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cā 擦 V clean or erase by wiping or rubbing

cāi 猜 V guess

cāicè 猜测 V guess, conjecture

cāixiǎng 猜想 V suppose, conjecture

cái 才1 TRAD 纔 ADV 1 (before a verb) a short time ago, just 2 (used before a word of time or quantity to indicate that the speaker feels the time is too early, too short or the quantity is too little), only, as early as, as few/little as 3 (used after a word of time to indicate that the speaker feels the time is too late or there is too much delay) as late as

cái 才2 N talent, remarkable ability

cáigàn 才干 N talent, competence

cáinéng 才能 N talent, ability

cáizhì 才智 N talent and high intelligence, ability and wisdom

cái 财 TRAD 財 N wealth, property

cáichǎn 财产 N property, belongings

cáifù 财富 N wealth, fortune

cáijīng 财经 N finance and economy

cáikuài 财会 N finance and accounting

ciálì 财力 N financial capacity

cáiwù 财务 N financial affairs, finance

cáizhèng 财政 N public finance

cái 材 N material

cáiliào 材料 N 1 materials, e.g. steel, timber, plastic 2 data (for a thesis, a report, etc.)

cái 裁 V 1 cut into parts, cut down 2 judge, decide

cáifeng 裁缝 N tailor, dressmaker

cáijiǎn 裁减 V cut down, reduce

cáijué 裁决 V judge, rule

cáipàn 裁判 I V 1 (in law) judge 2 (in sports) act as referee or umpire II N referee, umpire

cáipànyuán 裁判员 N Same as 裁 判 cáipàn II

cáiyuán 裁员 V reduce staff

cǎi 采 TRAD 採 V pick, gather

cǎifǎng 采访 V (of mass media) interview

cǎigòu 采购 V (corporate) purchase

cǎijí 采集 V gather, collect

cǎinà 采纳 V accept, adopt

cǎiqǔ 采取 V adopt (a policy, a measure, an attitude, etc.)

cǎiyòng 采用 V use, employ

cǎi 彩 ADJ colorful, multi-colored

cǎihóng 彩虹 N rainbow

cǎipiào 彩票 N lottery, lottery ticket

cǎisè 彩色 ADJ multi-colored

cǎi 踩 V step on, tread on

cǎi 睬 V pay attention to

cài 菜 N 1 vegetables 2 any non-staple food such as vegetables, meat, fish, eggs etc 3 cooked dish

càidān 菜单 N menu

cān 参 TRAD 參 V call, enter

cānguān 参观 V visit (a place)

cānjiā 参加 V 1 join 2 participate, attend

cānkǎo 参考 V consult, refer to

cānmóu 参谋 I V offer advice II N 1 staff officer 2 advice

cānyìyuán 参议员 N senator

cānyìyuàn 参议院 N senate, the Senate

cāiyú 参与 V participate, involve

cānyuè 参阅 V consult (a book, a periodical, etc.)

cānzhào 参照 V use as reference, refer to

cān 餐 N meal

cānchē 餐车 N dining car (on a train)

cāntīng 餐厅 N restaurant

cán 残 TRAD 殘 ADJ damaged, savage

cánbào 残暴 ADJ ferocious, brutal

cánfèi 残废 N handicapped, deformity

cánjí 残疾 ADJ disabled

cánkù 残酷 ADJ cruel, brutal

cánrěn 残忍 ADJ cruel, merciless

cányú 残余 ADJ remnants, survivors

cán 惭 TRAD 慚 N shame

cánkuì 惭愧 ADJ be ashamed

cán 蚕 TRAD 蠶 N silkworm

cǎn 惨 TRAD 慘 ADJ miserable, tragic

càn 灿 TRAD 燦 ADJ brilliant

cànlàn 灿烂 ADJ magnificent, splendid

cāng 仓 TRAD 倉 N storage

cāngcù 仓促 ADJ hasty, hurried

cāngkù 仓库 N warehouse

cāng 苍 TRAD 蒼 N dark green

cāngbái 苍白 ADJ pallid, pale

cāngying 苍蝇 N housefly

cāng 舱 TRAD 艙 N cabin (in a ship or an airplane)

cáng 藏 V hide, conceal

cāo 操 N drill, exercise

cāochǎng 操场 N sports ground, playground

cāoláo 操劳 V toil, work very hard

cāoliàn 操练 V drill, practice, train

cāoxīn 操心 V deeply concern, be at pains

cāozòng 操纵 V control, operate

cāozuò 操作 V operate

cáo 槽 N trough

cǎo 草 N grass, weed

cǎo’àn 草案 N draft (of a plan, proposal, a document, etc.)

