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Confirmation Bias


Humans are never unbiased. We all go into situations with certain beliefs that can be very hard to change.

Unfortunately, this applies when trying to do user research, and it seems to apply doubly for startup founders. When you spend every single moment of your day trying to convince people that your idea is absolute genius, taking that step back and admitting to yourself that you have things to learn can be psychologically exhausting.

Nevertheless, you need to overcome your desire to hear nothing but, “You’re right!” and “Of course I would buy this product!” Your goal during this phase is to learn new things, not just confirm what you think you already know.

In order to combat this very human tendency to hear nothing but what you want to hear, you should never conduct research alone. You’ll learn more about how to talk to users in Chapter 3, “Do Better Research,” but the best advice for now is to always take a buddy.

At the end of every research session, having another person who saw the same research you did will help you make sure that you both heard the same things. Take 15 minutes after each discussion with a user and debrief with someone whose only job it was to observe. Or, if you’re having a very hard time being neutral, let another person lead the interviews while you grit your teeth and keep your mouth shut. You’ll get much better results.

Build Better Products

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