Читать книгу Maria's Window - Karen Tatro - Страница 6

Chapter Five


So, the voyage began and the three-set sail, planning a month of the expedition, to find the Island with the Crystal Core. As the trip started, Maria could barely control her excitement.

The first week she literally drove Sam crazy, going repeatedly over the maps and stories. He finally told her to chill out and relax. After all, they had plenty of time. Maria laughed and realized she was tense, so she sat back and tried to enjoy the trip. It could not have been any better at this point. She was on her way. She had gotten everything set, it was all in motion, she had the shop all under control and everyone was taking care of things. She was having a hard time relaxing with the excitement of being on the trip and the anxiety of what would come to pass.

The weather was perfect, the sky full of sunshine and the water as calm and as smooth as glass. The days were spent on the deck. Sam was always taking his position at the wheel, the proud sailor on a quest for gold, with a cigar dangling from his mouth and a martini in his hand. He really was quite a sight. If he was not at the wheel, he was puttering fixing things or cleaning the sails. He said if the sails were not cleaned daily, the salty air weakened the threads, which could cause a lot of damage. He had a huge 16-foot mop, and he cleaned the sails faithfully. It seemed to be a lot more work than Maria cared to learn. Sam loved it though. His boat was his pride and joy, and it was truly his own and something his father did not leave to him. I guess that made him love it more.

“Sam, what do you say, let’s take a break from sailing and take a dip.” Maria suggested one afternoon.

“That sounds great. Hey Sumshi, let us put it on hold for a bit and take a swim?”

Sumshi slowed the boat down until it stopped and set anchor so the two could swim. He went about his business, as usual.

Maria stood along the railing and dove in. The water felt great. It was cold but refreshing. She swam around for a few minutes.

“Hey, are you coming in?” She yelled up

“I’m all set. I like watching you.” Sam responded. He did not really want to jump in. He loved the ocean, but always had a slight fear of “Jaws”.

“Oh, come on, you’re a big boob, it feels great.”

“I’m okay, really.”

“Alright. I am going to frolic and enjoy myself.” Which Maria did for a few moments, before finding her way over to the ladder.

Sam had a towel waiting for her when she came aboard.

“Did you enjoy?” He asked as he wrapped her in the towel.

“That was so refreshing. The water is so crystal clear. You should have joined me.”

Sumshi pulled up the anchor and they started off again.

The evenings, of course, were full of wining and dining and dancing beneath the moonlight sky. There was a very mystical feeling being out in the ocean, sailing under the stars. There was a feeling of complete aloneness. It was not the same as being alone when one would normally have quiet time. This feeling was almost a deep meditative state. Not a thought in your mind, just the bright stars and a dark sky surrounding you. The water swaying against the boat and the reality that you are surround by a vast ocean. It really makes you realize just how small we really are.

Maria would often sit out at the railing and watch the star filled sky. It was so relaxing, mysterious, and arousing, and the thoughts of all that she had planned, and the excitement of the Island was sometimes intoxicating.

All in all, the trip started very well, and for everyone, it was a little different. Each had their own thoughts and excitements and often all three would be lost in that dreamland of wondering.

“Sumshi, can I prepare dinner tonight?” Maria asked one night.

He looked at Sam, and with an approving nod, he told her that would be fine.

Maria got changed and went into the galley. She decided on linguini and clam sauce and a nice Caesar salad. She got all her ingredients together and started to get a pot of the water together for boiling. She could hear Sam up on deck listening to his music. He was playing Hotel California by the Eagles. The ocean made the music amplify. While he was on deck, Sumshi was setting the dinning table. Everyone was happy.

She started making the salad dressing. She tossed the fresh romaine lettuce in a small strainer and arranged the lettuce in a large red bowl. As she mixed her ingredients, olive oil and salt and pepper. She smashed 3 garlic cloves, laying her knife flat on the cloves and giving them a good whack. A little trick she learned; that was especially useful in separating the cloves from their shell. It worked every time. She diced them up and added them to the mix, and then separated the eggs and whisked the eggs yokes in, then she pulled out her sacred ingredient, the fresh anchovies. She found that fresh anchovies were so much better than the canned. She put them in a small bowl and ground them down, the best she could, until they made a paste and squeezed just the right touch of lemon in. That made all the difference. Then the other sacred ingredient, the hot mustard. It gave it a nice bite.

After she was done, she tossed the lettuce with fresh parmesan cheese and set that aside. By then the water was boiling for the noodles, giving her time to start the sauce.

The sauce was quite simple. She added olive oil and garlic and sautéed that for few moments, and then added the fresh clams, that Sumshi already had prepared ahead of time. She added salt and pepper and a little bit of white wine. The key was not to overcook it. Probably one of the few dishes that the longer you cook it, the flavor changes. At the very end, she added just a touch of fresh garden tomatoes. A small amount, for color and flavor.

