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Engineering and Art


Exhibit 1.3 presents two contrasting approaches to management and leadership. One is a rational‐technical mind‐set emphasizing certainty and control. The other is an expressive, artistic conception encouraging flexibility, creativity, and interpretation. The first portrays managers as technicians; the second sees them as artists.

Exhibit 1.3. Expanding Managerial Thinking.

How Managers Often Think How Managers Might Think
Oversimplify reality (for example, blame problems on individuals' flaws and errors) Think holistically about a full range of significant issues: people, power, structure, and symbols
Regardless of the problems at hand, rely on facts, logic, restructuring Use feeling and intuition as well as logic, bargaining as well as training, celebration as well as reorganization
Cling to certainty, rationality, and control while fearing ambiguity, paradox, and “going with the flow” Develop creativity, risk taking, and playfulness in response to life's dilemmas and paradoxes, and focus as much on finding the right question as the right answer, on finding meaning and faith amid clutter and confusion
Rely on the “one right answer” and the “one best way” Show passionate, unwavering commitment to principle, combined with flexibility in understanding and responding to events

Artists interpret experience and express it in forms that can be felt, understood, and appreciated by others. Art embraces emotion, subtlety, ambiguity. An artist reframes the world so others can see new possibilities. Modern organizations often rely too much on engineering and too little on art in searching for quality, commitment, and creativity. Art is not a replacement for engineering but an enhancement and a powerful partner. Artistic leaders and managers help us look and probe beyond today's reality to new forms that release untapped individual energies and improve collective performance. The leader as artist relies on abstract images as well as memos, poetry as well as policy, reflection as well as command, and reframing as well as refitting.

Reframing Organizations

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