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Meat, Poultry and Game


Do not worry about eating meat – it is good for you because your body is genetically made to metabolise it. Your digestive system normally has the necessary acids in the stomach and enzymes in the intestines to digest animal protein and fat. However, if you are not accustomed to eating animal protein you may need to gradually introduce meat in small quantities and take digestive enzymes for a while.

Eating meat for you is essential as it will balance your blood sugar levels and help to counteract cravings for carbohydrates. Having good steady energy levels and not making fat from sugar depends on your consumption of animal protein. Maintaining and building good healthy muscle mass also depends on eating animal protein, and this will contribute to your being lean. Choose quality organic meat as often as possible. Red meat is your best protein choice. Avoid pork. A recommendation to eat meat does not mean, however, that you can eat huge amounts of it – have no more 3½–6oz/100–180g of meat or poultry six to eight times a week.


Blood Type O

Age 27

I became ill towards the end of 2000. The symptoms were very diffuse (muscle ache, skin rashes), but pointed towards some kind of auto-immune disease. My disease was never properly diagnosed and in the end the doctors bade me farewell without giving me any treatment. At this point I decided to turn to alternative medicine. I should add that for one year prior to my becoming ill, I had been following a vegan diet.

I consulted with Karen, and on her advice I have been eating according to my blood type (O) and taking a variety of supplements for about six months. The effect on my condition has been dramatic. I feel fitter and my energy level has risen. I have experienced an improvement in my sleep patterns and in my daily exercise routine (jogging). The most salient effect has been as a result of giving up wheat flour – I feel a great deal lighter and seem to be digesting other flours (eg. rye and spelt) a lot better. To cut a long story short, I feel light as a feather and healthy.

The Blood Type Diet Cookbook

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