cǎodì 草地 N 1 lawn 2 meadow

cǎoshuài 草率 ADJ careless, sloppy

cǎoyuán 草原 N grassland, steppe, pasture

cè 册 M. WD (used for books) volume

cè 厕 TRAD 廁 N toilet

cèsuǒ 厕所 N toilet

cè 测 TRAD 測 V measure, gauge

cèdìng 测定 V determine (the position, speed, etc.) by measuring

cèliáng 测量 V survey, measure

cèshì 测试 V test

cèsuàn 测算 V measure and calculate

cèyàn 测验 I V test (in a school) II N test, examination

cè 侧 I N side II V incline, lean

cèmiàn 侧面 N side, flank

cè 策 N plan (See 政策 zhèng cè)

cèhuà 策划 V plan (an event, a theatrical performance, etc.)

cèlüè 策略 N tactics

céng 层 TRAD 層 M. WD story (storey), level, floor

céngcì 层次 N 1 administrative or educational level 2 arrangement of ideas in writing or colors in painting

céng 曾 ADV Same as 曾经 céng jīng. Used more in writing.

céngjīng 曾经 ADV once, formerly

chā 叉 N fork

chā 差 N 1 difference, discrepancy 2 mistake, error

chābié 差别 N disparity, gap

chācuò 差错 N error, fault

chājù 差距 N gap, disparity

chāyì 差异 N diversity, difference

chā 插 V insert, stick in

chāyāng 插秧 V transplant rice seedlings

chāzuǐ 插嘴 V interrupt by saying something

chá 茶 N tea

cháguǎn 茶馆 N teahouse

chá 查 V check, investigate, look up

chábàn 查办 V investigate and punish

cháhuò 查获 V hunt down and seize (stolen goods, criminals, etc.)

chámíng 查明 V investigate and clarify, prove after an investigation

cháxún 查询 V inquire about

cháyuè 查阅 V search (reference books, documents, etc.)

chá 察 V examine, look over closely (See 观察 guānchá, 警察 jǐngchá)

chà 岔 I N branching off II V change the subject

chà 差 I V be short of, lack in I ADJ poor, not up to standard

chàbuduō 差不多 ADV 1 more or less the same 2 almost

chàdiǎnr 差点儿 ADV almost, nearly

chà 诧 TRAD 詫 V be surprised

chàyì 诧异 V be surprised, be amazed

chāi 拆 V take apart, demolish

chāichú 拆除 V demolish and remove

chāichuān 拆穿 V expose (a lie, a plot, etc.)

chāiqiān 拆迁 V demolish (a dwelling) and relocate (inhabitants)

chái 柴 N firewood (See 火柴 huǒchái)

