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Chapter Three


Sam’s boat, The Pretty Lady, a 60’ Wind vessel, had plenty of room to wander about and enjoy the ocean’s view, was set-to-set sail for the adventure. The sleeping quarters on the boat amazed Maria, first they were exceptionally large and really resembled a studio apartment. Aside from the constant swaying of the boat, you would never know you were at sea. The swaying felt more like a rocking chair and it was very soothing. This surprised Maria who often struggled with motion sickness.

The boat was well equipped with all the necessities. There was a small kitchen with a stove, refrigerator and freezer, a bathroom with a functioning shower. The kitchen ran along the left wall, with an octagon breakfast table. The galley walls were paneled of soft pine. When the sun shined through the portholes the room brightened of golden sun.

Stepping down, into the cabin space, was a combined bedroom and living area. A safari bedspread draped the king size bed, which was in the center of the cabin. Day beds were off to the side, covered with black silk drapery. Mirrors lined the walls and ceiling reflecting the wild animal print. The safari theme made the room come to life with wild animals lurking about. The look Maria thought was quite elegant.

The deck of the boat was enormous in size, with sails drawing incredible speed and agility from the wind. The front of the boat was a mass of ropes and poles and all the needed equipment for a smooth sail. Along the sides and back there was plenty of room, to roam about and sit absorbing the breeze and sunlight.

The wheel, of course, centered with all its instruments to measure the speed and destination. Even though Sam was a great sailor, working the sails and equipment required a lot of strength and skill which one man alone could not attempt.

Sam’s right-hand man, Sumshi always accompanied him on any voyage.

Sumshi, a native of Jamaica, was well equipped with knowledge and the skill of sailing. He knew the waters and Islands as if he was born of the sea. Although quiet in nature, Sumshi reflected a man of great wisdom without the need of words to describe his peacefulness. A small man in physique, yet, full of strength, he could easily manage the sails, barely breaking a sweat, almost programmed to run non-stop.

Sam, a man twice in size, often had to pause for a breath and his yelling echoed in the water’s depth. Sumshi was also always ready to go when Sam made the call. Usually, asking few questions. He always felt confident he would know the destination.

In general, Sumshi was the silent partner that ran the show. He knew how long it would take to get wherever they were heading and what supplies and food quantity were needed, as well as any obstacles that may come about. He even seemed to know the weather and what storms to prepare for. It was quite amazing where he got his unseen knowledge.

Sumshi would receive Sam’s call with a destination and plan of the trip, and any details of meals and atmosphere for entertaining were usually included. Most often there would be a theme night for dinners ranging from Cajun to French cuisine. All this preparation and detail was to keep Sam’s guests impressed by his wealth and style, even though to Maria it did not matter, but it made Sam feel important.

Sam generally would give Sumshi a week to call back with the information the trip would acquire, which Sam would supply a check for him to get the necessities started. All then would be set for sail.

This time, however, Sam was shocked when his cell phone rang, and it was Sumshi. Sam answered his phone quickly.

“Hey Sumshi, what’s up?”

“Hello Sam. I just wanted to check and see if your friend, Maria, had any more information?” Sumshi politely asked.

“I believe that was it. She had said she was going to do some more research on it, but I think that is it. Why do you need more? Is there a problem?” Sam wondered.

“No problem, Sam. I just was checking. I seem to be having a problem locating its exact location.

“I’ll be talking to her later, so I’ll ask her and get back to you. I have no idea where this Island is, or anything about it. She insists we go there, though, regardless. She is obsessed with this legend.” Sam concluded.

“A legend? What legend, Sam?” Sumshi inquired.

Sam of course finding this odd that Sumshi asked, but he informed him the best he could. Sumshi listened patiently while Sam tried to recall what Maria had told him. They hung up and Sam wondered if he should call Maria and express the concerns. Sumshi left it with him that he understood and that everything would be fine, he would make do. He had resources he could contact if he needed to.

Sam completely confused as to the questions Sumshi asked. He never asked questions before. So, he quickly called Maria.

“Hey, doll, I called and talked it over with Sumshi and he sounded a little confused about the trip and the Island. Are you sure you haven’t found any more information on it?”

“Sam, I have tried, believe me. I have looked all over. Why is he so concerned?” Maria responded, hoping that Sam would not put a kybosh on the trip.

“Well, he doesn’t know for certain where it is? Are you sure about this? Belize sound good to me still.”

“Oh, Sam, stop it, you know I don’t want to go to Belize. I know that Sumshi will find it, he knows the waters like the back of his hand. He will find it. Plus, I have got it all set on my end. I cannot believe that we will be on vacation together and with no time limit. I cannot believe that I am actually going to go away with you like this. It will be perfect. I promise.” Maria assured Sam they would be fine.

“That is right, you are going to be all mine. All mine! Just remember that, doll. I’ll tell the big guy.”

Maria's Window

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