Читать книгу The Bag Making Bible - Lisa Lam - Страница 4



Before I dig into the amazing details and inspirations behind Lisa’s book I need to tell you a little bit about my dear friend Lisa. We met through email introductions when I learned that she was carrying my patterns and fabrics on her beautiful U-Handbag site. I fell in love with her blog and creative voice immediately and felt extremely honored to have such a passionate and talented partner. I sent her a speedy note with best wishes and received an overwhelmingly warm note in return. We quickly connected and found tons of things in common in both our working creative worlds and personal life. You know what it feels like when you’ve met a kindred spirit, an old soul who clearly is blessed with multiple gifts and incredible warmth? Well that’s Lisa. I remember when I asked if she lived anywhere close to London and if we could meet in person. I had an upcoming book signing at Liberty’s and she said ‘sure, absolutely, no problem…‘when in fact she had to travel fairly far and ended up spending the entire afternoon with me when she had oodles of bag orders waiting for her attention. That’s just the kind of gal she is.

You get 150% of Lisa all the time. She’s super smart and super talented and the best part is she makes herself available to everyone with her care, thoughtfulness wit and charm. She’s pretty darn funny too, sly and always effervescent. Now she’d be the first person to scoff at my compliments, because she’s very down to earth, but in this situation, I have the upper hand so she’s just going to have to take all the praise! You need to understand these things about Lisa because that’s how special this book is. True to form, Lisa gives so much of herself, her knowledge, experience, patience and limitless ideas for bag making… truly a bible indeed. She leaves nothing to chance because of her passion for empowering other sewists. She wants everyone to succeed and be inspired.

My favorite thing about this book is it is a storehouse of information that gives you all the tools to be completely creative and successful with your own bag inventions. Lisa sets up the chapters focusing on specific techniques with excellent behind the scenes information that give you the low down on tools and materials and follows that with great support visuals with her clear step by step how to photos. You’ll find that Lisa’s instructions are clear and visually very very easy to follow. The chapters conclude with inspiring images of stylish projects that apply the techniques first hand. So you get an amazing sewing education coupled with beautiful bags that of course, you can customize!

We’re all so fortunate to get to know Lisa through her blog, web site and now her first book, which by all standards is one of the most comprehensive sewing books I’ve ever read. This will be one of your favorite go to books for ideas, inspiration and incredible how to reference. Lisa has given us all the tools to have a great sewing experience that will grow and grow. She’s a special one!

I’m a very lucky gal to know her and am so happy to be able to tell you a little bit about Lisa and her wonderful bag making book!

Happy Happy Sewing!

Amy Butler


Below Lisa’s beautiful Great Getaway Bag made up in home decor weight fabric from my Love collection. The fantastic design of the bag creates endless possibilities for use in your everyday life!

The Bag Making Bible

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