She stood there, took a sip of her wine, and smelled the delightful clam sauce and thought out loud, “Life is good.”

“Okay, you guys, it’s ready. Is the table all set up there?” She yelled out to the guys.

“All set Maria, I’ll be down to help you.”

Sam came down and helped her carry the dishes up. The dining table was set beautifully. Two glasses of wine, a few candles lit all over the table and rose petals spread out on the white tablecloth.

“Wow, you out did yourself on the table. It is just linguini and clam sauce, not prime rib. This looks nice.”

Maria smiled at Sam, thinking he was up to something too.

They both sat down and started their dinner. It was incredibly quiet for a few moments, each lost in thought. Maria took a sip of her wine and started to sweat a little. She took a deep breath and took another sip.

“Hey are you ok?” Sam noticing her.

“Yes, I am just getting some sort of hot flash, maybe the wine. I’ll be right back.”

Maria went down to the galley and got a washcloth and ran some cold water over it and covered her face. She was a little flushed; she thought it was just the anticipation. Okay, she said to herself, let us get this over with. She made her way back up to the deck and there was Sam sitting so casual, sipping his wine. He was such a sweet man. He looked so fragile sitting there.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m better now. This night is just so warm, and the wine got to me. Of course, it didn’t help with me drinking it so fast.”

“Okay, well this dinner is very delicious, and what is even better is that I have dessert already prepared for us.” He smirked.

Just then Sumshi came up with two glasses filled with chocolate mousse. A sliver of white chocolate and a dollop of whipped cream topping it off. Accompanying the moose were two small cups of espresso, all prepared for the two of them. In the center of the plate was a small silver plate with a red rose over it and a small jewelry box with a satin ribbon around it.

Maria just smiled, as she pulled out of her pocket a small jewelry box with a black satin ribbon on it, and she smirked back, as she set it on the silver plate next to his.

“Maria, what is this?” He was taken by surprise.

“What is this, Sam? Seems like we both have something on our mind, hah.”

They both just smiled, and each took their boxes and opened them. Sam had gotten Maria a beautiful 1.31 Caret Antique Diamond. It was beautiful, with engraving along the sides. Very elegant.

Maria had gotten Sam a men’s, white gold band with a solitary, square cut diamond set in the band. Sam loved it.

“Sam, this is so beautiful. This is way too much.”

Maria started to cry and got up and sat on Sam’s lap as he put his ring on. Tears welled up in his eyes.

“Oh, Maria, look who’s talking, doll, this is gorgeous. What a classy ring. You got me, you got me good.”

Sam was now crying and hugged Maria as hard as he could. He then started to shout out into the abyss of the ocean.

“She really loves me. She does. Yahoo!”

The two just sat there in each other’s arms, crying, and laughing at each other. They both had the plan, and wanted to wait until they reached the Island, but just felt this special evening seemed right.

They finished their mouse, which was to die for, and had their espresso and then headed to the wheel with Sam at his post and Maria wrapped in a blanket next to him. They chatted for a about another hour.

“Sam, I have another surprise for you.”

“What do you have up your sleeve now?” Sam thinking some romance, of course.

“Well, what do you say, we make this final?”

“What do you mean, final?”

“Well, I kind of had a plan when I gave you the ring, that you might be thinking the same thing and even if you didn’t, it didn’t matter, that we could figure a ring out for me when we get home, but I thought that if you said yes, Sumshi could marry us right here on the boat. I know that Sumshi can legally marry us, he told me that a long time ago when he and I were chatting one day. One of those things he got licensed for when he worked on the Cruise ship. I asked him if he would and he would be delighted to; that is if you would like to marry me.”

“Of course, I’d marry you now. I just thought you might want to have the whole kit and caboodle. A large wedding and the whole dress and cake and hoopla.”

“I don’t need that stuff, Sam. You know me.”

“Are you sure. I want to spoil you and show you off.” He responded in total shock of the turn of events.

“Well, we could still have a big party when we get home and have all our friends and family come; you can spoil me then. What do you think?”

“If that is what you want, then that is what I want. I have to say Maria, you have got me on this one. I was worried that you might not say yes. You not only want to say yes but want to marry me right now. Got to tell you, Doll, you keep me guessing.” Sam leaned over giving her a kiss on the forehead, while she cuddled in the blanket.

“I know Sam, it seems a little odd, but I have thought about this a great deal lately and you know I have always loved you, and I just wanted to be totally sure. Once my mind was set, well, why wait. That was one of the reasons why I was so into this vacation. I can’t wait to see the Island and have some nice adventures together.”

