Читать книгу The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth - Kate West - Страница 10

Everyone is entitled to their own, informed, choice of spiritual path, so long as they harm no one.


Witchcraft is a non-proselytizing belief system – we do not feel the need for everyone to believe as we do in order to feel secure in our faith. There is plenty of room in this world for everyone to find their own way of relating to the Divine. In fact all religions have as much, if not more, in common than in difference. Hence there is no reason why we should not encourage and celebrate a diversity of beliefs. We encourage our young to examine many paths and to make their own decisions, based on their own needs. We do not seek to convert others to our beliefs, nor do we wish to be indoctrinated in turn.

The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth

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