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dā 答 V answer
dāying 答应 V 1 answer, reply 2 promise
dā 搭 V put up, build
dāpèi 搭配 I V arrange in pairs or groups II N (word) collocation
dá 达 TRAD 達 V reach, attain
dáchéng 达成 V reach (an agreement, an understanding, a business deal, etc.)
dádào 达到 V reach, achieve
dá 答 V answer, reply
dá’àn 答案 N answer (to a list of questions)
dábiàn 答辩 V speak in self-defense
dáfù 答复 I V (formally) reply II N (formal) reply
dájuàn 答卷 N answer sheet
dǎ 打 V 1 strike, hit 2 play (certain games)
dǎbài 打败 V defeat, beat
dǎbàn 打扮 V dress up, make up
dǎ chē 打车 V call a taxi
dǎdǎo 打倒 V strike down, overthrow, down with ...
dǎ dī 打的 V Same as 打车 dǎ chē
dǎ diànhuà 打电话 V make a telephone call
dǎfa 打发 V dispatch, send away
dǎgōng 打工 V work (especially as a manual laborer)
dǎjí 打击 V strike a blow against (a crime, a bad tendency, etc.), deal with and punish severely
dǎjià 打架 V fight (between people), come to blows
dǎ jiāodao 打交道 V to have dealings with, negotiate with
dǎkǎ 打卡 V punch a card, record attendance at work by punching a time machine
dǎ kēshuì 打瞌睡 V doze, doze off
dǎliang 打量 V measure with the eye, size up
dǎliè 打猎 V hunt
dǎ pēntì 打喷嚏 V sneeze
dǎpò 打破 V break
dǎ qiú 打球 V play baseball/basketball/volleyball, etc.
dǎrǎo 打扰 V disturb, interrupt
dǎsǎo 打扫 V clean up
dǎsuàn 打算 V plan, contemplate
dǎtīng 打听 V inquire, ask
dǎyā 打压 V press hard, oppress
dǎzhàng 打仗 V go to war, fight in a war
dǎ zhāohu 打招呼 V 1 greet, say hello to 2 let know, notify
dǎzhēn 打针 V give (or get) an injection
dǎzì 打字 V type
dà 大 ADJ big, large
dàbàn 大半 ADV more than half
dàbiàn 大便 I N solid waste from the body, stool II V move the bowels
dàchén 大臣 N official (in a royal court), minister
dàdà 大大 ADV greatly, enormously
dàdǎn 大胆 ADJ bold, courageous
dàdào 大道 N main road, thoroughfare
dàdì 大地 N land, the earth
dàdōu 大都 Same as 大多 dàduō
dàduō 大多 ADV mostly
dàduōshù 大多数 N great majority, overwhelming majority
dàfang 大方 ADJ 1 generous, liberal 2 elegant and natural
dàgài 大概 I ADJ general, more or less II ADV probably
dàguōfàn 大锅饭 N food prepared in a big pot
dàhòutiān 大后天 N three days from now
dàhuì 大会 N assembly, congress, rally
dàhuǒr 大伙儿 PRON everybody, all the people
dàjiā 大家 PRON all, everybody
dàjiē 大街 N main street
dàjú 大局 N overall public interest
dàlǐshí 大理石 N marble
dàlì 大力 ADJ vigorous, energetic
dàliàng 大量 ADJ a large amount of, a large number of
dàlù 大陆 N continent, main land
dàmǐ 大米 N rice
dàmǔzhǐ 大拇指 N the thumb
dànǎo 大脑 N cerebrum, brain
dàpái 大牌 N celebrity, hotshot
dàpào 大炮 N cannon
dàpī 大批 ADJ a large quantity of, lots of
dàpiān 大片 N blockbuster
dàqì 大气 N atmosphere
dàren 大人 N adult, grown-up
dàshà 大厦 N super-big, imposing building
dàshēng 大声 ADJ in a loud voice
dàshī 大师 N master (of art or scholarship)
dàshǐ 大使 N ambassador
dàshǐguǎn 大使馆 N embassy
dàshì 大事 N matter of importance
dàsī 大肆 ADV wantonly, without restraint
dàtǐ 大体 N on the whole, in the main
Dàxīyáng 大西洋 N Atlantic Ocean
dàxiǎo 大小 N size
dàxíng 大型 ADJ large-scale, large-sized
dàxué 大学 N university
Dàyángzhōu 大洋洲 N Oceania
dàyī 大衣 N overcoat
dàyì 大意 N rough idea
dàyuē 大约 ADJ, ADV approximate, approximately, about, nearly
dàzhì 大致 ADJ rough, general
dàzhòng 大众 N the masses
dàzìrán 大自然 N Nature, Mother Nature
dāi 呆 I ADJ foolish, stupid II V Same as 待 dāi
dāi 待 V stay
dǎi 歹 ADJ bad, evil
dǎitú 歹徒 N bad guy, criminal
dài 大 as in 丈夫 dàifu.
