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Unit 2:
Feedback and Discipline
Vocabulary related to feedback and discipline in the workplace


1.Conciliatory -showing willingness to end a disagreement; or trying to make someone less angry


After receiving some constructive criticism from her boss, Sarah took a conciliatory approach and thanked him for his feedback.

2.Blunt– saying what you think without trying to be polite or considering other people’s feelings

Грубый, прямой

The manager’s blunt communication style with the sales team led to a decrease in morale and productivity.

3.To revisit -to talk or think about something again with an intention to improving it or changing it


We need to revisit the topic of our marketing strategy to see if there are any new ideas that can help us reach our target audience more effectively.

4.To step on anyone’s toes -to upset someone, esp. by getting involved in something that is that person’s responsibility

задевать чьи-либо чувства, вмешиваться не в свое дело

You might step on some important people’s toes with this project.

5.To ask a neutral outsider for the opinion – to involve an outside observer

Спрашивать мнение стороннего наблюдателя

The marketing team decided to ask a neutral outsider, such as a focus group of potential customers, for their opinion on the latest advertising campaign to get feedback.

6.At your peril-something that might be very dangerous for you

На свой страх и риск

Politicians ignore this issue at their peril.

7. Underperformance – poor progress (for example: when you make the less profit than other investments of the same type)

низкая эффективность

The underperformance of the sales team is starting to affect the overall profitability of the company.

8.To flounder-to have serious financial or economic problems

,иметь крупные проблемы

The new project manager began to flounder in his role, struggling to adapt to the fast-paced environment of the company.

9.A dead weight-to be like ballast

Мертвый груз

I consider him to be a dead weight in our team

10. To see room for improvement – to see opportunities for doing something

видеть простор для совершенствования

I regret to say we don’t see any room for improvement any more.

11.Valued employee —useful or important staff member

Ценный сотрудник

Sarah is a valued employee who always goes above and beyond in her work, consistently exceeding expectations.

12.To screw up —to do something badly or make a big mistake

Портить, портачить

You’d better not screw up this time.

13.Forewarned is forearmed – said to mean that if you know about something before it happens, you can be prepared for it

Предупрежден – значит вооружен

I was forewarned about the challenging negotiations with the new supplier, so I prepared extensively and managed to secure a favourable deal.

14.To hang in there – not to give up

Не сдаваться

I know things are tough but hang in there.

15.To flip-flop – to change plans completely

Полностью менять планы, мнение

If I were you, I wouldn’t rely on the person that flip-flops every time.

16.To get across an idea – to communicate effectively to convey the idea

Доносить идею

It was extremely difficult to get across my ideas.

17.Half-baked- not planned or considered carefully enough


He’s always coming out with these half-baked ideas which will never work.

18.To face the music- to accept responsibility for something you have done

Храбро встречать трудности или критику

You have to face the music eventually.

19.A glitch- a small fault or problem, especially one that stops something from working

Сбой, проблема

There are always glitches in the early blueprints.

20. In the pipeline —a plan, product,etc.that is in the pipeline is being discusses or prepared and will be produced or finished in the future

В разработке, в планах

The pay rise is in the pipeline.

21.To cut corners-to reduce costs at the expense of quality

Экономить в ущерб качеству

The company decided to cut corners by using cheaper materials in the manufacturing process, but it ended up causing more quality control problems in the long run.

Practical Grammar and Vocabulary in the Workplace. Пособие по бизнес-английскому

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