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1. These examples all show thinking influencing reality. A social constructivist perspective goes a step further to say that our thinking constructs social reality. In this view, an organization exists not “out there” but in the minds and actions of its constituents. This idea is illustrated in an old story about a dispute among three baseball umpires. The first says, “Some's balls, and some's strikes, and I calls ’em like they are.” The second counters, “No, you got it wrong. Some's balls, and some's strikes, and I calls ’em the way I sees them.” The third says, “You guys don't really get it. Some's balls, and some's strikes, but they ain't nothin' until I call ’em.” The first umpire is a realist who believes that what he sees is exactly what is. The second recognizes that reality is influenced by his own perception. The third is the social constructivist—his call makes them what they are. This distinction is particularly important in the symbolic frame, which we return to in Chapter 12.

Reframing Organizations

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