Читать книгу Maria's Window - Karen Tatro - Страница 5

Chapter Four


Maria strolled into the shop. She needed to call more of her clients. She was anticipating the horror of Ann and how she was going to respond to the news. Maria had sent everyone a detailed letter, regarding her trip. Everyone had such different schedules, that she felt this would be the best way to inform them. If they had any problems or questions, they could talk to her privately about it. She did not really see any major issues, aside from Ann. And of course, Ann was just as expected.

“Are you going to order more towels while you’re gone; so that we don’t continually run out?” Ann was right out of the gate.

“Well, good morning Ann. Yes, I will make sure you have plenty of towels, and if you run out, then you can bring some home and wash them.” Maria responded.

“I’m just saying, we run out a lot and you might want to order some more. I am sure that Sarah will forget to order them while you are gone. Where exactly are you going anyway?” Ann asked, while making her “Ann only” tea.

Ann was a difficult person to work with. She was a particularly good stylist; years of experience, which really was the only reason that she was there. Her clientele was strong and faithful. But her personality stunk. She was arrogant and a constant complainer. She expected everything to be always going her way and was always very bold about it. Most everyone was able to deal with her, it was obvious that Ann was not a team player, and if you knew that and basically went about your own business and left her alone, then you were fine. But Ann needed to be put in her place at times and Maria seemed to be the only one that was able to do that. Maria filled Ann in best she could, as she was not really that interested.

“So, there you go, you’ll have 2-3 full months of not having to deal with me. You’ll love it.” Maria giggled as she walked away from Ann.

Just then Sarah interrupted.

“Ann, you have a phone call from Mrs. Long.” As Ann answered the phone, Maria walked past her, rolling her eyes at Sarah. Sarah knew the look well.

Shortly after, Tammy came in. Tammy had worked for Maria for about 3 years. She was a good stylist, had strong cutting talents and did things by the book. Clients liked the fact that she was steady, and you basically got what ever you came in for. She walked the side of safety. She never dared to take a chance with someone’s hair. She always undercut rather than over-cut, she always put less, than more color just to play it safe.

Tammy did not like the bullshit of the salon gossip, she minded her own business, fit in fine and just tried to stay out of the way of everyone. Tammy’s issues were always her boyfriend and his family, and that was the gloom that followed her around, like a halo.

“Hey, guys.” Tammy said as she walked in and headed for her station.

The shop was a pretty nice place, it had a Floridian flair to it, with soft warm colors. Pastel colors were the dominant color theme, mainly with light blue, peach and mauve. As you walked in the door, to the left was the product area, filled with nice colorful displays of shampoos, conditioners, and styling products. All were nicely displayed on beautiful, waist high, glass tables, with a towering effect of the products. The idea was to be able to see the products right when you walked in the door, but also be able to comfortably see over them to the reception area. It was effective, as most people stopped on the way, to the front desk, smelling products and looking around.

The desk was nestled in the corner, with an arrangement of large wicker furniture for the sitting area. Palm trees, foliage plants and orchards all surrounding the waiting area.

Maria loved the look. The stations lined the walls on both sides, each with a ½ wall divider about 5 feet high. They gave the privacy that each stylist and her client needed but was open enough that they weren’t separated from the shop and all the activities that went on.

The shampoo room was in the back of the salon. It had 4 shampoo stations and a private room that was used for clients, who required privacy. The back room was where all the operating supplies, and the stylist’s personal items were. It was a warm and inviting salon.

Tammy stood at her station, unloading her stuff, the whole time looking at Maria and Sarah, who seemed lost in thought.

“Okay, what is going on.” Tammy finally approached them and asked.

“Hey, Tammy, I am taking a vacation with Sam and leaving for probably about 3 months. I am just getting everything set for you guys. I had left you a detailed letter at your station, but anyway, that is what is up.” Maria answered Tammy as she smiled at her. She knew what Tammy’s response would be.

“Wow, that is new. I thought you were not sure about Sam?” Tammy responded, just as expected.

