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Witches celebrate the Wheel of the Year.


The Witches’ calendar contains eight key festivals, called Sabbats. At these we mark the changes of the seasons and the stories of the Goddess and the God. Whenever possible Witches will gather together to celebrate these festivals by dancing, singing and honouring the Goddess and the God by re-enacting their stories, but Solitary Witches also mark the Sabbats. At the end of these rituals we celebrate by feasting with food and wine. Many of the Sabbats have a familiar feel to non-Witches as they have been taken over by newer belief systems and incorporated into their calendars. Briefly the Sabbats are:

Samhain, 31 October. The most important festival, marking the beginning and end of the year, the beginning of the resting season of the land and a time of remembrance of those who have gone before. A feast of the Goddess as Crone and Wise One.

Yule, 21 December. The Winter Solstice when the decreasing days give way to increasing light and life and we celebrate the rebirth of the Sun.

Imbolg, 2 February. The time when the first signs of life are seen returning to the land and the Goddess changes her robes of Crone for those of Maiden.

Oestara, 21 March. The Spring Equinox, when day and night are equal. The festival of the Goddess Eostar, who is derived from the Goddess Astarte, and whose symbols are the egg and the hare.

Beltane, 1 May. The second most important festival of the year, when the Goddess changes her robes of Maiden for those of Mother and we celebrate the marriage of the Goddess and the God.

Litha, 21 June. The Summer Solstice. Here the Sun is at the peak of its power; from this time onwards the days gradually grow shorter again.

Lammas, 1 August. The festival of the first of the harvest. The feast of Lugh and of the Sacrificial King, who is these days most often represented by a gingerbread man.

Madron, 21 September. The Autumn Equinox, once more a time of balance when day and night are equal. The feast of the height of the harvest.

On the return to Samhain the year has turned full circle, hence the term ‘Wheel of the Year’. In this book you will find recipes for wines, breads, cakes, biscuits (cookies) and other feasting food to celebrate each of these festivals. You do not have to reserve these celebratory aspects of the Craft to share with others on the Path, you can share them with friends and family as a seasonal celebration, so long as you remember not to use this as an opportunity to preach in any way!

People living in the Southern Hemisphere will find their seasons are reversed and may prefer to celebrate the Sabbats as appropriate to the season rather than the calendar date.

The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth

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