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gāi 该1 TRAD 該 MODAL V should, ought to

gāi 该2 TRAD 該 V 1 be somebody’s turn to do something 2 de serve

gāi 该3 TRAD 該 PRON that, the said, the above-mentioned

gǎi 改 V alter, change, correct

gǎibiàn 改变 I V transform, change II N change, transformation

gǎigé 改革 I V reform II N reform

gǎijiàn 改建 V rebuild

gǎijìn 改进 I V improve, make ... more advanced/sophisticated II N improvement (项 xiàng)

gǎiliáng 改良 V improve, reform

gǎishàn 改善 I V ameliorate, make... better/more favorable II N improvement, amelioration

gǎixiě 改写 V adapt, rewrite

gǎizào 改造 I V remold, rebuild, reform II N remolding, rebuilding

gǎizhèng 改正 V put ... right, rectify

gǎizǔ 改组 V re-organize

gài 盖1 TRAD 蓋 V build

gài 盖2 TRAD 蓋 N cover, lid

gài 概 ADJ broadly, general

gàikuàng 概况 N general situation, basic facts

gàikuò 概括 V summarize

gàiniàn 概念 N concept, notion

gài 溉 V irrigate (See 灌溉 guàngài)

gài 钙 N calcium

gān 甘 I V be willing, be convinced II ADJ sweet, pleasant

gānxīn 甘心 V be willing to, be ready to

gānzhe 甘蔗 N sugar cane

gān 干 TRAD 乾 ADJ dry

gānbēi 干杯 V drink a toast, “Bottoms up!”

gāncuì 干脆 I ADJ decisive, not hesitant, straight to the point II ADV just, simply

gānhàn 干旱 N drought, dry spell

gānhóng 干红 N dry red wine

gānjìng 干净 ADJ clean

gānshè 干涉 V intervene, interfere

gānyù 干预 V intervene, meddle with

gānzào 干燥 ADJ dry, arid

gān 杆 N pole

gān 肝 N the liver

gǎn 竿 N pole, rod

gǎn 杆 N stick

gǎn 赶 TRAD 趕 V 1 catch up with 2 hurry up, rush for, try to catch

gǎnjǐn 赶紧 ADV hasten (to do something)

gǎnkuài 赶快 ADV Same as 赶紧 gǎnjǐn

gǎnmáng 赶忙 ADV hurriedly, hastily

gǎn 敢 MODAL V dare

gǎnyú 敢于 V dare to, have the courage to

gǎn 感 V feel

gǎndào 感到 V feel

gǎndòng 感动 V move, touch emotionally

gǎnhuà 感化 V reform … through gentle persuasion and/or by setting a good example

gǎnjī 感激 V feel deeply grateful

gǎnjué 感觉 I V feel II N feeling, impression

gǎnkǎi 感慨 V sigh with deep inner feelings (over a revelation, an experience, etc.)

gǎnmào 感冒 V catch a cold

gǎnqíng 感情 N 1 feelings, emotion 2 affection, love

gǎnrǎn 感染 V 1 (of a wound) become infected 2 (of a movie, a story, music, etc.) affect

gǎnshòu 感受 N impression or lesson learned from personal experiences

gǎnxiǎng 感想 N impressions, reflections

gǎnxiè 感谢 V be grateful, thank

gǎn xìngqù 感兴趣 V be interested (in)

gàn 干 TRAD 幹 V do, work

gànbù 干部 N cadre, official

gànjìn 干劲 N drive and enthusiasm (for a job)

gànmá 干吗 ADV 1 why 2 Same as 做什么 zuò shénme

gāng 缸 N vat, jar

gāng 刚 TRAD 剛 ADV just, barely

gāngcái 刚才 N a short while ago, just

gānggāng 刚刚 ADV Same as 刚 gāng, but more emphatic

gāng 钢 TRAD 鋼 N steel

gāngbǐ 钢笔 N fountain pen

gāngcái 钢材 N steel products, rolled steel

gāngqín 钢琴 N piano

gāngtiě 钢铁 N iron and steel, steel

gāng 纲 TRAD 綱 N guiding principle, outline

gānglǐng 纲领 N fundamental principle, guideline

gāngyào 纲要 N outline, essentials

gǎng 岗 TRAD 崗 N sentry post

gǎngwèi 岗位 N post (as a job)

gǎng 港 N port, harbor

gàng 杠 N big, thick stick, bar

gànggǎn 杠杆 N lever

gāo 高 ADJ 1 tall, high 2 above average, superior

gāochāo 高超 ADJ (of skills) superior, consummate

gāocháo 高潮 N high tide, high water

gāodà 高大 ADJ tall and big

gāodàng 高档 ADJ top grade, high quality

gāoděng 高等 ADJ advanced, higher

gāodī 高低 N 1 height 2 difference in quality, skills, etc.

