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We create our own Sacred Space.


Witches do not have special buildings in which they worship, in fact most Witches do not even have a room or even a space set aside for working. They create their own working space wherever and whenever they need it, and this can be inside or out. This space is called the Circle and it is created in several steps. Briefly speaking, they are:

The invocation of the elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth, which are the energies on which we draw. They are always called in this order as Air represents thought, which should precede all our actions. We bring the element of Spirit to the Circle ourselves and through the Divine.

The invitation of the Goddess and the God, the Divine, whose assistance we need to perform our working and in whose honour we gather.

The drawing of a Circle large enough to contain those taking part and the actions they are there to perform. This is usually done on the psychic level rather than on the physical, although some will place markers to show the boundary. The Circle is drawn clockwise (or Deosil) from the north-east point of the area, between Earth and Air, and overlaps at that point in order to ensure that it is complete. The Circle is there to contain the energy raised until it is ready to be released and to protect those within its boundaries from outside energies and distractions.

These steps can be formal and elaborate, as in group working, or very simple and performed using visualization when working on your own.

Any Craft-related action done within the Sacred Space will have more effect and potency than the same action performed outside the Sacred Space. Having said that, in most cases things can be made outside the Circle and then taken into it and blessed or consecrated for use. Alternatively, you can Magically enhance your remedies whilst making them and empower them for use.

The Real Witches’ Kitchen: Spells, recipes, oils, lotions and potions from the Witches’ Hearth

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