Читать книгу The Little Book of Calorie Burning - Литагент HarperCollins USD, Ю. Д. Земенков, Koostaja: Ajakiri New Scientist - Страница 16



Always stretch your muscles before doing a session of aerobic or anaerobic exercise or you risk straining or even tearing muscle fibre and this can take a while to heal. You’ll find some good books on stretching in bookshops, or ask a trainer to advise. You could also try hinting to your partner about the benefits of after-sport massage, but you might feel morally obliged to return the favour. (Feigning sleep generally only works the first time.)

Push-ups, sit-ups and squats are all examples of anaerobic exercises that you can do at home, in which your own body weight provides the resistance. The more you weigh, the harder they are because the more you have to lift. Try some yourself tonight while watching ‘The Simpsons’ on TV. Can Homer do 10 push-ups? We doubt it.

The Little Book of Calorie Burning

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