cháiyóu 柴油 N diesel oil

chān 搀 TRAD 攙 V 1 help by the arm 2 mix, mingle

chán 蝉 TRAD 蟬 N cicada

chán 馋 TRAD 饞 ADJ too fond of eating, gluttonous

chán 缠 TRAD 纏 V 1 wind, twine 2 pester

chǎn 产 TRAD 產 V produce

chǎndì 产地 N origin of manufacturing

chǎnliàng 产量 N (production) output, yield

chǎnpǐn 产品 N product

chǎnshēng 产生 V produce, give rise to, lead to

chǎnwù 产物 N outcome, result

chǎnyè 产业 N property, estate

chǎnzhí 产值 N output value

chǎn 铲 TRAD 鏟 N spade

chǎn 阐 TRAD 闡 V explain

chǎnmíng 阐明 V explain clearly, clarify

chǎnshù 阐述 V elaborate, explain

chàn 颤 TRAD 顫 V quiver, vibrate

chàndòng 颤动 V quiver, shake

chàndǒu 颤抖 V (of people) tremble, shake

chāng 昌 V prosper

chāngshèng 昌盛 ADJ prosperous, flourishing

chāng 猖 ADJ ferocious

chāngkuáng 猖狂 ADJ ferocious, savage

cháng 长 TRAD 長 ADJ long

chángcháng jiǔjiǔ 长长久久 ADV (for) a very long time

Chángchéng 长城 N the Great Wall (a historic landmark in Northern China)

chángchu 长处 N strong point, merit, strength

chángdù 长度 N length

chángduǎn 长短 N 1 length 2 right and wrong 3 mishap, accident

Chángjiāng 长江 N the Yangtze River (China’s longest river)

chángpǎo 长跑 N long-distance running

chángqī 长期 N a long period of time

chángshòu 长寿 ADJ enjoying longevity

chángtú 长途 N long distance

chángyuǎn 长远 ADJ long-term, long-range

cháng 尝 TRAD 嘗 V taste

chángshì 尝试 V try

cháng 偿 TRAD 償 V make up, compensate

chánghuán 偿还 V pay back (a debt)

cháng 常 I ADV often

chángcháng 常常 I ADV often II ADJ 1 common, regular 2 normal

chángguī 常规 ADJ regular, conventional

chángnián 常年 ADV all year round

chángshí 常识 N 1 common sense 2 basic knowledge

chángwù 常务 ADJ day-to-day

cháng 肠 TRAD 腸 N intestine

chángwèibìng 肠胃病 N gastrointestinal disease

chángyán 肠炎 N enteritis

chǎng 厂 TRAD 廠 N factory, works, mill

chǎngfáng 厂房 N factory building

chǎngshāng 厂商 N 1 factory, firm 2 factory owner

chǎngzhǎng 厂长 N factory manager

chǎng 敞 V open

chǎngkāi 敞开 V open wide

chǎng 场 TRAD 場 I N ground, field II M. WD (for movies, sport events, etc.)

chǎngdì 场地 N venue (especially for sports)

chǎnghé 场合 N occasion, situation

chǎngmiàn 场面 N scene (in a play, movie, etc.)

chǎngsuǒ 场所 N place (for public activity)

chàng 倡 V initiate

chàngyì 倡议 I V propose II N proposal, suggestion

chàng 唱 V sing

chàng piàn 唱片 N album (of songs, music)

chàng 畅 TRAD 暢 ADJ uninhibited, unimpeded

chàngkuài 畅快 ADJ carefree

chàngtán 畅谈 V talk freely and openly

chàngtōng 畅通 ADJ unimpeded, flowing freely and smoothly

chàngxiāo 畅销 V sell well

chāo 抄 V copy by hand

chāoxiě 抄写 V Same as 抄 chāo

chāo 超 V go beyond, exceed

chāochǎn 超产 V exceed production quota

chāochū 超出 V go beyond, exceed

chāo’é 超额 V exceed quotas

chāoguò 超过 V 1 overtake 2 exceed

chāojí 超级 ADJ super

chāojíshìchǎng 超级市场 N supermarket, supermart

chāoliànjiē 超链接 N (Internet) hyperlink

chāoshēngbō 超声波 N ultrasonic wave, supersonic wave

chāoyuè 超越 V transcend, surpass

chāo 钞 TRAD 鈔 N paper money

chāopiào 钞票 N paper money, banknotes

cháo 朝 I V face II PREP towards, to III N dynasty

cháodài 朝代 N dynasty

Cháoxiǎn 朝鲜 N North Korea

cháo 潮 ADJ wet

cháoshī 潮湿 ADJ damp, humid

cháoshuǐ 潮水 N tidewater

cháo 嘲 V jeer, mock

cháoxiào 嘲笑 V ridicule, sneer at

cháo 巢 N nest

chǎo 吵 I V (Same as 吵架 chǎojià) quarrel II ADJ (Same as 吵闹 chǎonào II) noisy

chǎojià 吵架 V quarrel

chǎonào 吵闹 I V wrangle, raise hell II ADJ noisy, hustle and bustle

chǎozuǐ 吵嘴 V bicker, quarrel

chǎo 炒 V 1 stir-fry, roast 2 sensationalize, create a commotion

chē 车 TRAD 車 N vehicle, traffic

chéchuáng 车床 N machine tool

chējiān 车间 N workshop (in a factory)

