Читать книгу Maria's Window - Karen Tatro - Страница 3

Chapter Two


Sam seemed very eager to take on this adventure with Maria, but really did not understand exactly what it was all about. Maria told him the Legend’s tale of the Island and roughly where it was located. He was intrigued, but really didn’t get into all the ‘mystical qualities’ of this expedition. He did not understand why they had to go to some mysterious Island to vacation, why not just go to Belize or New Zealand, he wondered. But this is what Maria wanted to do, and was dead set on it, and he was up for anything at this point in his life. He had a plan of his own, too.

Maria bounced in the shop early that day.

“Good morning Sarah.”

“Hey, Maria, I wasn’t sure if you were going to be in. I called your clients for you and let them know you would call them to reschedule. Everyone was fine with that, but Lois. She was all concerned, wanting to know when you would call her. She has a busy week and all. She is a funny lady, I tried to explain that I did not know, that you didn’t give me any indication what you were doing. She finally got it. God that woman can be persistent.” she concluded.

“She gets that way. She is an extremely hard person to please. I wonder at times if she is controlled at home and that is why she is so needing to oversee her hair; I do not know. Believe me I have dealt with her time and time again, with the haircut being too short one time, and not enough the next time. Then the color is too light one time and then too dark the next. So, believe me I think she is just needing to be fully in charge, even though there is never any difference with her color or haircuts. She can be a pain. I’ll call her first.” Maria sighed and made a slight laughing gesture.

“So, Maria tell me what is going on, what are you doing?” Sarah said, glaring at her with a cute grin.

Sarah was the main operation of the shop. Maria owned the salon, but Sarah was the main stylist producing the income that kept the salon profitable. Because of her need to be behind the chair, she had Sarah do all the other needs of the shop. Sarah was first hired as the receptionist and ran everyone’s schedules. But shortly after, Maria knew she could do a lot more. Sarah did the entire inventory and ordering of products and stocking shelves. She met with the sales reps and did the advertising. She even did the payroll. Sarah mainly ran the shop and turned out to be more of a manager than receptionist.

Sarah had a surprisingly good personality; she was funny and pleasant to be around. After a while, her constant seeking approval from everyone could be annoying. Her eagerness to please everyone and make everything perfect, could get very annoying. But she was good for the shop and make it run smoothly.

Sarah was always the first in the shop, usually she got in around 7 and then Maria would wander in around 8. The two would chat about the appointments or any pending issue that needed to be addressed before the day got busy.

Maria liked to come in when the shop was quiet. If she came in during the middle of the day, or after everyone, she was always bomb barded by everyone and their issues.

Sarah had questions, Ann had issues, something was not done, or she had something to complain about. Tammy always started her day with a frown and Kathy needed help with a color formula. It just always felt like she was walking into a disaster. If she started ahead of it, then she could dodge the bullets a lot easier. A salon was the most multi-tasking environment ever. It was always nonstop of interruption. And to be behind the eight ball with it was like a death sentence for the day.

“Okay, listen, I don’t want this to be a huge deal, but I am going to take off for a long vacation.” Maria told Sarah, while she was glancing at her messages stacked on the desk.

“No way. That is great. Where are you going? Let me guess, you and Sam?”

“Yeh, I finally gave into him. God, he has been persistent about taking some time together and I just thought that this was a good time to do it. Remember that book I got?”

“Oh yes, the one about that Island?” Sarah recalled, while Maria continued,

“Well, I told him all about it and he just decided to give it a shot. I think that he is going to propose to me, but god don’t make a big deal about it.” she concluded.

“Maria, that is great. You know you love him, my god he is perfect for you. I do not know; I think you guys make a great fit. When are you going?” Sarah asked.

“Well, that is what is going to be a little difficult. We plan to leave with in the next few weeks, he is going to get it all set, but the thing is that I do not know how long we will be. I think it will be a few months, at least, maybe three. The Island is far away, and we do not know how long it will take to get there. Plus, I want to explore it, so how long we stay might be questionable. I want this to be a vacation that I will forever remember, and I just do not want to rush it. I trust that you will have everything under control here, I’ll make sure you have all that you need, and I think everyone will be fine with it, once the initial shock is over. My clientele, well, I know Lois will have a bird and probably threaten that she will have to find another salon. She just cannot wait that long, you know, the poor pity thing she always pulls on me. But I think that most will be okay, and I will ensure that everyone knows how to do their hair the way I do, or at least the best they can. What do you think?”

“Wow, well of course, I can handle everything here. I cannot believe you are really going to do it. You never go away like this.” Sarah said, as she re-assured Maria that all would be fine.

The two of them sat and talked about the details of what to do while she was gone and foresee any things that might come up while she was gone. Maria felt confident in Sarah’s ability to handle everything. The two mostly worried about how Betty would be about it all and Marie also worried about having to tell her clientele exactly what she was doing when she did not know what she was doing.

Her clientele would start to wonder, ‘Is she getting tired of doing hair? Is the business doing okay? Will she still be my stylist when she returns? Is she ill? You name it and at some point, or another, the thoughts would fly.

It was up to Maria to ensure everyone that she was fine and that there was no need for any concern, that she was just taking a long vacation and she would explain how far the Island was.

The odd thing was that Maria was going to have to lie a little. She was going to have to keep many of her real hidden thoughts about this trip to herself.

How could she know the unknown, she herself wondered? Maybe it would just be a beautiful place to relax and explore, or maybe it would be the opportunity she was longing for.

Who would have known what to expect?

Maria's Window

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