gāodù 高度 I N altitude, height II ADJ a high degree

gāofēng 高峰 N peak, summit

gāoguì 高贵 ADJ 1 (of moral) noble, admirable 2 (of people) aristocratic, elitist

gāojí 高级 ADJ advanced, high-level

gāokǎo 高考 N university entrance examinations

gāokōng 高空 N high altitude

gāoliang 高粱 N sorghum

gāomíng 高明 ADJ (of ideas or skills) brilliant, consummate

gāoqiāo 高跷 N stilts

gāoshàng 高尚 ADJ (of moral, behavior, etc.) noble, lofty

gāoshāo 高烧 N high fever

gāoshēn 高深 ADJ (of learning) profound, recondite, obscure

gāosù 高速 ADJ high-speed

gāosù gōnglù 高速公路 N super-highway

gāoxìng 高兴 ADJ joyful, delighted, willing

gāoxuèyā 高血压 N high blood pressure

gāoyā 高压 N high pressure

gāoyǎ 高雅 ADJ elegant, refined

gāoyuán 高原 N highland, plateau

gāozhàng 高涨 V upsurge, rise

gāozhōng 高中 N See 高级 gāojí.

gāo 膏 N paste, ointment (See 牙 膏 yágāo.)

gāo 糕 N cake (See 蛋糕 dàn gāo, 糟 糕 zāogāo.)

gǎo 搞 V do, be engaged in (a trade, profession, etc.)

gǎoguǐ 搞鬼 V play dirty tricks on the sly

gǎohuó 搞活 V vitalize, invigorate

gǎo 稿 N draft (of an essay, a painting, etc.)

gǎojiàn 稿件 N manuscript, contribution (to a magazine, a publisher, etc.)

gào 告 V 1 tell, inform 2 sue, bring a legal action against

gàobié 告别 V bid farewell to, part with

gàocí 告辞 V bid farewell formally

gàojiè 告诫 V warn sternly, exhort, admonish

gàosu 告诉 V tell, inform

gàozhuàng 告状 V 1 file a lawsuit 2 bring a complaint (with someone’s superior), report someone’s wrongdoing

gē 哥 N elder brother

gēge 哥哥 N elder brother

gē 歌 N song

gēcí 歌词 N words of a song

gējù 歌剧 N opera

gēqǔ 歌曲 N song

gēshǒu 歌手 N singer

gēsòng 歌颂 V sing the praise of, eulogize

gēxīng 歌星 N pop star

gēyǒng 歌咏 N singing

gē 胳 N arm

gēbo 胳膊 N arm

gē 搁 V put, place

gē 割 V cut

gē 鸽 N dove

gé 革 V 1 expel, remove 2 transform, change

gémìng 革命 N revolution

géxīn 革新 V innovate, reform

gé 格 N pattern, standard

géjú 格局 N arrangement pattern, layout

géshi 格式 N format, form

géwài 格外 ADV exceptionally, unusually

gé 隔 V separate, partition

gébì 隔壁 N next door

géhé 隔阂 N feelings of alienation or estrangement, often caused by misunderstanding

géjué 隔绝 V be completely cut off, be isolated

gélí 隔离 V isolate (a patient, a criminal), quarantine

gè 个 TRAD 個 M. WD (the most common measure word)

gèbié 个别 ADJ 1 very few, exceptional 2 individual, one-to-one

gèr 个儿 N size (of a person)

gèrén 个人 N 1 individual 2 personal

gètǐ 个体 N individual

gèxìng 个性 N personality

gèzi 个子 N height and size (of a person), build

gè 各 PRON each, every

gèbié 各别 ADV individually

gè-háng-gè-yè 各行各业 N every trade and profession

gè-shì-gè-yàng 各式各样 ADJ all kinds of, of every description

gè zhǒng 各种 ADJ all kinds of

gèzì 各自 PRON each

gěi 给 TRAD 給 I V give, provide II PREP for, to

gěiyǐ 给以 V be given

gēn 根 I N root II M. WD (for long, thin things)

gēnběn 根本 I N essence, what is fundamental II ADJ essential, fundamental, basic

gēnjù 根据 I V do according to, on the basis of II N grounds, basis

gēnyuán 根源 N root cause, origin

gēn 跟 I V follow II PREP with

gēnshàng 跟上 V catch up with, keep abreast with

gēnqián 跟前 N near, nearby

gēnsuí 跟随 V Same as 跟 gēn (= follow)

gēntou 跟头 N 1 fall 2 somersault

gēn...yìqǐ 跟…一起 PREP together with ...