chēliàng 车辆 N vehicles, traffic

chēxiāng 车厢 N carriage (in a train)

chēzhàn 车站 N bus stop, coach station, railway station

chě 扯 V 1 pull 2 tear 3 chat

chè 撤 V 1 remove 2 withdraw, retreat

chètuì 撤退 V retreat

chèxiāo 撤销 V cancel, revoke

chè 彻 TRAD 徹 ADJ thorough

chèdǐ 彻底 ADJ thorough, complete

chén 臣 N (in ancient times) minister, official

chén 辰 N 1 celestial body 2 time

chén 沉 I V sink II ADJ 1 deep, profound 2 heavy

chédiàn 沉淀 I V (of a substance) precipitate, settle II N sediment

chénjìng 沉静 ADJ serene, placid

chénmèn 沉闷 ADJ 1 (of weather) depressing, oppressive 2 (of moods) in low spirit 3 (of ambiance, atmosphere) dull, boring

chénmò 沉默 ADJ silent, reticent

chénsī 沉思 V ponder, be lost in thought

chéntòng 沉痛 ADJ deeply grieved, in deep sorrow

chénzhòng 沉重 ADJ heavy, serious

chénzhuó 沉着 ADJ cool-headed, composed

chén 陈 TRAD 陳 I ADJ old, stale II V display

chénjiǔ 陈酒 N vintage wine

chénjiù 陈旧 ADJ old-fashioned, outdated

chénliè 陈列 V display, exhibit

chenshù 陈述 V state (one’s views, reasons, etc.)

chén 晨 N early morning (See 早 晨 zǎochén)

chén 尘 TRAD 塵 N dust (See 灰尘 huīchén)

chèn 衬 TRAD 襯 N (clothes) lining, underwear

chènshān 衬衫 N shirt

chènyī 衬衣 N shirt or similar underwear

chèn 趁 PREP taking advantage of, while, when

chèn 称 TRAD 稱 V suit, fit well

chènxīn 称心 ADJ very much to one’s liking, find ... satisfactory

chēng 称 TRAD 稱 V 1 call, be known as, address ... as 2 weigh

chēnghào 称号 N honorific title

chēnghu 称呼 I V call, address II N form of address

chēngzàn 称赞 V compliment, praise

chēng 撑 V prop up, support

chéng 成 V become, turn into

chéngběn 成本 N (in business) cost

chéngfèn 成分 N component part, ingredient

chénggōng 成功 I V succeed II ADJ successful

chéngguǒ 成果 N positive result, achievement

chéngjì 成绩 N achievement, examination result

chéngjiàn 成见 N prejudice

chéng jiāo 成交 V complete a business deal

chéngjiù 成就 N great achievement

chénglì 成立 V establish, set up

chéng míng 成名 V become famous

chéngpǐn 成品 N end product, finished product

chéngrén 成人 N adult

chéngshú 成熟 I V mature II ADJ ripe, mature

chéngtào 成套 ADJ in a complete set

chéngtiān 成天 ADV all day long, all the time

chéngwéi 成为 V become

chéngxiào 成效 N desired effect, beneficial effect

chéngxīn 成心 ADV intentionally, purposely

chéngyǔ 成语 N idiom, set phrase

chéngyuán 成员 N member

chéngzhǎng 成长 V grow up

chéng 城 N city, town

chéngshì 城市 N city, urban area (as opposed to rural area)

chéngzhèn 城镇 N cities and towns, urban area

chéng 诚 TRAD 誠 ADJ sincere

chéngkěn 诚恳 ADJ sincere

chéngshí 诚实 ADJ honest, simple

chéngxīn chéngyì 诚心诚意 ADJ very sincerely

chéngxìn 诚信 N sincerity and trust, trust

chéngyì 诚意 N good faith, sincerity

chéngzhì 诚挚 ADJ sincere, cordial

chéng 承 V bear, undertake

chéngbàn 承办 V undertake

chéngbāo 承包 V contract

chéngrèn 承认 V 1 acknowledge, recognize 2 admit (mistake, error, etc.)