dàifu 大夫 N doctor. Same as 医 生 yīshēng, used more as a colloquialism.
dài 代1 N 1 generation 2 dynasty
dài 代2 V take the place of, perform on behalf of
dàibàn 代办 I V do or act for another II N charge d’affaires
dàibiǎo 代表 I N representative, delegate II V represent, indicate
dàibiǎotuán 代表团 N delegation, mission
dàicí 代词 N pronoun
dàihào 代号 N code name
dàijià 代价 N price (for achieving something), cost
dàilǐ 代理 V act on behalf of, act as agent
dàishù 代数 N algebra
dàitì 代替 V substitute for, replace
dàiyùn māma 代孕妈妈 N surrogate mother
dài 贷 TRAD 貸 V loan
dàikuǎn 贷款 I N loan II V loan money to, borrow money from
dài 带1 TRAD 帶 V bring, take
dàidòng 带动 V spur on
dàijìn 带劲 ADJ 1 interesting, exciting 2 energetic, forceful
dàilai/dài...lái 带来/带…来 V bring ...
dàilǐng 带领 V lead, guide
dàiqu/dài...qù 带去/带…去 V take
dàitóu 带头 V take the lead, be the first
dài 带2 TRAD 帶 N belt, ribbon, band
dài 带3 TRAD 帶 N zone, area
dài 待 V 1 treat, deal with 2 wait for
dàiyù 待遇 N 1 treatment 2 remuneration
dài 逮 V catch
dàibǔ 逮捕 V arrest, take into custody
dài 袋 N sack, bag
dài 戴 V wear, put on
dài 怠 ADJ idle, slack
dàigōng 怠工 N slowdown (as workers’ protest)
dàimàn 怠慢 V slight, give the cold shoulder to
dān 单 TRAD 單 ADJ single, separate
dānchún 单纯 ADJ simple-minded, ingenuous
dāncí 单词 N word
dāndiào 单调 ADJ monotonous
dāndú 单独 ADJ alone, on one’s own
dānqīn jiātíng 单亲家庭 N single-parent family
dānshēn guìzú 单身贵族 N a single person with lots of money to spend, yuppy
dānwèi 单位 N work unit, e.g. a factory, a school, a government department
dānyuán 单元 N unit (in an apartment house), apartment, flat
dān 丹 N red color
dān 担 TRAD 擔 V carry on the shoulder, take on (responsibility, burden etc)
dānbǎo 担保 V guarantee, vouch for
dānfù 担负 V take on (responsibility), meet (expenditure), hold (a position)
dānrèn 担任 V assume the office of, act in the capacity of
dānxīn 担心 V worry, fret
dānyōu 担忧 V worry
dān 耽 V delay
dānwù 耽误 V delay
dǎn 胆 TRAD 膽 N 1 gallbladder 2 courage
dǎnliàng 胆量 N courage, guts
dǎnqiè 胆怯 ADJ timid, cowardly
dàn 旦 N dawn (See 元旦 yuán dàn)
dàn 但 CONJ Same as 但是 dànshì. Used in writing.
dànshì 但是 CONJ but, yet
dàn 担 TRAD 擔 N load, burden
dàn 淡 ADJ 1 not salty, tasteless, bland 2 (of tea, coffee) weak
dàn 氮 nitrogen
dàn 蛋 N egg (especially chicken egg)
dànbáizhì 蛋白质 N protein
dàngāo 蛋糕 N (western-style) cake
dàn 诞 TRAD 誕 V be born
dànchén 诞辰 N birthday
dànshēng 诞生 V be born
dàn 弹 TRAD 彈 N bullet
dànyào 弹药 N ammunition
dāng 当1 TRAD 當 PREP at the time of, when
dāng...de shíhou 当…的时候 CONJ when ...
