Читать книгу Low-Carb Diet For Dummies - Katherine B. Chauncey - Страница 12

How Low Is Low Carb? That’s the Question


If you’ve looked into low-carb diets, you’ve probably found more than a few that require you to banish carbs from your diet entirely. And if you like carbs the way most people do, you’ve probably thrown down those books with a mixture of fear and frustration. Low-carb diets include a variety of carbohydrate levels, and not one specific level is accepted by all. The end result is confusion and a barrier in communicating the real risks and benefits of low-carb eating.

Americans are eating more food than ever, and carbs have replaced much of the fat. That increased food intake means an increased carbohydrate intake, which is largely sugars, sweeteners, and processed flour. That increase has had a direct impact on the health (and waistlines) of Americans. In working with patients at Texas Tech Medical Center, I found the low-carb eating plan approach referred to as the Whole Foods Weight Loss Eating Plan as more effective than a low-fat diet approach. Patients watching their fat intake were eating a lot of fat-free food products that weren’t any healthier than the fat they had been eating.

This Whole Foods Weight Loss Eating Plan doesn’t reduce carbohydrate so much that it induces ketosis (a process that happens when you don’t have enough carbs to burn for energy so you burn fat, which makes ketones to use for fuel). The Whole Foods Weight Loss Eating Plan not only reduces your intake of processed carbs, but it also shows you how to control your intake of those foods for a more permanent weight loss.

The following sections delve deeper into the world of low-carb diets and explain what a low-carb diet is and isn’t.

Low-Carb Diet For Dummies

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