“I know, it’s crazy. I guess I just woke up one day and said what the hell. He is always harping at me to go on a long vacation with him, and I get this feeling that he has something planned. I came across that book and I do not know it just hit me like a brick. I think I need to pursue this. I have a million thoughts going through my mind about the trip, about Sam, about myself. You know, Tammy, kind of like what you feel with Dave. You want to, and there are all these reasons that you shouldn’t doubt it, Jesus, Sam is what every woman would want, how stupid of me to keep him waiting like this, but I have felt like I have so much more of me to discover.”

“I know exactly what you mean.” Tammy responded, thinking of her own ‘dilemmas’ with Dave, “I am not ever going to get married, no matter how many times Dave brings it up.”

Maria continued, “And God, the sex is great. Oh, my God, last night, it was unbelievable. He just has that ability to know exactly what to do. You would swear he was a woman and was reading your mind.” Maria added with a good old smirk.

“Real nice, Maria, thanks for adding to the jealousy level.” Tammy slapped her on the shoulder and headed back to read the letter. The whole time, while she was walking away, you could hear her saying under her breath, “must be nice”.

Sarah, who was still a little on the naïve side, giggled and went back to doing her ordering.

Ann was in the shampoo room, getting her stuff ready and was not at all involved in the conversation.

Today was Kathy’s day off, so Maria would have to update her of the trip tomorrow. Which was fine. Kathy was the easiest of them all. Maria had to finish her calls and tell Sam that she would meet up with him later.

Maria took a breather and sat there at the desk, and then started thinking about her trip. As Maria scanned the names on her list, she started to recall some of the experiences in the salon. Some of the names brought back memories of a few, not so typical, events in the salon. There was Mr. Allen, and that was always a reminder of the “clown hair” episode. Just the thought of it started to make Maria laugh.

Mr. Allen was probably about 64 and very uppity. He was serious most of the time and always had an image to uphold. For some reason, he decided that he did not like his grey hair. He was a typical, older gentleman, maybe about 30 percent gray and his natural hair was medium brown. He decided to have Maria color it. The problem was that he wanted to be blonde. Maria explained to him that to be blonde, she would have to lighten all his hair and then apply the blonde color.

Most woman understand this process, at least 70 percent of woman have some sort of color, whether covering gray hair, or adding highlights.

Well, Mr. Allen did not understand this at all. Because, he had naturally dark hair and gray hair, she would have to bleach all his hair, to get the color, he wanted. She tried to convince him that maybe highlights of the color would be best, however, Mr. Allen wanted it all blonde

So, Maria, said whatever, okay, here we go. She explained to him that first the process would entail stripping his natural color out, and it goes from brown, red, orange to yellow; before she can apply the blonde. Okay, he understands, so he thinks he does.

She starts the process and tries to make sure he cannot see himself in the mirror, just to be safe. Go figure she runs out of bleach and must re-apply another application. She washes his hair and then places him under the dryer in the shampoo room, while she runs to the back and mixes the product.

Suddenly, she hears a scream. And Mr. Allen is hyperventilating and screaming, as he has peaked at his hair.

He is now freaking out. Maria goes to the shampoo room and cannot help it, she starts to laugh, here is this uppity man, with bozo red hair, having a total freak out. She starts laughing so hard and had to run outside to control herself and calm herself down; and then go back in and calm him down. In the end, it all worked simply great, but it was total chaos for about ½ hour until she got it blonde; just the way he liked it. She still to the day, whenever she sees him or must call him, she starts to laugh. She cannot help it.

She sat there for a moment looking at his name chuckling. And then strolled on down the list. There were clients that had been booked before the trip was planned, so she needed to figure out, either to get them in, or try to book them with the other stylists. And then comfort them with which ever she did. Most of the names were regular clients that Maria wanted to talk to herself, and Sarah would handle the other calls.

Maria came upon a name that she was not sure why it was on the list and it made her a little uncomfortable. She could vividly remember the day he walked into the salon. He came in as a walk in, mysterious looking, dark hair, and beautiful blue eyes. He stood at the door, seemingly out of his element. He was uncomfortable, it seemed, to be in a salon. Maria was at the front desk and she caught his eye as he came in. His eyes were sky blue, piercingly intense. He was tall and a nice build. But something about his eyes, were just intriguing. She instantly felt this weird connection, what it was, she did not know. She felt like a schoolgirl totally infatuated with a movie star, you know the kind that takes your breath away. So handsome they stop you dead in your tracks. All time stood still, and he stared back at her like he was getting the connection too.