dāng 当2 TRAD 當 V work as, serve as
dāngchǎng 当场 N on the spot
dāngchū 当初 N originally, at the outset
dāngdài 当代 ADJ contemporary, present-day
dāngdì 当地 N at the place in question, local
dāngjú 当局 N the authorities
dāngmiàn 当面 ADV to someone’s face, in the very presence of
dāngnián 当年 N in those years, then
dāngqián 当前 N at present, now
dāngrán 当然 ADV of course
dāngshí 当时 N at that time, then
dāngshìrén 当事人 N person/people concerned, party (to a lawsuit)
dāngxīn 当心 V be cautious, take care
dāngxuǎn 当选 V be elected
dāngzhōng 当中 N right in the middle, in the center
dǎng 挡 TRAD 擋 V block, keep off
dǎng 党 TRAD 黨 N political party
dǎngpài 党派 N political party, political group
dǎngwěi 党委 N (Chinese Communist) Party committee
dǎngyuán 党员 N party member
dàng 荡 TRAD 蕩 V swing, sway
dàng 当 TRAD 當 V 1 treat as, regard as 2 think
dàngtiān 当天 N the same day
dàngzuò 当做 V treat as, regard as
dàng 档 TRAD 檔 N 1 shelf, cabinet 2 grade, class
dàng’àn 档案 N file, archive
dàngcì 档次 N standard or level of quality, grade, class
dāo 刀 N knife
dāorèn 刀刃 N edge of a knife
dǎo 岛 TRAD 島 N island
dǎoyǔ 岛屿 N island, islet
dǎo 捣 TRAD 搗 V beat, smash
dǎodàn 捣蛋 V make trouble (in a mischievous way)
dǎoluàn 捣乱 V make trouble, sabotage
dǎo 蹈 V dance (See 舞蹈 wǔdǎo)
dǎo 导 TRAD 導 V lead, guide (See 辅 导 fǔdǎo, 领导 lǐngdǎo, 指导 zhǐdǎo)
dǎodàn 导弹 N guided missile
dǎoháng 导航 N navigation (by electronic devices)
dǎoshī 导师 N supervior (for postgraduate students)
dǎoyǎn 导演 I N director (for films or play) II V direct (a film or play)
dǎoyóu 导游 N tourist guide
dǎozhì 导致 V lead to, cause
dǎo 倒 V fall, topple
dǎomài 倒卖 V resell at a profit
dǎoméi 倒霉 V have bad luck, be out of luck
dào 到 V arrive, come to, up to
dàochù 到处 ADV everywhere
dàodá 到达 V arrive, reach
dàodǐ 到底 ADV 1 in the end, finally 2 after all (used in a question)
dàolái 到来 V arrive
dàoqī 到期 V become due, expire
dào...wéizhǐ 到…为止 PREP until, by, up to
dào 倒 I V 1 put upside down 2 pour (water), make (tea) II ADV contrary to what may be expected (used before a verb or an adjective to indicate an unexpected action or state)
dàojìshí 倒计时 N countdown
dàotuì 倒退 V go backward, regress
dào 悼 V mourn
dàoniàn 悼念 V mourn, grieve over
dào 盗 N robber, bandit (See 强盗 qiángdào, 盗版 dàobǎn)
dàobǎn 盗版 I N pirated edition, pirated copy II V make pirated copies
dàoqiè 盗窃 V steal, embezzle, commit larceny
dào 道1 N way, path
dàodé 道德 N morals, ethics
dàoli 道理 N principle, reason, hows and whys
dàolù 道路 N road, path
dào 道2 M. WD 1 (for things in the shape of a line) 2 (for questions in a school exercise, examinations, etc.)
dào 道3 V Same as 说 shuō, used only in old-fashioned writing
dàoqiàn 道歉 V apologize, say sorry
dào 稻 N rice, paddy
dé 得 V get, obtain
débìng 得病 V fall ill, contract a disease
délì 得力 ADJ competent and efficient, very capable
déshī 得失 N gain and loss, success and failure
déyǐ 得以 MODAL V so that, can
déyì 得意 ADJ complacent, deeply pleased with oneself
dézuì 得罪 V offend, incur displeasure of ...
dé 德 N virtue
Déguó 德国 N Germany
Déwén 德文 N the German language (especially the writing)
Déyǔ 德语 N the German language
de 地 PARTICLE (attached to a word or phrase to indicate that it is an adverb. 地 de is normally followed by a verb or an adjective.)
de 得 PARTICLE (introducing a word, phrase or clause to indicate that it is a complement. 得 de is normally preceded by a verb or an adjective.)
de 的 PARTICLE (attached to a word or phrase to indicate that it is an attribute. 的 de is normally followed by a noun.)
