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Оглавление[98] tener noticia de, to learn, to be informed.
[99] hábil para, skillful in.
[100] hacer la prueba, to make the test.
[101] disfrazarse de, to disguise one's self as.
[102] ponerse en camino, to set forth.
[103] seguir su camino, to continue one's way.
[104] dar señales de, to give signs of, to make a move to.
[105] haber de, to be to, to have to.
[106] enterarse de, to be informed about, to find out about.
[107] poner en claro, to set right.
[108] aguardar turno, to await one's turn.
[109] disputarse algo, to quarrel over something.
[110] apoderarse de, to seize, to take possession of.
[111] tocar su vez a uno, to be one's turn.
[112] suceder, to happen. This verb never means to succeed except in the sense of to succeed one in office.
[113] negarse a, to refuse.
[114] dirigirse a, to make one's way toward.
[115] hacer entrar, to have come in.
[116] dirigirse a, to address, to speak to.
[117] por lo que a mí corresponde, as far as I am concerned.
[118] llenar de, to fill with.
[119] en cuanto a, as for, concerning.
[120] admirado de, astonished at.
[121] pedir algo a uno, to ask some one for something.