Читать книгу Group Coaching and Mentoring - Linda Algozzini - Страница 25

Possible Benefits for Employees


Employees would reap the following potential benefits:

Networking- They would begin to work together as a group rather than individually. They could share their processes, help one another, and encourage each other.

Motivation- Working as a cohesive group, employees would begin to feel as though they are part of a larger group. By working in smaller teams where they were accountable and supportive to one another, they would be more motivated to adapt.

Accessibility to peers and resources- As previously mentioned, this change process would allow employees to connect, share, discuss, and challenge one another to improve and reflect. They would be able to share resources easily and have a small team to reach out to with questions.

Improving teaching excellence- Through the working with their peers, the sharing of ideas and resources, and the continual discussions, employees would improve inside the classroom with their teaching practices. By adding in a layer of consistent reflection and discussion, employees would see improvements in their practices.

Strengthening communication- Before, communication had always been in the form of mostly email coming from management. This change process could allow for communication among employees as well as a channel for communication from management to be delivered to employees.

Sharing responsibilities- Management would be able to share ideas and tasks with the groups of employees, who could then tackle them together as a team. This would give employees more voice in the resources and tasks that they are a part of on a daily basis.

Receiving and sharing feedback- Employees would have an opportunity and a space to receive feedback from their peers. They would also have an opportunity to provide that feedback to their peers. This would occur through planned activities as well as through informal discussions.

Developing “skills and wills”- By having reciprocal dialog with their peers about their tasks, responsibilities, and challenges, employees could help one another further develop their skills in the profession and encourage their willingness to grow.

Reducing isolation- Through the development of their teams, employees would have a small group of peers who they could reach out to with questions, comments, and needs that arise. This could develop a sense of community and bring employees who are geographically located around the globe together.

Group Coaching and Mentoring

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