...de huà …的话 CONJ if
děi 得 MODAL V have to
dēng 灯 TRAD 燈 N lamp, lighting
dēnghuǒ 灯火 N lights
dēnglóng 灯笼 N lantern
dēngpào 灯泡 N light bulb
dēng 登 V 1 publish (in a newspaper, a journal, etc.) 2 go up, ascend
dēngjī 登机 V board a plane
dēngjì 登记 V register, check in
dēnglù 登陆 V land (from waters, especially by troops)
dēngshān 登山 V climb a mountain or hill
děng 等1 V wait, wait for
děngdài 等待 V wait (usually used in writing)
děngdào 等到 CONJ by the time, as late as
děnghòu 等候 V Same as 等待 děngdài
děng 等2 N grade, rank, class
děngjí 等级 N grade, rank
děngyú 等于 V be equal to, equal, amount to
děng 等3 PARTICLE 1 and so on and so forth, et cetera 2 (used at the end of a list)
dèng 瞪 V open one’s eyes wide, stare, glare
dèng 凳 N stool (low chair)
dī 低 I ADJ low II V lower
dīdiào 低调 ADJ low key
dīgū 低估 V under estimate
dījí 低级 ADJ 1 elementary 2 vulgar
dīliè 低劣 ADJ inferior
dī 堤 N dike, embankment
dī 滴 M. WORD drop (used for liquids)
dí 敌 TRAD 敵 N enemy
díduì 敌对 ADJ hostile, antagonistic
dírén 敌人 N enemy
díshì 敌视 V be hostile to
dí 笛 N flute
dí 涤 TRAD 滌 V wash, wash away
dí 的 as in 的确 díquè
díquè 的确 ADV really, truly
díshì 的士 N taxi
dí 迪 V enlighten
dísīkē 迪斯科 N disco
dǐ 底 N base, bottom
dǐpiàn 底片 N (film) negative
dǐxia 底下 N underneath, under
dǐxiàn 底线 N bottom line
dǐ 抵 V 1 arrive 2 resist
dǐcháng 抵偿 V compensate for
dǐdá 抵达 V arrive at
dǐkàng 抵抗 V resist
dǐyā 抵押 V pledge ... as security for a loan, mortgage
dǐzhì 抵制 V boycott, reject
dì 地 N earth, ground
dìbǎn 地板 N floor, timber floor
dibù 地步 N 1 extent 2 (poor) condition
dìdài 地带 N region, zone
dìdào 地道 N tunnel, underpass
dìdao 地道 ADJ genuine, authentic
dìdiǎn 地点 N the place for an event or activity, venue
dìfang 地方 N 1 place, location, area 2 part of, aspect
dìlǐ 地理 N geography
dìmiàn 地面 N the earth’s surface, ground
dìqiú 地球 N the earth
dìqū 地区 N region, area
dìshì 地势 N physical features of a place, terrain
dìtǎn 地毯 N carpet
dìtiě 地铁 N underground railway, subway
dìtú 地图 N map
dìwèi 地位 N status, posi tion
dìxià 地下 N underground
dìxíng 地形 N topography, terrain
dìzhèn 地震 N earthquake, seism
dìzhèn xué 地震学 N seismology
dìzhǐ 地址 N address
dìzhì 地质 N geology
dì 帝 N the Supreme Being
dìguó 帝国 N empire
dì 弟 N younger brother
dìmèi 弟妹 N 1 younger brother and younger sister 2 younger brother’s wife
dìxiōng 弟兄 N brothers
dì 递 TRAD 遞 V hand over, pass on
dìjiāo 递交 V hand over, present
dìzēng 递增 V increase progressively
dì 第 PREFIX (used before a number to form an ordinal number)
dì-sānzhě 第三者 N third party, one who has an affair with a married person
diān 颠 TRAD 顛 V bump, jolt
diànbǒ 颠簸 V bump, bump along
diāndǎo 颠倒 V turn upside down, reverse
diānfù 颠覆 V subvert or overturn in an illegal way
diān 掂 TRAD 敁 V weigh in the hand
diǎn 点 TRAD 點 I N 1 drop, point, dot 2 (indicating decimal) II M. WD 1 a little, a bit 2 o’clock III V drip, put a dot, touch
diǎnhuǒ 点火 V light a fire
diǎnmíng 点名 V call the roll, do roll-call
diǎnrán 点燃 V kindle, ignite
