Читать книгу The Colors Of A Optimistic World - Logan J. Davisson - Страница 30

Minimalism in thought


Minimalism is about consciously and attentively observing one's own thoughts. This succeeds wonderfully with regular meditation, yoga, playing the piano, dancing and similar activities. During these activities you are in the here and now and also concentrate on it. Especially in meditation and yoga you have the opportunity to become an observer of your thoughts and thereby change them. You will soon find that the negative thoughts you have lead to negative feelings. Even if many of our thoughts are formed unconsciously and subconsciously, we can recognize certain patterns through regular observation and, for example, work with affirmations to change these unconscious patterns. Minimalism is all about getting rid of inefficient, unnecessary and excessively negative thoughts that block you and inhibit your personal growth, and replacing them with positive, friendly and loving thoughts. Regular practice is of elementary importance! Of course, you should be aware of where your journey is going: Which areas would you like to optimize and where would you like to experience more luck? This determines the focus of your future minimalist lifestyle.

The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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