chéngshòu 承受 V endure, bear

chéng 乘1 V 1 use (a means of transport), travel (by car, train, plane, etc.) 2 take advantage of

chéng 乘2 V multiply

chéngkè 乘客 N passenger

chéngjī 乘机 V seize an opportunity

chéngwùyuán 乘务员 N attendant (on a train, coach, etc.)

chéng 呈 V 1 appear, assume 2 present

chéngxiàn 呈现 V appear, show

chéng 程 N regulation, procedure

chéngdù 程度 N level, degree

chéngxù 程序 N procedure

chéng 惩 TRAD 懲 V punish

chéngbàn 惩办 V (of the authorities) punish

chéngfá 惩罚 V punish, penalize

chéng 澄 ADJ (of water) clear, clean

chéngqīng 澄清 V clarify

chèng 秤 N scale(s)

chī 吃 V eat

chījīng 吃惊 V be shocked, be startled, be alarmed

chīkǔ 吃苦 V endure hardships, suffer

chīkuī 吃亏 V suffer losses, be at a disadvantage

chīlì 吃力 ADJ making or requiring great efforts

chī 痴 ADJ foolish, stupid

chí 池 N pool, pond

chítáng 池塘 N pond

chí 迟 TRAD 遲 ADJ late

chídào 迟到 V come late, be late (for work, school, etc.)

chíhuǎn 迟缓 ADJ (of movement) slow, sluggish

chíyí 迟疑 V hesitate, waver

chí 持 V persevere

chíjiǔ 持久 ADJ enduring, lasting

chíxù 持续 V continue, sustain, persist

chí 匙 N spoon

chí 驰 TRAD 馳 V move quickly, gallop

chǐ 尺 I N ruler (把 bǎ) II M. WD a traditional Chinese unit of length (equal to 1/3 meter)

chǐcun 尺寸 N size, measurements

chǐmǎ 尺码 N size (of shoes, shirts, ready-made clothing, etc.)

chǐ 侈 ADJ wasteful (See 奢侈 shēchǐ)

chǐ 齿 TRAD 齒 N tooth, teeth

chǐlún 齿轮 N gear wheel, gear

chǐ 耻 TRAD 恥 N shame

chǐrǔ 耻辱 N deep shame, humiliation

chì 赤 ADJ red

chìdào 赤道 N the equator

chìzì 赤字 N the number in red, deficit

chì 翅 N wing

chìbǎng 翅膀 N wing (of a bird)

chì 斥 V scold, shout at

chōng 冲 TRAD 衝 V 1 clash 2 charge, rush, dash

chōngfēng 冲锋 V (of troops) charge, assault

chōnglàng 冲浪 V surf

chōngpò 冲破 V break through, breach

chōngtū 冲突 I V clash II N conflict, clash

chōng 充 ADJ sufficient, full

chōngfèn 充分 ADJ abundant, ample, adequate

chōngmǎn 充满 ADJ full of, be filled with

chōngpèi 充沛 ADJ abundant, plentiful

chōngshí 充实 I ADJ substantial II V strengthen, enrich

chōngzú 充足 ADJ sufficient, adequate, enough

chóng 虫 TRAD 蟲 N insect, worm

chóngzi 虫子 N insect, worm

chóng 重 ADV again, once again

chóngdié 重叠 V overlap

chóngfù 重复 V repeat

chóngxīn 重新 ADV Same as 重 chóng

chóng 崇 ADJ high, lofty

chóngbài 崇拜 V worship, adore

chónggāo 崇高 ADJ lofty, sublime

chóngjìng 崇敬 V hold in high esteem, revere

chǒng 宠 TRAD 寵 V pamper, indulge

chǒngwù 宠物 N pet

chòng 冲 ADJ strong, forceful

chōu 抽 V take out (from in-between)