diǎnxīn 点心 N snack, light refreshments
diǎnzhōng 点钟 N o’clock
diǎnzhuì 点缀 V embellish, decorate
diǎnzi 点子 N idea
diǎn 典 N standard, law
diǎnlǐ 典礼 N ceremony
diǎnxíng 典型 ADJ typical, representative
diàn 电 TRAD 電 N electricity, power, electronic
diànbào 电报 N telegram, cable
diànchē 电车 N trolley bus, streetcar
diànchí 电池 N battery, electrical cell
diàndēng 电灯 N electric light
diàndòngjī 电动机 N (electric) motor
diànfēngshàn 电风扇 N Same as 电 扇 diànshàn
diànhuà 电话 N telephone, telephone call
diànlán 电缆 N (electric) cable
diànlì 电力 N electric power, power
diànlíng 电铃 N electric bell
diànlú 电炉 N electric stove, hot plate
diànlù 电路 N electric circuit
diànnǎo 电脑 N computer
diànniǔ 电钮 N switch (on an electrical appliance)
diànqì 电器 N electrical appliance
diànshàn 电扇 N electric fan
diànshì 电视 N television
diàntái 电台 N radio station
diàntī 电梯 N elevator, lift
diànyǐng 电影 N movie, film
diànyuán 电源 N power supply, mains
diànzǐ 电子 N electron
diànzǐshū yuèdúqì 电子书阅读器 N e-reader
diànzǐ yóujiàn 电子邮件 N email, e-mail
diànzǐ yóuxì 电子游戏 N electronic games
diàn 垫 TRAD 墊 I V put something under something else to raise it or make it level II N mat, pad, cushion
diàn 店 N Same as 商店 shāng diàn
diànyuán 店员 N sales clerk, shop assistant
diàn 惦 V keep thinking about, remember with concern
diànji 惦记 V keep thinking about, remember with concern
diàn 淀 as in 淀粉 diànfěn
diànfěn 淀粉 N starch, amylum
diàn 殿 N hall (in a palace, temple, etc.)
diāo 雕 V carve
diāokè 雕刻 V carve, engrave (a work of art)
diāosù 雕塑 N sculpture
diāosùjiā 雕塑家 N sculptor
diāoxiàng 雕像 N statue
diāo 刁 ADJ sly, tricky
diāonàn 刁难 V to make things difficult (for someone), create difficulties
diāo 叼 V hold in the mouth
diào 掉 V fall, drop
diào 钓 TRAD 釣 V to fish with hook and line, angle
diào 调 TRAD 調 V 1 exchange, swap 2 transfer
diàochá 调查 I V investigate II N investigation
diàodòng 调动 V transfer to another post
diàodù 调度 V dispatch (vehicles or workers)
diàohuàn 调换 V exchange (a purchase, a seat, etc.)
diào 吊 TRAD 弔 V hang, suspend
diàochē 吊车 N crane (a heavy machine)
diàohuán 吊环 N rings (in gymnastics)
diàoxiāo 吊销 V revoke (a license, a permit, a certificate, etc.)
diē 跌 V 1 fall, tumble 2 (prices) fall, drop
diē 爹 N dad, daddy
dié 碟 N small dish, small plate
dié 蝶 N butterfly
dié 叠 TRAD 疊 V pile up
dīng 丁 N small cube
dīng 钉 TRAD 釘 N (metal) nail
dīng 叮 V 1 (of mosquitos) bite 2 remind repeatedly
dīngzhǔ 叮嘱 V urge repeatedly, exhort
dīng 盯 V gaze, stare
dǐng 顶 TRAD 頂 I N top (of the head), peak, summit II V carry on the head, hit with the head
dǐngdiǎn 顶点 N zenith, apex
dǐngduān 顶端 N top, peak
dìng 订 TRAD 訂 V book
dìnggòu 订购 V place an order
dìnghù 订户 N subscriber (to a newspaper or magazine)
dìnghūn 订婚 V be engaged (for marriage)
dìnghuò 订货 V order goods (in bulk), order
dìngyuè 订阅 V subscribe (a newspaper or magazine)
dìng 钉 TRAD 釘 V drive a nail into
dìng 定 I V fix, set, determine II ADJ fixed, set, decided
dìng’é 定额 N quota (for sales, production, etc.)
