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We believe that the Divine is both male and female.


We believe this is equal and in balance, and that we should seek that balance in ourselves and in our lives. Put simply, this means that we believe in the Goddess and the God, and they may be referred to by many names according to the needs of the individual or indeed their personal preference. It helps to think of the Divine as being like a mirror ball, with each facet having a different identity, although all are part of the Divine. As a result you may find that the Goddess is referred to as Isis, Astarte or Hecate, for example, and the God referred to as Osiris, Herne or Pan, and so on. Some Witches will simply refer to the Lord and Lady or the Goddess and the God, and these are the terms that I will use in this book. Others will call them the Old Ones or the Old Gods, or even just the Gods.

The Goddess is seen as having three aspects: Maiden, Mother and Crone (or Wise One). These aspects are reflected in the cycle of the Moon, and in our daily lives, for everything has its beginning, middle and closing phases.

The God also has different aspects, but these are more clearly defined through the festivals of the seasons and the Wheel of the Year.

The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth

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