She finally, feeling a little silly, spoke up.

“Hi, may I help you?”

“Aw, yeh, I was just passing through and was wondering if there was time for a haircut.” He said as he slowly walked toward her.

Maria thought she was going to have a heart attack, right there, this man’s eyes were unbelievable. She just stood starring at him.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she fumbled to regroup, “Let me see. Well, I have time right now if you would like. Is that okay with you, or were you looking for a certain time?”

“Now is just great.” He concluded, as he took off his black coat and looked for a place to hang it. He had a pair of Levi jeans on, and a black tee-shirt. Maria could not help but scan her eyes over his entire body, as he turned around, she quickly brought her eyes up, unfortunately, a little too late. He caught her eyes and smiled. Holly Shit, she thought. I am going to totally mess this guy’s haircut, up if I don’t get myself together.

“Okay, my name is Maria, and my station is over here.” She led him to her station, which was the last station in the shop. She chose that one, as it was the most private and often, the first few stations got the majority of interruptions, with clients and walk-ins or sales representatives. Since Maria was the owner, and the busiest stylist, it helped that she did not get interrupted all day long.

She sat him down and started to drape the cape over him and run her fingers threw his hair to assess it. He smelled nice and clean, just a hint of cologne, something exceptionally clean and refreshing, with a slight hint of citrus. He seemed to fidget a little, like he was uncomfortable.

“Wow, I am sorry. I have not had my hair cut in a while. I am not use to someone touching my hair like that.” he responded.

Maria was massaging his head and not even realizing what she was doing. His hair was dark and thick with a slight wave to it. It was clean cut, a very overgrown, James Dean look. He was gelling it up the best he could.

“I’m sorry, I guess I should explain that I give a short scalp massage with all my haircuts, I find it relaxes people and it just feels good. It also gives me an idea of what your hair is like and how it moves,” she explained, “I guess I should have told you that, hah, before I just started running my hands through your hair.”

“Wow, hey not problem, it feels good. No one has ever done that before.” He starred back at her, and she could feel the mutual intensity of arousal.

Okay, Maria needed to get it together here. Wow, what was this power this guy had over her. She has met handsome men before, had men flirt with her, but this was different.

“What would you like me to do? I like the style you have going on right now. Do you want me to clean it up a little and take some length off? But I kind of like the James Dean look on you. And to be honest, you have the most incredible eyes, I’ve ever seen, it would enhance them, not that they need any enhancing but, well, you know what I mean.” she stumbled.

“That is fine. I am heading out for a long ocean expedition, so I will not have it cut for a long time, again. I don’t like it really short though, whatever you think is fine with me.” he answered her and smiled at her, and then added,

“By the way, my name is Seth.”

“That helps, hah? Okay Seth, let us get started then.”

Maria led him to the shampoo room and the rest of the haircut went well. They were alone in the shop. Everyone was off for a few hours, either having lunch or running errands. They talked about all kinds of things, but mainly his vast expeditions, sometimes for pleasure and some for research and they talked about where he was heading next. The whole time, Maria had to keep herself in check. She felt like if she was at any time, she was going to spin him around and kiss him; right there and then. What was odd; she felt like he would not have minded one bit. He did not make any indication that he was married or with someone. She was making this hair cut last far longer than it needed to be. She felt like when she was done, he would walk out that door and that would be it, she would never see him again. Did she want that? “Stall, Maria, Stall” she thought to herself.

After the cut was over, he went to the counter and paid her for the cut. He put his jacket on and stood there starring at her, with his piercing, blue eyes. He reached in from his pocket and pulled out a business card, and placed in in her hand, delicately and secretly, and smiled at her and walked out the salon.

Maria stood there, heart pounding, afraid to move. “Oh my god,” she said out loud to herself, “That was the most unbelievably, handsome guy she had ever seen.”

She pulled out the card and smelled it first as it had his scent. And smiled, as she read what he had written on the back.

“Consider joining me? Call me at my cell 555-2139,” Seth.