chōukòng 抽空 V manage to find time

chōushuījī 抽水机 N water pump

chōuti 抽屉 N drawer

chōuxiàng 抽象 ADJ abstract

chōuyān 抽烟 V smoke a cigarette (cigar), smoke

chóu 绸 TRAD 綢 N silk (See 丝绸 sīchóu)

chóuduàn 绸缎 N satin

chóu 愁 V worry

chóu 酬 V reward

chóu 稠 ADJ thick, dense

chóumì 稠密 ADJ dense

chóu 筹 TRAD 籌 V prepare

chóubèi 筹备 V prepare (a conference, an event, etc.)

chóujiàn 筹建 V prepare to construct (a factory, a school, etc.)

chóu 仇 N deep hatred

chǒu 丑 TRAD 醜 ADJ ugly

chǒu’è 丑恶 ADJ ugly, hideous

chǒuwén 丑闻 N scandal

chòu 臭 ADJ smelly, stinking

chū 出 V emerge from, go out, exit

chūbǎn 出版 V publish

chūchāi 出差 V be on a business trip, leave town on business

chūchǎn 出产 V produce, manufacture

chūdòng 出动 V set out, go into action

chūfā 出发 V set off (on a journey), start (a journey)

chūguó 出国 V go abroad, go overseas

chūjìng 出境 V leave the country, exit

chūkǒu 出口 I V 1 export 2 speak, utter II N exit

chūlai 出来 V come out

chūlù 出路 N outlet, way out

chūmài 出卖 V 1 sell, be for sale 2 betray, sell out

chūmén 出门 V leave home, go out

chūmiàn 出面 V act in the name of

chūmíng 出名 ADJ famous, well-known

chūnà 出纳 N Same as 出纳员 chūnà yuán

chūnàyuán 出纳员 N cashier

chūpǐn 出品 N product

chūqu 出去 V go out

chūrù 出入 I V go in and come out II N inconsistency, discrepancy

chūsè 出色 ADJ outstanding, remarkable

chūshēn 出身 N family background, (a person’s) social origin

chūshén 出神 V be lost in thought, be spellbound

chūshēng 出生 V be born

chūshì 出事 V (an accident) take place

chūxí 出席 V attend (a meeting, a court trial, etc.)

chūxi 出息 N (a person’s) future

chūxiàn 出现 V come into view, appear, emerge

chūyángxiàng 出洋相 V make a fool of oneself, cut a ridiculous figure

chūyuàn 出院 V be discharged from hospital

chūzū 出租 V have ... for hire, rent

chūzū qìchē 出租汽车 N taxi

chū 初 I N beginning II ADJ at the beginning, for the first time III PREFIX (used for the first ten days of a lunar month), the first

chūbù 初步 ADJ initial, tentative

chūjí 初级 ADJ elementary, initial

chūqī 初期 N initial stage

chú 除 I V get rid of II PREP except, apart from

chú cǎo 除草 V to weed

chú chóng 除虫 I V to kill insects II N insecticide

chúcǐ yǐwài 除此以外 PREP apart from this, besides

chúfēi 除非 CONJ unless, only if

chúle ... (yǐwài) 除了…(以外) PREP except, besides

chúxī 除夕 N New Year’s eve

chú 厨 TRAD 廚 N kitchen

chúfáng 厨房 N kitchen

chúshī 厨师 N chef

chú 锄 TRAD 鋤 I N hoe II V do hoeing

chǔ 处 TRAD 處 V handle, deal with

chǔfá 处罚 V penalize, discipline

chǔfāng 处方 N (doctor’s) prescription

chǔfèn 处分 I N disciplinary action II V take disciplinary action

chǔjìng 处境 N (usually) bad situation, plight

chǔjué 处决 V put to death, execute

chǔlǐ 处理 V 1 handle, deal with 2 sell at reduced prices 3 take disciplinary action