dìngjià 定价 N fixed price, price
dìngjū 定居 V start living in a place, settle down
dìnglǐ 定理 N theorem
dìngliàng 定量 V determine the quantity of
dìnglǜ 定律 N (scientific) law
dìngqī 定期 ADV at regular intervals
dìngwèi 定位 V determine the position of
dìngxìng 定性 V determine the quality of
dìngyì 定义 N definition
diū 丢 V lose, throw away
diū-sān-là-sì 丢三落四 V be forgetful, be scatter-brained
diūshī 丢失 V lose
dōng 东 TRAD 東 N east, eastern
dōngběi 东北 N northeast, the Northeast
dōngbian 东边 N the east side, to the east, in the east
dōngdào 东道 N host
dōngfāng 东方 N the East, the Orient
dōngmiàn 东面 N Same as 东边 dōngbian
dōngnán 东南 N southeast
dōngxi 东西 N 1 thing, things 2 a person or animal (used affectionately or disapprovingly in colloquial Chinese)
dōng 冬 N winter
dōngtiān 冬天 N winter
dǒng 董 as in 董事 dǒngshì
dǒngshì 董事 N director (of a company), trustee
dǒng 懂 V comprehend, understand
dǒngshì 懂事 ADJ be sensible
dòng 动 TRAD 動 V move, act
dònggōng 动工 V begin construction
dòngjī 动机 N motive, intention
dòngjing 动静 N signs of activity
dònglì 动力 N 1 source of power, power 2 driving force (to do something), motivation
dòngluàn 动乱 N (social) turmoil, upheaval
dòngmài 动脉 N artery
dòngnǎojīn 动脑筋 V use one’s brain, to think about
dòngrén 动人 ADJ moving, touching
dòngshēn 动身 V start (a journey), set off (on a journey)
dòngshǒu 动手 V start work
dòngtài 动态 N general tendency of affairs, developments
dòngwù 动物 N animal
dòngwùxué 动物学 N zoology
dòngwùyuán 动物园 N zoo
dòngyáo 动摇 V waver, vacillate
dòngyòng 动用 V put to use, draw on
dòngyuán 动员 V mobilize
dòngzuò 动作 N movement (of the body)
dòng 冻 TRAD 凍 V freeze
dòngjié 冻结 V freeze
dòng 栋 TRAD 棟 M. WD (for buildings)
dòng 洞 N hole, cave, cavity
dōu 都 ADV all, both, without exception
dōu 兜 I N pocket, bag II V 1 wrap up 2 move around 3 canvass, solicit
dǒu 抖 V shake, tremble
dǒu 陡 ADJ steep, precipitous
dòu 斗 TRAD 鬥 V fight
dòuzhēng 斗争 I V struggle, fight II N struggle, fight
dòuzhì 斗志 N will to fight, militancy
dòu 豆 N bean, pea
dòufu 豆腐 N bean curd, tofu
dòujiàng 豆浆 N soybean milk
dòu 逗 V play with, tease
dòuliú 逗留 V stay briefly
dū 都 N big city, metropolis
dūshì 都市 N big city, metropolis
dū 督 V supervise
dūcù 督促 V supervise and urge
dú 毒 N 1 poison, toxin 2 narcotic drug (e.g. heroin, cocaine, etc.)
dúhài 毒害 V poison
dúpǐn 毒品 Same as 毒 dú 2
dúyào 毒药 N poison, toxicant
dú 独 TRAD 獨 ADJ solitary, alone
dúbái 独白 N soliloquy
dúcái 独裁 V establish a dictatorship, rule arbitrarily
dúchàng 独唱 N (singing) solo
dúlì 独立 V be independent
dútè 独特 ADJ unique, distinctive
dúzì 独自 ADV all by oneself, alone
dúzòu 独奏 N solo performance on an musical instrument
dú 读 TRAD 讀 V 1 read, read aloud 2 attend (a school), study (in a school)
dúshū 读书 V 1 read 2 be a student, study (in a school)
dùwù 读物 N reading material
dúzhě 读者 N reader
dǔ 堵 V block
dǔsè 堵塞 V block
dǔ 赌 V gamble
dǔbó 赌博 V gamble
dǔchǎng 赌场 N gambling house, casino
dù 肚 N stomach
dù 度 I N limit, extent II M. WD degree (of temperature, longitude, latitude, etc.)
dùguò 度过 V spend (a period of time)
dù 渡 V cross (a body of water, e.g. a river, a strait, etc.)
