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Essential equipment


Aside from clothes, there are a few other essentials that you should try to buy before the baby arrives:

 At least four packs of newborn nappies (if you are using disposables). Take a pack to the hospital. You’ll change a newborn’s nappy about sixty times a week at the start.

 Three large rolls of cotton wool for wiping bottoms and washing generally

 A pack of (unperfumed) baby wipes for outings–it’s hard to do the cotton-wool-and-water bottom-wiping thing in, say, a park

 A car seat suitable from birth (see here)

 A buggy (see here)

 A crib or Moses basket with a mattress that’s British Safety Standard certified. Most babies don’t go in a bigger cot until they’re three to five months old.

 Three or four cot sheets and a Grobag baby sleeping bag appropriate for the season and your baby’s size, or three to four cellular blankets. Never use duvets or quilts with babies under one because they can overheat. Most experienced parents will tell you that buying a Grobag was the best thing they ever did. It stops your baby kicking off the covers and waking (you!) up because he’s cold.

 About ten muslin squares (get them in packs from Mothercare or Boots) for wiping up baby sick, protecting your clothes from dribble, lying the baby on in a park or making an impromptu sun hat–or, indeed, an ‘I surrender’ flag.

Strap your baby on to your chest in a sling (left)–it’s liberating for you (two free hands!) and deeply comforting for him.

First-Time Parent: The honest guide to coping brilliantly and staying sane in your baby’s first year

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