gēnzōng 跟踪 V follow the tracks of, trail, shadow, stalk

gēng 耕 V plough

gēngdì 耕地 I V plough the field II N farmland

gēngzhòng 耕种 V farm, raise crops

gēng 更 V change

gēnggǎi 更改 V change, alter

gēnghuàn 更换 V replace

gēngxīn 更新 V renew, replace

gēngzhèng 更正 V make corrections

gěng 梗 N stem, stalk

gèng 更 ADV still more, even more

gèngjiā 更加 ADV Same as 更 gèng

gōng 工 N 1 work 2 worker

gōngchǎng 工厂 N factory, works

gōngchéng 工程 N 1 project, construction work 2 engineering

gōngchéngshī 工程师 N engineer

gōngdì 工地 N worksite, construction site

gōngfu 工夫 N 1 time 2 efforts

gōnghuì 工会 N labor union, trade union

gōngjù 工具 N tool

gōnglíng 工龄 N length of service

gōngqián 工钱 N Same as 工资 gōngzī

gōngrén 工人 N workman, worker

gōngshāng 工伤 N industrial injury

gōngshì 工事 N defense works

gōngxīn jiēcéng 工薪阶层 N wage or salary earners

gōngxù 工序 N industrial procedure

gōngyè 工业 N (manufacturing) industry

gōngyèhuà 工业化 N industrialization

gōngyìpǐn 工艺品 N handicraft

gōngzī 工资 N wages, salary

gōngzuò 工作 I V work II N work, job

gōngzuò cān 工作餐 N staff meal

gōng 功 N 1 skill 2 achievement, merit

gōngfu 功夫 N 1 Same as 工夫 gōngfu (= efforts) 2 martial arts

gōngjì 功绩 N merits and achievements

gōngkè 功课 N 1 schoolwork 2 homework

gōngláo 功劳 N contribution, credit

gōngnéng 功能 N function

gōngxiào 功效 N effect, efficacy

gōng 攻 V attack

gōngdú 攻读 V study hard, specialize

gōngkè 攻克 V attack and capture (a city, a fortress, etc.)

gōngxīn 攻心 V win the hearts and minds of

gōng 公1 ADJ male (of certain animals)

gōng 公2 ADJ 1 public 2 open, public 3 fair

gōng’ān 公安 N public security

gōngbào 公报 N communiqué, bulletin

gōngbù 公布 V make a public announcement, publish

gōngchǐ 公尺 M. WD (unit of measurement) meter

gōngdào 公道 ADJ fair, just, impartial

gōngfèi 公费 N (at) public expense

gōngfēn 公分 M. WD centimeter

gōnggào 公告 N announcement (by a government agency)

gōnggòng 公共 ADJ public, communal

gōnggòng guānxi 公共关系 N public relations

gōngjīn 公斤 M. WD kilogram

gōngguān 公关 N (shortening of 公共关系 gōnggòng guānxi) public relations

gōngkāi 公开 I ADJ open, public II V make public, reveal

gōnglǐ 公里 N kilometer

gōnglù 公路 N public road, highway

gōngmín 公民 N citizen

gōngpíng 公平 ADJ fair, impartial

gōngqǐng 公顷 N hectare (= 10,000 square meters)

gōngrán 公然 ADV brazenly, openly

gōngrèn 公认 V generally acknowledge, universally accept

gōngshè 公社 N commune

gōngshì 公式 N formula

gōngsī 公司 N commercial firm, company, corporation

gōngwù 公务 N public affairs, official duty

gōngwùyuán 公务员 N civil servant, government office holders

gōngyòng 公用 ADJ for public use

gōngyòng diànhuà 公用电话 N public telephone, payphone

gōngyuán 公元 N of the Christian/common era, AD (Anno Domini)

