Читать книгу Your Literacy Standards Companion, Grades 3-5 - Leslie Blauman - Страница 41

Informational Text


 3 Gist: Students reading for information to describe the relationship between a series of events, ideas, concepts, or steps requires them to understand and use technical language. Having established this, students focus on time, sequences, and cause/effect to determine importance.

They consider:

 Does this text describe people and events in history?

 Does it outline steps in a process like a recipe?

 Does this text explain animals, nature, or another science topic?

 What vocabulary words help me understand the topic?

 How can I skim headings, photos, captions, and graphics to deepen my understanding of these pages?

 Does the author use language and key words that identify time, sequence, or cause/effect?

 4 Gist: Students reading for information in historical, scientific, or technical texts use specific information directly from the text to recount what happened and why as they explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts.

They consider:

 How is this text organized? Does the author tell about a topic in a chronological sequence?

 How can I “outsmart” the text by using features like the index, TOC, glossary, illustrations and photographs, bolded words, and headings to help me understand?

 What happens in the text?

 What specific information or key ideas explain why the event happened?

 If I had to choose one specific piece of information from each page that best explains what or why something happens, what would it be?

 5 Gist: Students reading for information about the relationships between two or more people, events, ideas, or concepts first determine which people, events, ideas, or concepts play an influential role. Students then read the text almost like a scientist would observe an experiment, observing how various people, events, ideas, or concepts influence each other over time.

They consider:

 What type of text is this?

 Which people, events, ideas, or concepts does the author treat as important in the text?

 How would I explain their relationships or interactions?

 What examples or key details help me support my explanation?

 How do people, events, or ideas connect together?

 What are the connections and relationships between procedures, steps, and so on?

Your Literacy Standards Companion, Grades 3-5

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