Just then as Maria looked up, Kathy was strolling through the door, bringing Maria back from reminiscing and she put her list down. She remembered that day, like it was yesterday.

“Hey, Maria, I have to come in and fix Debbie’s hair. Is she here yet?” Kathy asked as she rushed to her station.

“No, she’s not. What happened?” Maria asked.

“Well, I didn’t do the highlights light enough. I tried to get them as light as possible, with the high-lift color, but it was not enough, I guess. So, I told her I’d meet her here today.”

“That’s a bummer. A word of advice, I know you know this anyway, but once you start coming in during your off time; they will just get comfortable asking you to.”

Maria filled Kathy in, while she was scrabbling to get her stuff ready.

“How cool is that. I am so happy for you.” Kathy replied with a smile.

Kathy was the easiest to get along with in the shop. She totally tended to herself, was quite easy going and really had no expectations of anything. She did her job, did not unload her issues on anyone, always came in with a smile and kept all of us laughing with her simplicity. She was like a little kid at times and did not even realize it.

As soon as, Kathy was in the back, Debbie came strolling in. And sat in the waiting area, along with Ann’s client and Tammy’s. Most of the clients knew each other in one way or another, so they mingled amongst themselves for a few moments, until the stylists came to get them.

The day started and all was going along fine, you could hear the hum of blow-dryers, and chit-chat. What people did last night, who was having marital issues, who was having problems with in-laws, and the funny things children say and do.

Maria was continuing to make her calls, which was going well, when another drama unfolded.

“Kathy, Kathy, I think this is getting a little hot.” Debbie was yelling out from under the heated dryer in the shampoo room.

Kathy was out back having a cigarette, the only one that smoked in the bunch.

“Kathy, this is really getting hot.” She said again.

Maria finished her phone call and glanced towards the shampoo room to see if Kathy had come in.

Kathy had, and from the position of the front desk, you could see the two of them in the shampoo room. Kathy had a frantic look on her face and was quickly turning the dryer off and getting her in the shampoo bowl.

By now, Maria got up and went into the room to see what was going on and found a small odor of burnt hair coming from the room. Kathy had her already in the shampoo bowl and was quickly talking, totally diverting the situation.

“It’s okay, Debbie, the bleach had gotten on the dryer and was burning. You were done anyway.”

Kathy glared at Maria, as she walked in. It was not the bleach, but Debbie’s hair that was smoking under the dryer. Kathy had left her under too long. Maria went in the back to do the, “oh my Gods”. Kathy just trimmed her hair a little more than usual and Debbie never knew otherwise.

And that was the salon saga for the morning. Maria sat there in the back thinking, “can she really leave these guys for a few months”.

Maria finished her calls for the day and got her stuff together and finalized some stuff for Sarah and decided to head out.

She drove to the marina to see if Sam was there. Which he was. She boarded The Pretty Lady and there was Sam standing at the wheel, looking out at the open water, lost in thought.

She came up behind him and gave him a nice big hug.

“Hey, sexy. What are you doing?” Sam responded.

“Just coming over to see how all is going. I have everything pretty set at the shop. Not too sure about leaving them this long. Ann will piss them all off and Kathy will forget to turn her curling iron off. You know, the daily occurrences at the beauty parlor.”

Sam just smirked as he spun around and gave her a big kiss.

“Well, just think, doll, in a few days we will be setting sail, and on vacation with all the time in the world.”

Sam knew just what to say. He kissed her deeply and let his hand wander down to the small of her back.

“What do you say, let’s go break The Pretty Lady in.” He said as he led her inside and down to the bedroom.

The two went into the safari room and Sam put on some Barry White. For some reason when he was in a romantic mood, Barry White fit the bill.

He held her hand and led her to the bed, where he started to kiss her, softly and with no rush. He stroked her hair and face while he kissed her, slowly sliding his tongue over her lips. He then worked his way down to her neck and shoulders. His kisses were gentle at first and then becoming more intense, gently biting her subtle skin. Maria loved to bite, she did not do it to hurt, just a little bit was fine. She always had this thing for Vampires and that was something she just found to be so sensual. The idea of Dracula swooping into your bedroom, in the middle of the night, with the curtains flowing in the hot weather and having him totally overtake you with ultimate animal desire. The kind of desire that you could not fight, no matter how hard you tried.