Sam took a break from the wheel and cuddled her. The two sat there for a moment just in silence, and then softly, Sam started to kiss the back of her neck. He brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her cheeks and earlobes and let his hand wander to her soft but firm breasts. She had perfect breasts, they fit comfortably in his hand and were taunt and firm. He unbuttoned her top and slid his hand in her bra, rubbing her nipples, with his fingers, until they became hard. He then slowly started to kiss the front of her neck, and down to her nipples where he rested there for a spell, taking his time, and feeling her arousal. She was running her hand through his hair. As he was still licking and sucking on her breasts, he moved his hand up her skirt and surprisingly she had no underwear on. She giggled, “surprise” she said out loud to him.

“Very nice,” he said, while he removed his manhood from his pants and ever so gently slid himself inside her. He was slow with his movements, each movement deep and sensual. Maria was enjoying the slowness and gentleness. That always did it. He then started to thrust inside her, with Maria meeting each thrust as her hips arched and she dropped her head back and let the movement take over her. With each thrust, he rubbed himself against her, bringing her to an organism and as she came in his arms, he released himself into her.

The two decided that on the next night, Sumshi would marry them, which he did.

The ceremony was quite simple. It was another beautifully sunny day, and the water was smooth as silk. Sumshi did the service at the bow of the boat, which only took a few minutes and when it was done, the two enjoyed the day together, frolicking in bed, under the sheets and taking long naps, while Sumshi handled everything on deck. In the later part of the day, Sumshi stopped the boat again and let them swim, this time Sam, being brave enough to enter the water.

“Oh, my God, Sam. Jaws is not going to get you.” Maria teased him.

“I know, it was just a movie, but it freaked me out as a kid. I have never gotten over it. I can’t shake it.” He replied, swimming very cautiously in the water, trying not to make much of a splash. He was not comfortable in the water, the whole time looking down at his feet, and all around him for anything; anything at all.

Maria could not help it, but she started laughing.

“Sam, really, you big goof. We won’t even be in the water long enough, okay?” Just as she said that something brushed up against Maria. Her expression went from laughing to dead serious.

Sam’s eyes widened about two inches each.

“What! What is it? Maria, what is it?” He yelled.

“I don’t know, something brushed up against me. I can’t tell, I can’t see anything.”

“Jesus Christ, Maria, if you are teasing me, I swear to god I’ll kill you.”

“I’m not kidding you, Sam, there is something under us. I think we should head back to the boat, just swim slowly and look around.” Maria was a little fearful now.

Here she was going on and on, telling him there was nothing for him to worry about, and now she was silently freaking out. Do not panic she told herself, just move slowly towards the boat.

The two made it safely to the ladder and climbed up. Once safe, they both sighed with relief. Maria looked over at Sam, who was still sweating bullets, and started to laugh. She could not help it. He started getting mad at her, which made her laugh even more.

“Maria, I am not kidding, stop it! That just about gave me a god damn heart attack. I have never been so fucking scared in my life.”

Maria had to control herself, the best she could, but the expression on his face and how large his eyes got, was priceless. The rest of the day was uneventful.

The days seemed to fly bye. The three going about their business. Maria liked to spend part of her day reading and working on crossword puzzles; when she was not sunbathing and relaxing, listening to the water and feeling the sun shining on her bronze skin. Sam puttered around, fixing things, and looking at maps and charts. He would sometimes do business work, and would join her with the crossword puzzles after, which always helped Maria, as he was a wiz with the puzzles.

After several weeks, Maria, containing herself no longer had to ask.

“Sumshi, how much longer do you think it will be?”

“Mam, I think we should be there in just a day or so.” He replied.

“Oh my God Sam! We are really going to be there. I cannot believe I’ve been reading about this Island for months, and now in less than two days, we’ll be there. What do you think it will be like? I hope it is just as wonderful as the book says. Maybe we will discover something; an unknown animal or even a lost tribe that never got cultivated by the white man. This could really be something big, Sam.” Maria was rambling on as she stood along the railing, gazing out into the horizon.

“I suppose that could be, Maria, but I doubt it. Who would travel this far out and furthermore, who could possibly survive out here? How big is this Island anyway?” Sam asked, with a slight hesitation to what he would hear. Sam never thought to ask too many questions about this trip. He was just so excited that she wanted to do this, and now he wondered, maybe there is a reason why this is an Island that no one knows about.

He went to Maria and encircled his arms around her tiny waist.

“Maybe it will be a paradise, with waterfalls and hot springs. I could really use a nice freshwater dip right now.” A smile coming across Sam’s face thinking that it’s better to think and wish for the best.

“Well, according to the stories the Island sounds like it is quite large, with rainforests and waterfalls. I am not sure of its exact size. I gave Sumshi the map to study. He asked me just prior to leaving. I know that the description sounds beautiful; although nowhere in the story does it mention any living animals or people. Just a legend that no one has ever pursued it.”

“What exactly is this legend about?” Sam asked, with a real curiosity this time.