gōngyuán 公园 N public garden, park

gōngyuē 公约 N 1 agreement, convention, pact 2 pledge

gōng zhài 公债 N government bonds

gōngzhèng 公证 V notarize

gōng 恭 ADJ deferential, reverent

gōngjìng 恭敬 ADJ very respectful, deferential

gōng 供 V supply

gōngjǐ 供给 V supply, provide

gōng 宫 N palace

gōng 弓 I N bow II V bend, arch

gǒng 汞 N mercury

gǒng 巩 TRAD 鞏 V consolidate

gǒnggù 巩固 I V consolidate, strengthen II ADJ solid, firm

gǒng 拱 N arch

gòng 共 ADV 1 altogether, in total 2 jointly, together (used only in writing)

gòngchǎndǎng 共产党 N communist party

gònghéguó 共和国 N republic

gòngjì 共计 V total, add up to

gòngmíng 共鸣 N 1 resonance 2 sympathetic response

Gòngqīngtuán 共青团 N (shortening from 中国共产主义青年团 Zhōngguó gòngchǎnzhǔyì qīng niántuán) the Chinese Communist Youth League

gòngshì 共识 N common understanding

gòngtóng 共同 I ADJ common, shared II ADV together, jointly

gòngxiǎngwénjiàn 共享文件 N file sharing

gòngxìng 共性 N generality, common characteristics

gòng 供 V 1 confess, own up 2 lay (offerings)

gòng 贡 TRAD 貢 N tribute

gòngxiàn 贡献 I V contribute,dedicate II N con tribution, devotion, dedication

gōu 勾 V 1 strike out with a pen 2 delineate (the outline of a drawing) 3 in duce, evoke

gōujié 勾结 V collaborate secretly with (on criminal matters)

gōu 沟 TRAD 溝 N ditch, trench

gōutōng 沟通 V link up, connect

gōu 钩 N hook

gōuzi 钩子 hook

gǒu 狗 N dog

gòu 构 TRAD 構 V construct, form

gòuchéng 构成 V make up, form

gòujiàn 构件 N component, part

gòusī 构思 V (of writers or artists) work out the plot of a story or composition of a picture

gòuzào 构造 N structure

gòu 购 V purchase

gòumǎi 购买 V purchase

gòu 够 ADJ enough, sufficient

gū 孤 ADJ lonely

gū’ér 孤儿 N orphan

gūlì 孤立 ADJ isolated, without support or sympathy

gū 辜 V (as in 辜负 gūfù)

gūfù 辜负 V fail to live up to, let down

gū 估 V estimate

gūjì 估计 I V estimate, reckon, size up II N estimate, approximate calculation, appraisal

gū 姑 N aunt, woman

gūgu 姑姑 N Same as 姑妈 gūmā, especially as a colloquialism

gūmā 姑妈 N father’s sister, aunt

gūmǔ 姑母 N Same as 姑妈 gūmā, especially used in writing.

gūniang 姑娘 N unmarried young woman, girl, lass

gūqiě 姑且 ADV tentatively, for the time being

gū 菇 N mushroom

gǔ 古 ADJ ancient

gǔdài 古代 N ancient times

gǔdiǎn 古典 ADJ classical

gǔdǒng 古董 N antique, old curio

gǔguài 古怪 ADJ weird, queer

gǔjì 古迹 N historic site, place of historic interest

gǔlǎo 古老 ADJ ancient, time-honored

gǔ 鼓 N drum

gǔchuī 鼓吹 V advocate, preach (usually wrong and harmful ideas)

gǔlì 鼓励 V encourage

gǔwǔ 鼓舞 V inspire, fire up … with enthusiasm, hearten

gǔzhǎng 鼓掌 V applaud

gǔ 骨 N bone

gǔgàn 骨干 N backbone (denoting people)

gǔròu 骨肉 N one’s flesh and blood

gǔtou 骨头 N bone

gǔzhé 骨折 V fracture a bone

gǔ 股 N share, stock (in a company)

gǔdōng 股东 N shareholder, stockholder

gǔfèn 股份 N share, stock

gǔpiào 股票 N share, stock

gǔshì 股市 N share market

gǔ 谷 TRAD 穀 N grain, cereal

Gǔgē 谷歌 N (Internet search engine) Google

gǔwù 谷物 N grain, cereal (collectively)

