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Chapter 3: Considering the Challenges of Change


Change is uncomfortable; however, leaders who know an organization’s success can depend on change as a prime opportunity to bridge gaps in performance. When challenged, people often avoid circumstances that change the status quo (Tamilarasu, 2012). Working through discomfort is the important and essential activity required to making the shift needed to reach a desired state. That resistance may continue until participants discover the benefits that will arise as a result of the change (Tamilarasu, 2012; Ionescu & Bolcas, 2015). The manager had her list of benefits ready; however, she was well aware that the change that was required for those benefits to be reality was not simple and may not be initially well-received. Resistance to change can be the starting point of the real work. It is human nature to resist change and cling to what is safe and familiar even when it is no longer working. This characteristic seems ingrained in most individuals, including employed adults. Resistance to change surfaces from a desire for stability and minimal risk, rather than embracing the ebb and flow of life (Tamilarasu, 2012).

Group Coaching and Mentoring

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