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[122] a la sazón, at that time

[123] tener fama de, to have the reputation of, to be reputed as.

[124] proponerse, to make up one's mind, to decide.

[125] convenir en, to agree to.

[126] sin perderlas, without losing them. The verb form which follows the preposition in Spanish is always the infinitive and not the present participle as in English.

[127] despedirse de, to take leave of.

[128] llamarse, to be called (speaking of one's name).

[129] emprender un viaje, to set out on a journey.

[130] asociarse a, to join.

[131] dar con, to come upon, tu meet.

[132] montar un caballo, to ride a horse.

[133] ponerse a, to begin

[134] acabar de dar, to have just given. Acabar de plus the infinitive in Spanish equals in English to have just plus the past participle.

[135] persa, Persian. The form of this proper adjective is the same for the masculine and the feminine.

[136] de nuevo, again.

La Plaza Mayor, Burgos

Lecturas fáciles con ejercicios

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