gù 雇 TRAD 僱 V employ, hire

gùyōng 雇佣 V hire, employ

gùyuán 雇员 N employee, staff member

gù 故 I ADJ old, former II ADV on purpose, deliberately

gùshi 故事 N story, tale

gùxiāng 故乡 N native place, hometown

gùyì 故意 ADV deliberately, intentionally, on purpose

gùzhàng 故障 N breakdown (of a machine)

gù 顾 TRAD 顧 V attend to, care for

gùcǐ shībǐ 顾此失彼 IDIOM pay too much attention to one thing at the expense of another

gùkè 顾客 N customer, client

gùlǜ 顾虑 V have misgivings, worry

gùwèn 顾问 N advisor, consultant

gù 固 I ADJ secure, solid II V secure, consolidate, strengthen

gùdìng 固定 V fix, make immovable

gùrán 固然 CONJ granted (that), although

gùtǐ 固体 N solid matter, solid

gùyǒu 固有 ADJ inherent, innate

gùzhí 固执 ADJ obstinate, stubborn

guā 瓜 N melon, gourd

guāzǐ 瓜子 N melon seeds

guā 刮 V (of a wind) blow

guǎ 寡 ADJ 1 few, insufficient 2 widowed

guǎfu 寡妇 N widow

guà 挂 TRAD 掛 V hang

guàgōu 挂钩 V hook up, couple together

guàhào 挂号 V register (at a hospital)

guàniàn 挂念 V miss and worry about (a person)

guāi 乖 ADJ (of children) be good, be well-behaved

guǎi 拐 V turn, make a turn

guǎiwān 拐弯 V turn a corner

guài 怪 I ADJ strange, odd, queer II V blame

guàibudé 怪不得 ADV no wonder, so that’s why

guān 关 TRAD 關 V 1 close 2 turn off, switch off 3 V concern, involve

guānbì 关闭 V close down, shut down

guānhuái 关怀 V be kindly concerned about, show loving care to

guānjiàn 关键 N what is crucial or critical

guānjiéyán 关节炎 N arthritis

guānqiè 关切 V be deeply concerned

guāntóu 关头 N juncture, moment

guānxi 关系 I N connection, relation II V affect, have bearing on

guānxīn 关心 V be concerned about, care for

guānyú 关于 PREP about, on

guānzhào 关照 V 1 look after, take care of 2 notify, inform

guān 观 TRAD 觀 I V look at, observe II N view, outlook

guāncè 观测 V observe

guānchá 观察 V observe, watch

guāndiǎn 观点 N viewpoint, view

guānguāng 观光 V go sightseeing, visit and observe

guānkàn 观看 V watch (a theatrical performance, sports event)

guānniàn 观念 N concept, sense

guānshǎng 观赏 V view and admire (beautiful flowers, rare animals, etc.)

guānzhòng 观众 N audience (in a theater, on TV, etc.), spectator

guān 官 N (government) official

guānfāng 官方 ADJ official

guānliáo 官僚 N bureaucrat

guānyuán 官员 N official

guān 棺 N coffin

guǎn 管1 V be in charge, take care (of)

guǎnlǐ 管理 V manage, administer

guǎnxiá 管辖 V have jurisdiction over

guǎn 管2 N tube, pipe

guǎndào 管道 N pipeline, conduit

guǎn 馆 TRAD 館 N building (for a specific purpose)

guǎnzi 馆子 N restaurant (colloquial)

guàn 冠 N the best

guànjūn 冠军 N champion, championship

guàn 贯 V pass through

guànchè 贯彻 V implement, carry out

guàn 惯 I ADJ accustomed to II N custom, convention

guànlì 惯例 N usual practice, convention

guànyú 惯于 V be used to, habitually

guàn 灌 V fill (water, air), pour

guàngài 灌溉 V irrigate

guànmù 灌木 N bush

guàn 罐 N tin, jar

guàntou 罐头 N can, tin

guāng 光1 I N light II ADJ smooth, shiny

guāngcǎi 光彩 I N luster, splendor II ADJ honorable

guāngdié 光碟 N compact disk (CD)