chǔyú 处于 V be in state of, be situated at

chǔzhì 处置 V dispose of, handle, deal with

chǔ 础 TRAD 礎 N plinth (See 基 础 jīchǔ)

chǔ 楚 ADJ clear, neat (See 清楚 qīngchu)

chǔ 储 TRAD 儲 V store

chǔbèi 储备 V store away

chǔcáng 储藏 I N deposits, reserve II V store, keep, preserve

chǔcún 储存 V 1 store away, keep in reserve 2 (in computing) save a file

chǔcún zhuāngzhì 储存装置 N (computer) thumbdrive

chǔxù 储蓄 V save (money), deposit (money)

chù 处 TRAD 處 N place, location

chùchù 处处 ADV everywhere

chù 触 TRAD 觸 V touch, contact

chùdiàn 触电 V get an electric shock

chùfàn 触犯 V violate (law), offend (a person)

chuān 穿 V 1 wear (clothes, shoes), be dressed in 2 put on (clothes, shoes)

chuān 川 N river

chuán 船 N boat, ship

chuánbó 船舶 N boats and ships

chuán 传 TRAD 傳 V 1 pass (something) on, transmit 2 spread (news, rumor)

chuánbō 传播 V propagate, disseminate

chuándá 传达 V pass on, relay, transmit

chuándì 传递 V transmit, deliver

chuángǎnqì 传感器 N sensor

chuánméi 传媒 N media, mass media

chuánrǎn 传染 V infect

chuánshòu 传授 V teach, pass on (knowledge, skill, etc.)

chuánshuō 传说 I N legend, folklore II V it is said, they say

chuánsòng 传送 V convey, deliver

chuántǒng 传统 N tradition, heritage

chuánxiāo 传销 N pyramid selling

chuánzhēn 传真 N fax

chuǎn 喘 V breathe with difficulty, pant

chuàn 串 V string together

chuāng 疮 N sore, open sore

chuāngbā 疮疤 N scar

chuāng 窗 N window

chuānghu 窗户 N window

chuāngkǒu 窗口 N window

chuānglián 窗帘 N (window) curtain

chuangtái 窗台 N window sill

chuáng 床 N bed

chuángdān 床单 N bedsheet

chuángpù 床铺 N bed (in school dormitories, army barracks, etc.)

chuángwèi 床位 N bed (in a hospital, ship, train, etc.)

chuǎng 闯 TRAD 闖 V charge, rush

chuǎnghuò 闯祸 V cause disasters, get into trouble

chuàng 创 TRAD 創 V create

chuàngjiàn 创建 V found (a company, an institution, etc.)

chuànglì 创立 V set up, found

chuàngxīn 创新 I V innovate, renew II N innovation, renewal

chuàngyè 创业 V start an undertaking

chuàngzào 创造 V create

chuàngzàoxìng 创造性 N creativity

chuàngzuò 创作 I V create (works of art and literature) II N work of art or literature

chuī 吹 V blow, puff

chuīniú 吹牛 V brag, boast

chuīpěng 吹捧 V lavish praise on, flatter

chuī 炊 V cook

chuīshìyuán 炊事员 N cook, kitchen staff (in a school, a factory, etc.)

chuí 垂 V hang down

chuízhí 垂直 ADJ vertical

chuí 锤 V hammer

chuí 捶 V beat with a fist or stick

chūn 春 N spring

Chūnjié 春节 N Spring Festival (the Chinese New Year)

chūntiān 春天 N spring

chún 纯 TRAD 純 ADJ pure

chúncuì 纯粹 ADJ unadulterated, pure and simple

chúnjié 纯洁 ADJ pure, ingenuous

chún 唇 TRAD 脣 N lip

chǔn 蠢 ADJ stupid, foolish

cí 雌 ADJ (of animals) female

cí 词 TRAD 詞 N word

cídiǎn 词典 N dictionary

cí 瓷 N porcelain

cíqì 瓷器 N porcelain

cí 磁 N magnetism

cídài 磁带 N magnetic tape, audio tape

cíkǎ 磁卡 N magnetic card (for making telephone calls, etc.)

