Читать книгу First-Time Parent: The honest guide to coping brilliantly and staying sane in your baby’s first year - Lucy Atkins - Страница 15
ОглавлениеAbout six 250-280 ml bottles, with ‘slow flow’ newborn teats to start with. There are all sorts of bottles on the market, but both Avent and Boots own brand are perfectly good ones to start with.
A way to sterilise them (see here)
A baby-bottle brush for washing them up
A supply of powdered baby formula. Most infant formula milks are based on modified cow’s milk. If you think your baby may be allergic to cow’s milk, talk to your GP–don’t buy over-the-counter alternatives like soya or goat’s milk as they may make your baby ill. sma is a well-known brand of formula, and Hipp Organics does a popular (if pricey) organic formula available in many supermarkets (and Boots).
Cartons of formula for feeding on the go