dùchuán 渡船 N ferry boat, ferry
dùkǒu 渡口 N a place where people or things are carried across, ferry landing
dùlún 渡轮 N ferry boat, ferry
dù 镀 TRAD 鍍 V plate
dùjīn 镀金 V get gilded
dù 妒 V be jealous
dùjì 妒嫉 V be jealous of
dùjìxīn 妒忌心 N jealousy
duān 端 V carry ... level with one or both hands
duānzhèng 端正 ADJ upright, proper
duǎn 短 ADJ (of length, time) short
duǎnchù 短处 N shortcoming, defect
duǎncù 短促 ADJ very brief
duǎnqī 短期 N short-term
duǎnxìn 短信 N text message (by cell phone), text
duǎnzàn 短暂 ADJ short and temporary, momentary
duàn 段 M. WD section (for something long)
duàn 断 TRAD 斷 V 1 break, snap 2 break off, cut off
duàndìng 断定 V conclude
duàn-duàn-xù-xù 断断续续 ADV off and on, intermittently
duànjué 断绝 V break off, sever
duàn 锻 TRAD 鍛 V forge, shape metal
duànliàn 锻炼 V undergo physical training, do physical ex ercises
duàn 缎 TRAD 緞 See 绸缎 chóu duàn satin, 缎子 duànzi satin
duànzi 缎子 N satin
duī 堆 V heap up, pile up
duījī 堆积 V pile up
duì 对1 TRAD 對 V treat, deal with
duì 对2 TRAD 對 PREP 1 opposite 2 Same as 对于 duìyú
duì’àn 对岸 N the other side of the river, lake or sea
duìbǐ 对比 V compare and contrast
duìcè 对策 N countermeasure
duìchèn 对称 ADJ symmetrical
duìdài 对待 V treat (people), approach (matters)
duìdeqǐ 对得起 V be worthy of, not let down
duìfāng 对方 N the other side, the other party
duìfu 对付 V cope with, deal with
duìhuà 对话 I V have a dialogue II N dialogue
duìkàng 对抗 V antag onize, oppose vigorously
duìlì 对立 V oppose, be hostile
duìlián 对联 N antithetical couplet written on scrolls
duìmiàn 对面 N opposite, the opposite side
duìshǒu 对手 N opponent
duìxiàng 对象 N 1 person or thing to which action or feeling is directed, object
duìyìng 对应 ADJ corresponding
duìzhào 对照 V contrast and compare, refer to
duìyú 对于 PREP 1 (introducing the object of an action) regarding 2 (indicating a certain relationship) to, towards
duì 对3 TRAD 對 ADJ correct, true
duìtóu 对头 ADJ correct, on the right track
duì 对4 TRAD 對 M. WD pair, two (matching people or things)
duì 队 TRAD 隊 N team
duìwu 队伍 N troops
duìyuán 队员 N member of a team
duìzhǎng 队长 N team leader
duì 兑 V exchange, convert
duìhuàn 兑换 V (of currency) exchange, convert
duìxiàn 兑现 V cash (a check)
dūn 吨 TRAD 噸 M. WD ton
dūn 蹲 V squat
dùn 盾 N shield (See 矛盾 máodùn)
dùn 顿 TRAD 頓 M. WD (for meals)
dùnshí 顿时 ADV immediately, at once
duō 多 I ADJ many, much II NUM more, over III ADV how ...!
duōbàn 多半 ADV probably, most likely
duōkuī 多亏 ADV luckily, fortunately
duōme 多么 ADV Same as 多 III ADV. Used in colloquial Chinese.
duōméitǐ 多媒体 N multimedia
duōshǎo 多少 PRON how many, how much
duōshù 多数 N majority
duōyú 多余 ADJ surplus
duō 哆 as in 哆嗦 duōsuo
duōsuo 哆嗦 V tremble, shiver
duó 夺 TRAD 奪 V take by force, win
duóqǔ 夺取 V capture, seize
duǒ 朵 M. WD (for flowers)
duǒ 躲 V hide (oneself)
duǒbì 躲避 V hide, avoid, keep away from
duǒcáng 躲藏 V go into hiding
duò 跺 V stamp (one’s foot)
duò 舵 N rudder, helm
duò 惰 ADJ be lazy
duò 堕 TRAD 墮 V fall
duòluò 堕落 V (of one’s morals or behavior) become worse, degenerate