When Maria would just sink her teeth into Sam’s flesh, and he to hers, not to break the skin, just to gently bite; it fulfilled this hidden desire. This would turn her on right away, especially when he would nibble on the back of her neck. Oh, that would send shivers down her spine.

Sam was now licking her nipples and it was not exceedingly long before he removed her pants and slowly entered her without any hesitation. Sam had this way of knowing when to just take it slow and when she wanted to be fondled and stroked and aroused beyond belief, and he also knew when she wanted to be aroused and then get to business.

They made passionate love and then cuddled in the covers, both enjoying the after math of their lovemaking and now taking a few minutes, to nap. When they woke, Maria dressed and told Sam she would see him tomorrow.

Sam putted around the boat for a bit. He straightened things up and poured himself a small snifter of brandy, which he had already stocked in the little bar, full of all his treats. He took his glass and went up to the deck and enjoyed a few moments, admiring his new toy. He was excited to be doing this with Maria.

This trip was different, from any of the rest. He was always calling Maria and inviting her on a vacation, a weekend get-away here and there, and she always was excited and had a good time, but this time she made the call, she called him and asked him if they could go on this trip and she was willing to spend some real time with her. Maria seemed to have a distance with him. There was this uncertainty that he wondered. Did she really love him or not? Shortly after doing his hair, they became great friends. Sam thought she was the sweetest girl he had ever met. She was not only beautiful, but she was a sweetheart, not a mean bone in her body. She worked hard, making people happy, tending to their needs, both physically and emotionally. She was easy to get along with and had a funny wit about her. What he liked the most was the fact that she was always so positive. She always had a smile on her face and looked at adversity with a positive view.

Sam talked to Maria about many things in his life. He shared his feelings about his childhood. She was not a judgmental person and had the ability to listen and give advice, but never in a way that seemed like dictating. She had this way of listening to him and talking to him, like she had been there, in his life, the whole time.

He did not have the greatest love for his father, and it tormented him deeply. When his father died, Sam was happy and torn. For once he was now able to be who he wanted to be. He wanted to be an artist, in the worst way. He had talent and the desire, but his father would catch him drawing, in his sketch book, and he’d get on him, “what the hell kind of profession is that, put that away.”

So, Sam would keep his drawings to himself and instead focus on what his father wanted him to do, which was to run his business with him. Sam had no interest in fishing. He loved the water and the ocean always made him feel the most at ease, but it was not the fishing that interested him, it was the scenery and the love of the ocean.

On the outside, he was strong, and, on the inside, he always felt not worthy. He never felt good enough for his dad. His dad never complimented him, never told him he loved him, never showed him affection or attention. He was a very cold man. And for Sam, the best way to counteract that, was to go the other way. Try to be as cheerful as possible, spend the money and gamble and drink and have fun. And that is what he did for an awfully long time.

When Sam was with Maria, whether getting his hair cut or spending time with her, he was able to relax and just be himself. He always felt like he was at ease, like he had just let out a deep breath.

So, this trip for him was just sweet. He had thoughts that he would buy a ring and maybe he would pop the question. He wanted to, but was not sure if she would, he wanted to make sure she was going to say yes.

So, with that in mind he drank the last sip of brandy and headed off “The Pretty Lady” and straight to the jewelers just to check things out. Maybe he should get one just in case the timing was right.

The next day, Maria called Sam from the shop.

“Hey Sam, I am all ready to go for this Friday if you’d like. I have got everything set here. How is Sumshi doing on his end. Does he have all that he needs?” She was so excited; he could hear it in her voice.

“Hey, doll. I think he is ready to go. I will give him a yell and see what he says. I basically have my stuff all ready. Did you pack that black bikini? Hey, do you want to do some shopping before we go?” Sam said, teasing her,

“I can think of some things to buy you.” he concluded

“Yes, I didn’t forget. You perv. Is that all you think of?”

“Well, not all that I think of. I like those red shorts you wear too.” He chuckled and then continued. “Okay, for real, do you want to go shopping for anything, or are you all set?” said Sam, double checking.

“I’m good. See you later.”

Maria's Window

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