Читать книгу Direct Mail in the Digital Age - Lin Grensing-Pophal - Страница 12

2. Digital versus Traditional Direct Mail


There is much more that is the same than is different between traditional direct mail marketing and digital email marketing. In fact, the primary difference is the distribution method — mail delivered to a traditional mailbox versus mail delivered online in electronic format. The basics still apply. You need to do the following:

1. Identify your overall goals and objectives.

2. Identify your target audience.

3. Identify your strategies and tactics (i.e., traditional or electronic direct mail or a combination of both) that will be most effective for you based on your goals, objectives, and target audience.

4. Create the offer.

5. Select, locate, and rent or purchase lists.[*]

6. Develop key messages or copy points.

7. Choose format options.**

8. Design materials.***

9. Distribute your promotion — either through the postal system or online.****

10. Evaluate the results.

As we explore each of these traditional steps in the chapters ahead, we’ll identify any issues that may be different between traditional and electronic direct mail marketing.

Direct Mail in the Digital Age

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