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1.1. Introduction


As we are writing this chapter in early 2020, it is obvious that there exists a gap between the conventional 5G vision (Fettweis 2012; NGMN Alliance 2015; Qualcomm 2016) and the deployed 5G. We do not have coordinated unmanned areal vehicles (UAV) groups humming over our cities like busy worker bees around hives (ARIB et al. 2016). We do not have critical vehicle to everything (V2X) communication with 1 ms end-to-end latency coordinated “emergency trajectory adjustment” (3GPP 2018d) keeping us safe, nor the smart infrastructure that would make traffic lights obsolete (Fettweis 2012). We do not have the cellular virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) (NGMN Alliance 2015) helping us to acquire and select important information about our environment when we explore new places. Let us investigate why is that so. How did we come into this situation, where are we now and what should we do to traverse this rift?

1G was a great step, which created the vision of ubiquitous voice telephony, but we needed 2G to deliver on the expectations created such as, for example, national and international roaming. The 3G standards were a great step towards ubiquitous cellular data, but we needed 4G to fix the problems. Now 5G should be an infliction point in bringing cellular data to new applications. However, do we need to use the 5G system to understand what is really needed, and have to wait for 6G to fix the issues? And are these fixes required to make the Tactile Internet a reality?

As we see 5G unfold, expectations on the economic and societal impact are very high. Many new opportunities for business will emerge with the new communications epoch. Besides Gb/s data rates, the Tactile Internet is the most highlighted promise of 5G, enabling remote control applications over cellular data. We will review opportunities and their technical requirements. This helps us to build an understanding, to detect missing pieces. It is of particular interest to see the broad set of chances in semiconductors unfolding before us, making the pathway to 6G maybe the next wild and open opportunity for entrepreneurship and change in company economics.

As of the first half of the 2010s, different sectors of the industry, research and, later, politicians, as well as regulatory bodies, overwhelmingly adopted and unanimously agreed that 5G was needed. The basic driver for creating the Tactile Internet vision for 5G was published in early 2014 (Fettweis 2014) and later acknowledged in (ARIB et al. 2016; 3GPP 2018d). The overall consensus on the need for 5G resulted in the typical standardization iterations of the 5G standard in 3GPP (2017, 2018c), landing firmly on the 5G stand-alone (3GPP 2019e, c, d). The main innovation, next to higher data rates, is the introduction of ultra-reliable low latency communications (URLLC) around the idea of the Tactile Internet, which again addresses a new domain not served by cellular data so far. As we slowly start understanding the true requirements and impact of URLLC, it turns out that 5G will not fully deliver a solution as required.

Given that 3GPP 5G NR specifications (3GPP 2019c, d) regarding handsets for frequency range 1 (FR1) (0.45 GHz − 6 GHz) and frequency range 2 (FR2) (24.25 GHz − 52.6 GHz) operating ranges exist, the MPSoCs, which can be scaled in data rate as well as latency, are still to be designed.

For the contemporary reader, this chapter offers an incremental contribution to the fulfillment of that vision, spanning the gap between 5G and 6G. For the future reader, this chapter offers a methodology of translating workloads via a specific algorithm to HW.

Section 1.2 shows the trends and analyzes the workloads defined by the standards. In addition, it gives lower and upper requirements to be considered when implementing a communications modem. In section 1.3, we give the reader a background on the 6G candidate waveform modulation generalised frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), develop a GFDM-associated dataflow processing graph and pseudo-code. Section 1.4 covers precision requirements, in which we explore required bit-lengths to represent data and satisfy 3GPP LTE/NR error requirements. Section 1.5 presents the implementation, GFDM vectorization variants, loop order variants and many properties that arise from loop and vectorization arrangements, such as the possibility of minimizing cycle counts for maximum throughput or minimizing the number of memory accesses for low-power operation.

Multi-Processor System-on-Chip 2

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