guānghuī 光辉 I N brilliance, radiance II ADJ brilliant, splendid

guāngliàng 光亮 ADJ bright, shiny

guānglín 光临 V (a polite expression) be present, come

guāngmíng 光明 ADJ bright, promising

guāngróng 光荣 ADJ glorious, honorable

guāngxiàn 光线 N light, ray

guāng 光2 ADV only, sole

guānggùnr 光棍儿 N unmarried man, bachelor

guǎng 广 TRAD 廣 ADJ extensive, wide

guǎngbō 广播 I V broadcast II N broadcasting

guǎngchǎng 广场 N square

guǎngdà 广大 ADJ vast, extensive

guǎngfàn 广泛 ADJ widespread, wide-ranging, extensive

guǎnggào 广告 N advertisement

guǎngkuò 广阔 ADJ vast, wide

guàng 逛 V stroll, take a random walk

guī 瑰 as in 玫瑰 méigui

guī 规 TRAD 規 N compass, regulation, rule

guīdìng 规定 I V stipulate, prescribe II N regulation

guīfàn 规范 N standard, norm

guīgé 规格 N specifications (of a product), norm

guīhuà 规划 V 1 long-term program 2 draw up a long-term program

guīju 规矩 I N rule, established practice II ADJ well behaved, behave within the norm

guīlǜ 规律 N law, regular pattern

guīmó 规模 N scale

guīzé 规则 N rule, regulation

guīzhāng 规章 N rules, regulations

guī 归 TRAD 歸 V return, go back to

guīhuán 归还 V return, revert

guījié 归结 V sum up, put in a nutshell

guīnà 归纳 V sum up, induce

guī 硅 N silicon

guī 龟 N turtle

guī 闺 N boudoir, a lady’s chamber

guīnǚ 闺女 N 1 girl, maiden 2 daughter

guǐ 鬼 N ghost

guǐhuà 鬼话 N wild and ridiculous talk, nonsense (aimed to deceive)

guǐ 轨 N rail

guǐdào 轨道 N track, orbit

guì 桂 N cassia, bay tree, sweet-scented asmanthus

guìguān 桂冠 N laurel (emblem of victory or success)

guì 柜 TRAD 櫃 N cupboard, cabinet

guìtái 柜台 N counter, bar

guì 贵 TRAD 貴 ADJ 1 expensive, of great value 2 extremely valuable, precious 3 of noble birth, high-ranking

guìbīn 贵宾 N distinguished guest

guìzhòng 贵重 ADJ valuable, precious

guìzú 贵族 N aristocrat, aristocracy

guì 跪 V kneel

gǔn 滚 V roll

gǔndòng 滚动 V roll

gùn 棍 N stick, rod

guō 锅 TRAD 鍋 N pot, pan, wok

guōlú 锅炉 N boiler

guó 国 TRAD 國 N country, nation

guófǎ 国法 N the law of a country

guófáng 国防 N national defense

guóhuì 国会 N (the U.S.) Congress, Parliament

guójí 国籍 N nationality

guójì 国际 ADJ international

guójiā 国家 N country, state

guókù 国库 N national treasury

guómín 国民 N national (of a country)

Guómíndǎng 国民党 N the Kuomintang (KMT, the political party which ruled China before 1949 and is now a major party in Taiwan.)

guóqí 国旗 N national flag

guóqíng 国情 N the conditions of a country

guóqìngjié 国庆节 N National Day (October 1st in the People’s Republic of China)

guówáng 国王 N king, monarch

guówùqīng 国务卿 N (the U.S.) Secretary of State

guówùyuàn 国务院 N (Chinese) State Council, (the U.S.) State Department

Guówùyuàn Zǒnglǐ 国务院总理 N (Chinese) Premier

guóyíng 国营 ADJ state-operated

guóyǒu 国有 ADJ state-owned

guǒ 果 N fruit

guǒduàn 果断 ADJ resolute

guǒjiàng 果酱 N jam

guǒrǎn 果然 ADV sure enough, as expected

guǒshí 果实 N fruit

guǒshù 果树 N fruit tree

guǒyuán 果园 N orchard

guò 过 TRAD 過 V 1 pass, cross 2 spend (time), live (a life), observe (a festival)

guòchéng 过程 N process, course

guòdù 过度 ADJ excessive, over-

guòdù 过渡 N transition

guòfèn 过分 ADJ excessive, going overboard

guòhòu 过后 ADV afterwards, later

guòláosǐ 过劳死 N death from overwork

guòlǜ 过滤 V filter

guòqù 过去 N (something) in the past

guòshī 过失 N fault, error

guòwèn 过问 V take an interest in, concern oneself with

guòyú 过于 ADV too, excessively

guo 过 TRAD 過 PARTICLE (used after a verb or an adjective to emphasize a past experience)

Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary

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