“Well, it’s kind of a long and confusing story, as much of the information I found was in bits and pieces. I sort of had to piece it all together and draw my own conclusion. It is said that the Island is like a paradise of knowledge. Something like going to the highest peak of a mountain and glancing down upon the world and somehow knowing everything about your existence in that one moment. You are in awe of the world and nothing, but perfection and beauty fills your eyes. If you know the meaning of Euphoria, then you will understand the meaning of knowledge. It describes a lot of natural beauty, waterfalls, and lush greenery, with all sorts of tropical flowers and plants. It is supposed to be an Island completely untouched. I am not sure who documented all this information. Someone had to have gone to the island to get the description unless it’s just a fantasy. Gee Sam, maybe we really are going to be the first people to set foot on it.”

“Well, you never know, right?” he commented. “Supposedly, in the center of the island, there is a mass of crystals, that form the heart of the island. That is why it is called the Crystal Core. The crystals are supposed to be the finest and rare, making them the most valuable ever. The legend says that there is only one entrance to the core, where one can absorb the beauty of the crystals and the sight alone is the most healing and peaceful experience a soul can encounter and will leave those who see it with eternal peace and having full knowledge of their life.”

“Ghee, doll, this sounds like an expedition into the unknown,” Sam said, as he started rubbing the beads of sweat off his forehead.

“It’s all really quite amazing, and other than my first findings, there was little information on it. After I took the book home and read it, I went back to see if they knew any more about it. The bookstore had no idea the book existed. They could not find a record of it. I do not know Sam, but it was just so intriguing to me that I had to figure it out. I have not been so wrapped up in anything like this before. I literally could not put this book down. I feel like this Island contains all the answers that I have been looking for. And honestly, there really has not been anyone that shares my interest in this sort of thing.”

Sam shifted a little. “Well, hey Maria, what am I, dear?”

“Oh Sam, I didn’t mean it like that. You have been a great friend, and yes, you have always been there, but this is different. This is something bigger than me. I would like to think others could relate, but maybe it is something only I must deal with. All I know, is that this is what I have been waiting for, all my life. This trip, I can’t even begin to tell you how much this means to me, and Sam, I really thank you for taking me here, and not ridiculing me or asking me questions I can’t answer.” Maria turned to Sam.

He hugged her and took her chin in his hands and lifted it to his. He kissed her gently on the nose. They had a great friendship and he loved her dearly.

“Well love, we’ll have the pleasure of seeing this Island soon. Hey, maybe there will be something there for me. Let us get some sleep though. Hey, Sumshi, are you all set? Let us call it a night.” Sam yelled down to Sumshi.

“Okay, as soon as I finish the dishes and the deck needs to be secured Sam.” Sumshi responded.

“Sam, you get the deck all set and I’ll help him downstairs.” Maria started clearing the table and headed down below.

“As usual Sumshi, you prepared a great meal. You know you can join us for dinner on the nights that Sam does not have something all planned. I feel guilty eating while you are down here. How about you join us tomorrow? I insist.” Maria smiled, while helping him clean up.

“Thank you, mam.”

“Do you ever get bored taking care of Sam and all his crazy adventures? You seem so carefree about things. Don’t you miss your family and friends?”

“I have worked with Sam for an awfully long time. He takes good care of me. I grew up working on a cruise line. We were at sea months at a time; so, I know the sea very well, and that helps Sam.”

“Boy, that must have given you quite the experience. I can imagine it being remarkably interesting, but I am sure that it was hard work. I have been on a cruise a few times and always wondered about the crew on board. It was nice to be taken care of so well, but I always felt a little guilty, because it seemed like so much work for them and it made me wonder what that life was like for them. I thought it might be hard to be away from their family.” Maria added.

“My family also worked on the ship; we did it all together. It was hard work, but it was what we had to do to survive. Our country is extremely poor and when my parents had this opportunity available for them, they took it.”

“Where are your family now?” Maria asked.

“My parents have passed on. My sister and brothers live in Haiti. I have no wife or children of my own.”

“Do you think you will settle down sometime?” Maria asked Sumshi, who was seemingly a little shy.

“Maybe someday.” he concluded.

After a few moments, Sam came down the stairs singing to himself.

“Hey, what you guys talking about?” he asked.

“Sumshi was telling me about his family”, Maria stated, as she poured herself another glass of wine,

“You must have known his family lives in Haiti, which I find so interesting. I have heard that is a very spiritual country. Someday I’d like to visit there.” Maria turned to Sumshi to see what his response would be.

She hoped that he might say something to the effect that it would be okay, and he would take her. Sumshi just smiled and continued with his chores.

“Well, what do you say kid? Let’s get some shuteye. The deck is all set.”

“Sounds good to me, except, I’m so excited I doubt I’ll be able to sleep.” Maria responded.

Maria's Window

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