cípán 磁盘 N magnetic disc

cí 慈 ADJ kind and loving

cì’ài 慈爱 N love and affection (from an elderly person, e.g. a grandmother)

cíxiáng 慈祥 ADJ (of an elderly person’s countenance) kindly

cí 辞 TRAD 辭 V take leave

cízhí 辞职 V resign (from job, position)

cǐ 此 PRON 1 this 2 here

cǐhòu 此后 CONJ after this, ever after

cǐkè 此刻 N this moment

cǐshí 此时 ADV right now

cǐwài 此外 CONJ besides, apart from (that), as well

cì 次1 M. WD time (expressing frequency of an act)

cìshù 次数 N number of times

cì 次2 ADJ inferior

cìpǐn 次品 N substandard product, seconds (used goods)

cìyào 次要 ADJ next in importance, of secondary importance

cì 次3 N order, sequence

cìxù 次序 N order, sequence

cì 伺 V wait on

cìhou 伺候 V wait on, serve

cì 刺 I V prick II N thorn

cìjī 刺激 V 1 irritate 2 stimulate, give incentive to

cōng 囱 N chimney (See 烟囱 yāncōng)

cōng 聪 TRAD 聰 N acute hearing

cōngmíng 聪明 ADJ clever, bright, intelligent

cōng 匆 TRAD 匆 ADJ hurriedly

cōngcōng 匆匆 ADJ hurriedly, in a rush

cōngmáng 匆忙 ADJ in a hurry, in haste

cōng 葱 N onion, scallion

cóng 从 TRAD 從 PREP following, from

cóngbù 从不 ADV never

cóngcǐ 从此 CONJ since then, from then on

cóng...dào... 从…到… PREP from ... to ..., from ... till ...

cóng’ér 从而 CONJ thus, thereby

cónglái 从来 ADV always, ever

cóng...qǐ 从…起 PREP starting from ...

cóngqián 从前 N 1 past, in the past 2 once upon a time (used in storytelling)

cóngróng 从容 ADJ unhurried, leisurely

cóngshì 从事 V be engaged in (business, education, law, etc.)

cóngwèi 从未 ADV never in the past

cóng 丛 TRAD 叢 N shrub, thicket

cóngshū 丛书 N a series of books on a specific topic

còu 凑 V put together, pool

còuhe 凑合 V make do, make do with

còuqiǎo 凑巧 ADV luckily, as luck would have it

cū 粗 ADJ thick, crude

cūbào 粗暴 ADJ rough, brutal

cūlǔ 粗鲁 ADJ rude, boorish

cūxì 粗细 N degree of thickness

cūxīn 粗心 ADJ careless

cù 促 V urge

cùjìn 促进 V promote, advance

cùshǐ 促使 V impel, urge

cù 醋 N vinegar

cuàn 窜 TRAD 竄 V 1 rush about 2 falsify, fabricate

cuī 催 V urge, hurry

cuī 摧 v break, destroy

cuīcán 摧残 V devastate, wreck

cuīhuǐ 摧毁 V destroy completely

cuì 脆 ADJ crisp

cuìruò 脆弱 ADJ fragile, frail

cuì 粹 ADJ pure

cuì 翠 N green, bluish green

cūn 村 N village

cúnzhuāng 村庄 N village

cūnzi 村子 N village

cún 存 V store, keep

cúnchǔ 存储 V 1 save a file (in computing) 2 store

cúnchǔkǎ 存储卡 N memory card

cúnfàng 存放 V leave in someone’s care

cúnkuǎn 存款 N savings

cún pán 存盘 V save (a computer file)

cúnzài 存在 V exist

cùn 寸 M. WD a traditional Chinese unit of length (equal to 1/3 meter)

cuō 磋 V consult

cuōshāng 磋商 V consult, discuss

cuō 搓 V rub with the hands

cuò 错 TRAD 錯 ADJ wrong

cuòwù 错误 I N mistake, error II ADJ wrong, erroneous

cuò 措 V arrange, handle

cuòshī 措施 N measure, step

cuò 挫 V frustrate, defeat

cuòzhé 挫折 N setback, frustration

Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary

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