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About the Author


Lindsay Tighe is a successful coach, trainer, mentor, public speaker and a published author. Growing up in the UK, she was inspired to travel by her uncle who lived and worked overseas, resulting in her settling in Australia in 1996.

Lindsay’s first career in financial services spanned 22 years, during which time she developed a real passion for working with, motivating and developing people. In 2002, Lindsay was awarded an MBA; she considers herself a life-long learner, maintaining a philosophy that the results you get in life start with you.

It was around this time that Lindsay decided that she wanted to spread her wings and make a bigger contribution in the world, so she gave up the corporate life to start her own business – which, she says, was one of the best decisions she ever made. Work for Lindsay is a real joy and a pleasure, and she feels extremely fortunate and privileged to work with so many amazing people.

Lindsay attributes her success to listening to her intuition and following her inner guidance, something she has done from a very young age. When, at age 17, she met her husband-to-be, Michael, she had no hesitation in marrying him at age 18, trusting that he was absolutely the man of her dreams. Thirty years later she is still extremely happily married and describes Michael as the ‘love of her life’. They love to spend as much time together as they can, and adore their two cocker spaniel dogs, Wilson and Becky.

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