comparison to the rest of the universe. Could it really be all that we have? This life, this time? And if it is, why do we waste so much time with work, chores, our possessions and the responsibilities that go along with it? We go out the same way we came in, with only ourselves. Right? So why waste the time with all that superficial stuff?

Or should we? Should we engulf ourselves with all we can, and do all we can; have as much possible, since we are only going to live a short span of time, in the scheme of things? That was the struggle she was facing right now.

Maria thought about how it would be nice to explore all these places and experienced the beauty of all the world, but the reality was that all this was not in her ability, and she sought solace in that she could dream about them, and wonder.

But maybe there was a way that she could have all these things, maybe her struggle to go against the world and its greed, was the very thing that she should do, join right in. She was having a power struggle within herself, and what was most confusing was that she did not know why. Why did this Island, suddenly bring this out in her? Once she decided that this was what she wanted to do, well, the second thing would be convincing Sam. So, she decided to give him a call and see what happened.

Maria dialed Sam’s number, in hopes she would be able to catch him. She sat on her bed dialing from her bedside table.

“Hey Sam, what are you doing? Do you have a minute, I want to discuss something?”

“Hey Maria, doll. I am not doing much right now. Just got word on a new boat to check out. Hey, do you want to come along with me?”

“Yes, that sounds great. As a matter of fact, that sounds perfect, as it is something that I want to talk to you about. You know that vacation that you talk about all the time, you know the one you always want me to go on with you? Well, I found it, and want to go and need to talk to you about it.” she informed Sam, eager to hear his response.

“No way, you are finally going to give in to me. How sweet is that. I’ll pick you up in about one hour, okay?” he responded.

Maria, hung up the phone and sat there for a few moments, lost in thought. She had made the call and now she knew that there was no turning back.

She called the shop, a small beauty salon, she owned, and told the girls she would not be in today. She had to handle some things. Sarah could call her clients and reschedule them for her. Within no time, Sam pulled up the drive and beeped once.

Maria got in and they headed to the marina to see the boat he was interested in. As they drove, Maria filled him in on the trip. The book she got in the bookstore and all the details.

“Maria, are you sure that is where you want to go? Of all the places, this Island is where you want to go?” he asked.

“Yes, Sam, I am totally sure about this. I think we will have a great time and have that romantic getaway that you are always talking about. This will be perfect, it is an adventure, which I know you love, and it is supposed to be so tropical and beautiful and mysterious. I think it sounds exactly what we need. I figure I will take a leave of absence from the shop; I can leave Sarah in charge for a few months, my clientele will be fine with it. They know I have not taken any time off. God, you know, Sam I can honestly say that for once, I do not care if they mind or not. I really want to do this.” She was beaming with joy, rambling on. How could Sam deny her now, he thought, as he responded with,

“Okay doll, that is settled. Sounds great. You let me know all the details on it, okay and when you want to go, I will get it all square on my end. Now, let us look at the boat we are going to take.”

They left the marina, which was loaded with boats, all shapes, and sizes. Sam had his heart set on a 60’ foot wind vessel, and it was simply fine for her. She did not get into boats all that much, while he was totally fascinated with them. He checked out every detail, every nock and crevice of the boat and finally made up his mind on this one, “The Pretty Lady”. The letters were bold and stood right out as Maria stepped off the boat and gave it a once over as they left.

Sam dropped her off at home and headed to the bank to pick up the check and finish the sale. He told Maria to give him a call later that night and they could get together and have dinner and they would plan it all out.

Maria was fine with that; she wanted to do some more research. She had searched every bookstore possible for more information on this Island and its Core. Charts and maps told of where the Island existed, but no one has ever set foot on its sandy shores. So how could they be certain?

She knew that Sam was the only one that could make all this happen for her, because of his wealth and access to the finest things in life. He was spontaneous and loved adventures. Sam’s father was an Alaskan fisherman who shipped Alaskan King crab to all parts of the country. Since it was the only company that would cover all the United States, he became a multimillionaire and of course when he passed away, it all went to his only son, Sam. Sam however, never liked to work. He sold the company and made his dream come true of gallivanting all around the world for pleasure.

He would call Maria up at a drop of the dime, “Hey doll, what are you doing right now?” he would say when he needed to venture out.

Sometimes it would be a tropical vacation, or a hike into the Grand Canyon or The Rocky Mountains. She expected anything and usually within few days’ notice they would be off on an adventure.

