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Naughty Eyes Are So Nice


Now we come to the last way our eyes can get the chemicals flowing through our Quarry’s veins. There are carefully choreographed steps that a man and a woman must take upon meeting each other if love is going to develop.

One of those can’t-do-without steps involves our eyes. A curious phenomenon happens to the eyes when a man and a woman begin to feel comfortable with each other and the rumblings of love start to resonate through their bodies. As lovers are lulled by the good feelings, their eyes become more courageous. They slowly start to wander lovingly over each other’s faces, hair, eyes. Then they become bolder and venture down to their partner’s shoulders, neck and torso. A dreaminess sets in.

To push your relationship with a new Quarry into this next step of intimacy, use the technique I call visual voyage. As the conversation progresses, let your eyes slide down from the nose to the lips. Caress the lips with your eyes for a moment or two, then slowly venture south to the neck and, if all is going well, beyond.


A Visual Voyage

As you and your Quarry are chatting, let your eyes do some travelling – but only on safe territory at first. Take a visual voyage all over his or her face, concentrating mostly on the eyes. If he or she seems to be enjoying your expedition, take small side trips to the neck, shoulders and torso.

Women, you have a more liberal passport to travel in this territory. Men, be more wary. You are cruising into dangerous seas and can sink the ship if your eyes travel too far south and vacation there too long.

These four eye techniques – intense gaze, bedroom eyes, sticky eyes and visual voyage – are scientifically proven aphrodisiacs. When you start using them on your Quarry, you will feel the effect. However, you don’t need science to tell you that you cannot make someone fall in love with you unless the two of your are introduced to each other. Unless, of course, you engineer an acquaintance without the benefit of introduction. In the vernacular, that’s ‘pick them up’. Proponents of political correctness would recoil at the term. But I, for one, have nothing against the concept – if the ‘pickup’ is done in a manner, shall we say, befitting the situation and the individuals involved.

Let us now cover some basics. We will explore how you can engineer the acquaintance of a Potential Love Partner without the benefit of third-party introduction.

How to Make Anyone Fall in Love With You: 85 Proven Techniques for Success

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