She remembered the one time he called her up and told her to dress all in black, real sexy and he would pick her up in 2 hours. So, she did, she loved the surprises. It made things spontaneous and exciting.

She dressed in a low cut, black silk dress. She wore Sam’s favorite black bra and panty set; the bra always gave her that sexy lift that she needed, and he loved it.

The dress fell about mid-thigh. It was simple but flattering. She had a black silky thin scarf, which she wrapped around her neck and let the remaining piece fall down her open back. Just the right amount of class. A simple pair of black high heels and black sheer nylons touched it off nicely.

Her hair, she curled with soft ringlets that fell into place. She wore a short-stacked bob with a side part and soft wispy bands that fell to the side. Her hair was dark brown with a few shades of summer blonde and strawberry blonde highlights. Everyone loved her hair color, although she did not think it was that special.

Her make up, that was easy. A palette of rose color eye shadow and dark brown eye liner. And to top it off, red lipstick, which ever woman who has that simple black dress, always has the companion red lipstick. It is a given.

As she stood in the bathroom, she admired herself for a few moments. She looked good.

Sam knocked at the door and there he was in a Bat Man’s outfit. Black cape, mask, and all. Totally hot. How mysterious and sexual that night was. He swooped in, embraced her. After dinner, which he had a catering service, who came with him and transformed her apartment into this dark, sensual room, with candles and rose petals.

The food was delicious and after their Champaign and chocolate mousse, he swooped her up and brought her to the bedroom, which was equality decorated. They made passionate and intense love, making it a fully enjoyable evening. This is how it was with Sam. He was every woman’s fantasy man. When he was there, he was there, and it was like his goal in life at times was to totally please her. No matter what.

She first met Sam through her work as a hair stylist. She had cut his hair for a year before they became close friends. At first, she kept their friendship strictly professional. She had learned through classes, as well as, from personal experience, the delicate line between a client and the professional. If you get too friendly and do things on a personal level, you may lose that person as a client. Clients want you to be the best stylist you can for them and a friend with an open ear, but not too close, as they do not want to feel any judgement. It is a comfortable special bond that grows, which takes years to build and only a short time to fall, because with closeness, comes a feeling of demanding, of oneself.

You need to remind yourself just what you can give of yourself and what you cannot, so that there always remains a mutual understanding of that fine line. If you don’t then there will become an uncomfortable awkwardness and you will lose that client, they will seek someone else for their professional services.

We are always trying to give what we do not want to, or don’t have to give. Yet, with Sam it seemed he never gave too much of himself for Maria to feel that pressure, so there began a friendship that did not feel like she was crossing the line. Sam was reckless and had no responsibility and enjoyed life. Being Italian, of course he could be very romantic. He had a robust and always suave style; golden sun kissed skin, dark features, and a gentle touch. At times she loved him, and at others, she really did not know.

Maria’s problem seemed she did not quite know what she wanted or needed. She lived her day as everyone else and felt genuinely happy, yet, beneath her she felt so much more. She knew that she wanted love and have more meaning in her relationships. She had worked hard in life and did what she was supposed to do.

She went to hair school, started in a salon, worked her way up and finally purchased the salon from the existing owner and was doing rather good. She had a nice apartment and had plenty of friends and family, but something was just not right. She was not sure if she was bored with her life, but something made her stay up at night, contemplating.

She felt the complexity that she was more than she knew, and this seemed to force her to take a hard close look at the way she spent her time.

It is easy to fall into a robotic routine in life. You wake up and get ready for work, grab a cup of coffee, and run out the door. Never really looking at the trees when you drive by or the change of colors when they are preparing for fall. You spend all day thinking when you will get home and hopefully relax. But when you get home there’s dinner and chores to contend with. When do you really relax? How many times have you had someone ask you, “What have you been up to?” And you reply by saying, “Oh nothing.” The irony is that doing nothing does not exist. This was Maria’s search.

She no longer wanted to say nothing and wanted to enjoy and be aware of her surroundings and take notice of everything. The way the wind blows on a cool winter day and the way the sun reflects off the snow early in the afternoon. The day’s first cup of coffee, for example, and how to smell it, and anticipate its taste, drink it slowly and savor it, because no other cup will taste the same.

Joseph Campbell, a famous author, and spiritual teacher, once wrote in one of his books, how one needed, ‘to pursue what was known as your bliss.’ It’s what really makes one happy. Maria felt she was on this pursuit and that was the reason she found that book in the store that day.

That night she slept soundly and woke early with the plan.

Maria's Window

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